Shield of Halaia
Khinasi » Docandragh » Shield of Halaia
The Shield of Halaļa is a thoroughly Khinasi temple, and does not look to others to show them the way of Halaļa. The Shield regards Halaļa in a narrow sense as the patron of soldiers, nobles, and the warrior code, as a member of a Khinasi pantheon lead by Avani, and take broader values from the sun goddess. The Shield seeks to defend her holdings and to serve and protect the realms in which they have holdings.
= Regent =
[top]Teaching and Doctrine
The Shield of Halaļa is devoted primarily to Halaļa as the Lord of Noble War. Halaļa is revered as a paragon of kingship, courage, chivalry, and the command of armies. The temple teaches that its followers that Avani established an orderly society for the good of all her people. It is the duty of Halaļa's followers to defend this order.
Unlike the Dragonsea Temple of Haelyn, the Shield regards Halaļa as more of an Emir then a Sultan. He is the supreme war leader, to be sure, but in peacetime, real authority rests with his scholarly advisers, Imams, and learned court officials. In the view of the Shield, Halaļa may be king of the gods, but the true leader of affairs is his Vizier, or chief minister, Avani, the learned scholar. In this regard, Avani sets the broad set of values and Halaļa's followers duty is to be ready to fight during wartime to protect these values. Avani selects the enemies and friends, and always stands by Halaļa as adviser, sometimes directly telling him what to do, sometimes offering useful advise in his role was military commander. The holy texts affirm Halaļa's kingship, but do not emphasize it or give it importance. A Khinasi ruler might be a scholar, wizard, or imam and Halaļa's role is carried out by the commanders of the army, and no more.
Avani is the author of law, and while other temples of Haelyn put great stock in the Book of Laws and other such texts, the Shield rejects this and looks to the Ariyan Temple of Avani and the Great Temple of Avani for answers to ultimate questions, and pray to Halaļa for the courage and honor to carry out their duty.
[top]Major Centers of Worship
A sister sect, the Sword of Halaļa, is lead by Corazon Vladimirovich among the Khinasi people of Yeninskiy.
[top]Important Figures
- Tihara min Buseri, Supreme Hierarch of the Shield of Halaļa
- Malik el-Djafara, Emir of Djafra. Malik is a follower of the Shield in a land where the official religion is the Fiery Dawn of Avani. Malik believes that the Shield and the Fiery Dawn are natural allies, sharing many values and having several common enemies. He wishes Tihara min Buseri took a more active role in opposing the Nuridan Temple of Sarma.
[top]Domain Holding Table
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