Realm spell descriptions
Main Page » BRCS:Chapter seven/Realm magic » Realm spell descriptions
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- 1Alchemy
- 2Battle Armor
- 3Battle Arms
- 4Battle Bless
- 5Battle Fury
- 6Battle Seeming
- 7Bless Land
- 8Blight Land
- 9Bloodline Destruction
- 10Bloodline Ward
- 11Bloodline Investiture
- 12Cure Unit
- 13Death Plague
- 14Demagogue
- 15Dispel Realm Magic
- 16Disrupt Mebhaighl
- 17Honest Dealings
- 18Imbue with Blood Ability
- 19Interdiction
- 20Legion of Dead
- 21Ley Line Mask
- 22Ley Line Sunder
- 23Ley Line Trace
- 24Ley Line Ward
- 25Mass Destruction
- 26Protection from Realm Magic
- 27Raze
- 28Regent Sight
- 29Shadow Block
- 30Scry Province
- 31Stronghold
- 32Subversion
- 33Summon Monstrous Unit
- 34Summon Nature's Army
- 35Transport
- 36Warding
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You can invoke a small-scale, permanent transmutation effect to turn lead into gold. Casting this spell transforms enough lead to create 1 GB worth of gold. For every additional 4 RP spent during the casting of this spell, an additional 1 GB worth of gold is transformed.
Special: The number of GBs worth of gold produced by this spell cannot exceed the level of the source used to empower the ritual. Thus, a wizard casting this spell with a source (3) and spending 12 RP can produce no more than 3 GB worth of gold per casting (for a net profit of 2 GBs as the spell costs 1 GB in components).
Regency Cost: 4 RP / 1 GB created.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components and base materials.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You can invoke a small-scale, permanent transmutation effect to turn lead into gold. Casting this spell transforms enough lead to create 1 GB worth of gold. For every additional 4 RP spent during the casting of this spell, an additional 1 GB worth of gold is transformed.
Special: The number of GBs worth of gold produced by this spell cannot exceed the level of the source used to empower the ritual. Thus, a wizard casting this spell with a source (3) and spending 12 RP can produce no more than 3 GB worth of gold per casting (for a net profit of 2 GBs as the spell costs 1 GB in components).
Regency Cost: 4 RP / 1 GB created.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components and base materials.
[top]Battle Armor
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Target: 1 unit
Duration: 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4)
The unit upon which the spell is cast is magically protected from harm. The unit receives a +4 bonus to its defense and morale ratings.
Regency Cost: 4 RP.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Target: 1 unit
Duration: 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4)
The unit upon which the spell is cast is magically protected from harm. The unit receives a +4 bonus to its defense and morale ratings.
Regency Cost: 4 RP.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Battle Arms
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 3 months (D)
Saving Throw: Unit [harmless]
Spell Resistance: Yes [harmless]
Special Requirements: Source (2)
This spell adds a +2 bonus to the offensive ratings of the affected units.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 3 months (D)
Saving Throw: Unit [harmless]
Spell Resistance: Yes [harmless]
Special Requirements: Source (2)
This spell adds a +2 bonus to the offensive ratings of the affected units.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Battle Bless
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Clr 1
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 2 weeks + 1 week/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (3)
Your blessing fills an army's soldiers with courage. Each affected unit gains a +1 to all its offensive ratings for the duration of the spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr 1
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 2 weeks + 1 week/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (3)
Your blessing fills an army's soldiers with courage. Each affected unit gains a +1 to all its offensive ratings for the duration of the spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Battle Fury
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr/Drd 2
Target: 1 units/level
Duration: 12 weeks
Saving Throw: Unit negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (2)
Whenever engaged in mass combat, the soldiers of the affected units become enraged and fight passionately with little regard for personal safety. Affected units gain a +2 bonus to their melee ratings. The units also gain a +1 to their movement rating and an additional hit. The unit becomes fearless and never fails rout checks. Due to the soldiers' lack of regard for their personal safety, the units receive a -2 penalty to their defense rating. The enraged units must engage opposing units whenever possible. They may only use missile attacks if they are unable to engage an enemy unit in melee.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per unit.
Material Components: 1 GB per unit worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 2
Target: 1 units/level
Duration: 12 weeks
Saving Throw: Unit negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (2)
Whenever engaged in mass combat, the soldiers of the affected units become enraged and fight passionately with little regard for personal safety. Affected units gain a +2 bonus to their melee ratings. The units also gain a +1 to their movement rating and an additional hit. The unit becomes fearless and never fails rout checks. Due to the soldiers' lack of regard for their personal safety, the units receive a -2 penalty to their defense rating. The enraged units must engage opposing units whenever possible. They may only use missile attacks if they are unable to engage an enemy unit in melee.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per unit.
Material Components: 1 GB per unit worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Battle Seeming
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Source (4)
The appearance of an entire army is changed as if through the use of the change self spell. The troops resume their normal appearance if slain. Thus, a unit's true nature is revealed if it receives a hit on the battlefield.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Target: 1 unit/level
Duration: 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Source (4)
The appearance of an entire army is changed as if through the use of the change self spell. The troops resume their normal appearance if slain. Thus, a unit's true nature is revealed if it receives a hit on the battlefield.
Regency Cost: 1 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Bless Land
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province/2 levels
Duration: One season (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
You can invoke a province-wide blessing. The increase in prosperity brought by this blessing temporarily increases the province level by one for the purposes of determining taxation and holding income collection. Furthermore, all temple holdings belong to you are increased by one level for the purposes of determining holding income collection. For example, a temple (4) in a province (5) would collects regency and gold as if it were a temple (5) in a province (6).
Bless land lasts for one season. Regardless of the month in which it is cast, the spell effect counts during only the first collection period occurring after the spell is cast - if the spell duration crosses a domain turn boundary, the regent effectively gets early credit for the remainder of their increased prosperity. If this spell is countered, affected regents earn 1/3 of the total additional income that they would have received for each month in which the spell was active.
Bless land counters and is countered by blight land.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell for each province affected by the spell is equal to difference of the target province level's and the caster's temple holdings in that province. A priest that controls a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3 RP to bless both provinces. Each province has a minimum cost of 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of incense, oils, sacrifices, and other expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province/2 levels
Duration: One season (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
You can invoke a province-wide blessing. The increase in prosperity brought by this blessing temporarily increases the province level by one for the purposes of determining taxation and holding income collection. Furthermore, all temple holdings belong to you are increased by one level for the purposes of determining holding income collection. For example, a temple (4) in a province (5) would collects regency and gold as if it were a temple (5) in a province (6).
Bless land lasts for one season. Regardless of the month in which it is cast, the spell effect counts during only the first collection period occurring after the spell is cast - if the spell duration crosses a domain turn boundary, the regent effectively gets early credit for the remainder of their increased prosperity. If this spell is countered, affected regents earn 1/3 of the total additional income that they would have received for each month in which the spell was active.
Bless land counters and is countered by blight land.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell for each province affected by the spell is equal to difference of the target province level's and the caster's temple holdings in that province. A priest that controls a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3 RP to bless both provinces. Each province has a minimum cost of 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of incense, oils, sacrifices, and other expendable ritual components.
[top]Blight Land
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province/2 levels
Duration: One season (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
You curse the target province(s) and all of the holdings in it. Blight land temporarily decreases the province level and all holding levels within the province by one for the purposes of determining taxation and holding income collection. Your temple holding level is unaffected by the curse. If your temple represents the state religion in a province, the province loses one loyalty grade.
Blight land lasts for one season. Regardless of which month in which it is cast, the spell effect counts during only the first collection period occurring after the spell is cast - if the spell duration crosses a domain turn boundary, the regent effectively gets early credit for the remainder of their decreased prosperity. If this spell is countered, affected regents lose only 1/3 of the total additional total loss that they would have suffered for each month in which the spell was active.
Blight Land counters and is countered by bless land.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell for each province affected by the spell is equal to difference of the target province level's and the caster's temple holdings in that province. A priest that controls a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3 RP to bless both provinces. Each province has a minimum cost of 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of incense, oils, sacrifices, and other expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province/2 levels
Duration: One season (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
You curse the target province(s) and all of the holdings in it. Blight land temporarily decreases the province level and all holding levels within the province by one for the purposes of determining taxation and holding income collection. Your temple holding level is unaffected by the curse. If your temple represents the state religion in a province, the province loses one loyalty grade.
Blight land lasts for one season. Regardless of which month in which it is cast, the spell effect counts during only the first collection period occurring after the spell is cast - if the spell duration crosses a domain turn boundary, the regent effectively gets early credit for the remainder of their decreased prosperity. If this spell is countered, affected regents lose only 1/3 of the total additional total loss that they would have suffered for each month in which the spell was active.
Blight Land counters and is countered by bless land.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell for each province affected by the spell is equal to difference of the target province level's and the caster's temple holdings in that province. A priest that controls a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3 RP to bless both provinces. Each province has a minimum cost of 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of incense, oils, sacrifices, and other expendable ritual components.
[top]Bloodline Destruction
Level: Clr/Drd 6
Target: 1 scion
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the caster to permanently sunder the connection between a scion and his bloodline. The subject must be present (usually as a prisoner) during the entire period of the realm spell casting. At the completion of the ritual, the subject of the spell must make a Fortitude save (DC 19). If this spell succeeds, the scion's bloodline and all blood powers vanish permanently. The character loses the scion template, the ability to cast true magic without elven blood, and all other scion advantages/disadvantages. This spell cannot be reversed, but the character is eligible to claim a new bloodline in the same manner as any other unblooded character.
Regency Cost: RP equal to the targeted bloodline score.
Material Components: 10 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 6
Target: 1 scion
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the caster to permanently sunder the connection between a scion and his bloodline. The subject must be present (usually as a prisoner) during the entire period of the realm spell casting. At the completion of the ritual, the subject of the spell must make a Fortitude save (DC 19). If this spell succeeds, the scion's bloodline and all blood powers vanish permanently. The character loses the scion template, the ability to cast true magic without elven blood, and all other scion advantages/disadvantages. This spell cannot be reversed, but the character is eligible to claim a new bloodline in the same manner as any other unblooded character.
Regency Cost: RP equal to the targeted bloodline score.
Material Components: 10 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Bloodline Ward
Level: Clr/Drd 4
Target: 1 scion
Duration: 1 week/level
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the caster to forge a connection between the spiritual essence of a willing scion's bloodline and a focus. Due to the protective nature of the magic that creates this channel, attempts to drain or suppress the character's bloodline score are impossible. Any successful attempt to transfer or destroy a character's bloodline causes the divine essence of the bloodline to retreat into the focus (regardless of distance) instead.
This spell can only be cast on a willing scion that is present and touching the object during the final ceremony of the spell. Once the spell is in place, a priest regent can recast this spell to extend the spell's duration. In this case, it is sufficient for either the focus or the regent to be present during the final ceremony.
Bloodtheft is nearly impossible while this spell is in effect. Instead, the dying scion's bloodline is immediately transferred to the focus (regardless of distance). Only bloodtheft with a tighmaevril weapon can successfully penetrate this spell's protection. Bloodline ward also prevents a dying scion's essence from passing to his invested heir - the bloodline instead retreats to the focus.
If the scion's essence should be transferred into the focus, he loses all benefits of their bloodline including blood abilities, bonus hit points due to the scion template, and the ability to perform true magic without elven blood. If the scion survives, he can reclaim their bloodline by taking possession of the focus (ending the spell immediately). Furthermore, a rightfully invested heir can claim the scion's bloodline through the focus through a normal investiture as if the regent was alive, present, and willing to pass his bloodline in full to his heir.
If the focus contains a divine essence and is destroyed (or if the spell ends), the contained bloodline erupts from the focus in a burst of power identical to that released by a slain scion.
Focus: The physical object that serves as the focus for this spell is a gem of no less than 1,000gp value. This gem must be of a type sympathetic to the nature of the target's bloodline derivation: the bloodline of Anduiras manifests in red rubies; Azrai's power pulses within black sapphires; Basaïa's energy lies in bright yellow topaz; Brenna's bloodline is embedded in deep orange jacinths; Masela's bloodline sympathizes with blue sapphires; Reynir's essence can be channeled through green emeralds; and Vorynn's power lies in diamonds. This gem is often set in a ring, pendant, sword, or other object.
Regency Cost: 4 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 4
Target: 1 scion
Duration: 1 week/level
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the caster to forge a connection between the spiritual essence of a willing scion's bloodline and a focus. Due to the protective nature of the magic that creates this channel, attempts to drain or suppress the character's bloodline score are impossible. Any successful attempt to transfer or destroy a character's bloodline causes the divine essence of the bloodline to retreat into the focus (regardless of distance) instead.
This spell can only be cast on a willing scion that is present and touching the object during the final ceremony of the spell. Once the spell is in place, a priest regent can recast this spell to extend the spell's duration. In this case, it is sufficient for either the focus or the regent to be present during the final ceremony.
Bloodtheft is nearly impossible while this spell is in effect. Instead, the dying scion's bloodline is immediately transferred to the focus (regardless of distance). Only bloodtheft with a tighmaevril weapon can successfully penetrate this spell's protection. Bloodline ward also prevents a dying scion's essence from passing to his invested heir - the bloodline instead retreats to the focus.
If the scion's essence should be transferred into the focus, he loses all benefits of their bloodline including blood abilities, bonus hit points due to the scion template, and the ability to perform true magic without elven blood. If the scion survives, he can reclaim their bloodline by taking possession of the focus (ending the spell immediately). Furthermore, a rightfully invested heir can claim the scion's bloodline through the focus through a normal investiture as if the regent was alive, present, and willing to pass his bloodline in full to his heir.
If the focus contains a divine essence and is destroyed (or if the spell ends), the contained bloodline erupts from the focus in a burst of power identical to that released by a slain scion.
Focus: The physical object that serves as the focus for this spell is a gem of no less than 1,000gp value. This gem must be of a type sympathetic to the nature of the target's bloodline derivation: the bloodline of Anduiras manifests in red rubies; Azrai's power pulses within black sapphires; Basaïa's energy lies in bright yellow topaz; Brenna's bloodline is embedded in deep orange jacinths; Masela's bloodline sympathizes with blue sapphires; Reynir's essence can be channeled through green emeralds; and Vorynn's power lies in diamonds. This gem is often set in a ring, pendant, sword, or other object.
Regency Cost: 4 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Bloodline Investiture
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: Two willing regents touched
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the priest to transfer the bloodline of a willing regent to another character. A bloodline investiture transfers the donating scion's entire bloodline, including strength, derivation, and score, to the designated recipient. The donating scion's regency reserve is not transferred to the recipient. This change is permanent and cannot be reversed unwillingly.
Bloodline investiture is often used to elevate a ruler's heir to the same blood strength that the ruler himself enjoys. However, both characters must be present and willing for the ceremony to be effective.
If the target character is already a scion, then the bloodlines are combined in exactly the same manner as if the character with the stronger bloodline had performed bloodtheft on the character with the weaker bloodline.
A priest regent may cast this realm spell on two regents without completing its final stages. The uncompleted investiture can be completed at any time and only requires a single action to complete. The priest and both targets must be present and willing to finalize the ceremony. Incomplete investitures are a commonly undertaken as part of a Ceremony of Designation or before major battles/threats as they allow the priest to finalize the investiture on the battlefield should the regent take a mortal wound.
Regency Cost: None
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: Two willing regents touched
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1)
This spell allows the priest to transfer the bloodline of a willing regent to another character. A bloodline investiture transfers the donating scion's entire bloodline, including strength, derivation, and score, to the designated recipient. The donating scion's regency reserve is not transferred to the recipient. This change is permanent and cannot be reversed unwillingly.
Bloodline investiture is often used to elevate a ruler's heir to the same blood strength that the ruler himself enjoys. However, both characters must be present and willing for the ceremony to be effective.
If the target character is already a scion, then the bloodlines are combined in exactly the same manner as if the character with the stronger bloodline had performed bloodtheft on the character with the weaker bloodline.
A priest regent may cast this realm spell on two regents without completing its final stages. The uncompleted investiture can be completed at any time and only requires a single action to complete. The priest and both targets must be present and willing to finalize the ceremony. Incomplete investitures are a commonly undertaken as part of a Ceremony of Designation or before major battles/threats as they allow the priest to finalize the investiture on the battlefield should the regent take a mortal wound.
Regency Cost: None
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Cure Unit
Level: Clr/Drd 4
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit (half)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (1), ability to turn undead.
You channel a massive amount of divine energy that you release in a single burst. For every three levels of the caster, one battle card unit may be targeted. All targets must in the same province and traveling as a single army or garrisoned in the same location. Normal units affected by this spell heal two hits. Undead units targeted by this spell take two hits. Undead units may make a unit saving throw against a DC 16 to take half-damage.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is complete, the spell's energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. The final rituals that complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may be completed upon the field of battle.
Regency Cost: 5 RP per unit affected.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 4
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit (half)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (1), ability to turn undead.
You channel a massive amount of divine energy that you release in a single burst. For every three levels of the caster, one battle card unit may be targeted. All targets must in the same province and traveling as a single army or garrisoned in the same location. Normal units affected by this spell heal two hits. Undead units targeted by this spell take two hits. Undead units may make a unit saving throw against a DC 16 to take half-damage.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is complete, the spell's energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. The final rituals that complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may be completed upon the field of battle.
Regency Cost: 5 RP per unit affected.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Death Plague
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: up to 1 province/2 levels
Duration: Instantaneous, one province per month (see text) (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You create a magical pestilence of epidemic proportions. Residents of affected provinces are exposed to Slimy Doom (see the Dungeon Master's Guide: Disease. Any province affected by the death plague suffers massive population loss and loses one province level.
The death plague affects one province in the month in which it is cast. In each following month, the plague moves to an adjacent province as directed by the caster. For every two levels of experience past the minimum caster level (5th level for wizards), you affect an additional adjacent province. For the purposes of resolving timing conflicts, the effects of the death plague are instantaneous. Dispelling a death plague after it has taken its toll in a province will not bring the dead back to life, but it will prevent the plague from spreading further.
Death plague dispels and counters bless land.
Regency Cost: The Regency Cost is equal to the sum of the total levels of all provinces affected. Thus, a 7th level wizard casting the spell starting in a province (4) and spreading to a province (3) must pay 7 RP.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: up to 1 province/2 levels
Duration: Instantaneous, one province per month (see text) (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You create a magical pestilence of epidemic proportions. Residents of affected provinces are exposed to Slimy Doom (see the Dungeon Master's Guide: Disease. Any province affected by the death plague suffers massive population loss and loses one province level.
The death plague affects one province in the month in which it is cast. In each following month, the plague moves to an adjacent province as directed by the caster. For every two levels of experience past the minimum caster level (5th level for wizards), you affect an additional adjacent province. For the purposes of resolving timing conflicts, the effects of the death plague are instantaneous. Dispelling a death plague after it has taken its toll in a province will not bring the dead back to life, but it will prevent the plague from spreading further.
Death plague dispels and counters bless land.
Regency Cost: The Regency Cost is equal to the sum of the total levels of all provinces affected. Thus, a 7th level wizard casting the spell starting in a province (4) and spreading to a province (3) must pay 7 RP.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: up to 1 province/2 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You influence the loyalty of a province. This pervasive, subtle enchantment plays upon the fears and loyalties of the population of a province, permanently influencing the attitudes of its peoples toward its ruler.
For every two levels of experience past the minimum caster level (3rd level for wizards), you affect an additional province adjacent to the initial province.
Regency Cost: The mage must pay 5 RP for each grade of loyalty affected in each province; casting a stable domain into rebellion would be very costly.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: up to 1 province/2 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You influence the loyalty of a province. This pervasive, subtle enchantment plays upon the fears and loyalties of the population of a province, permanently influencing the attitudes of its peoples toward its ruler.
For every two levels of experience past the minimum caster level (3rd level for wizards), you affect an additional province adjacent to the initial province.
Regency Cost: The mage must pay 5 RP for each grade of loyalty affected in each province; casting a stable domain into rebellion would be very costly.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Dispel Realm Magic
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1)
Powerful magical effects require powerful counters. This spell allows a mage regent to counter the effects of any other realm spell in the same manner that a greater dispel magic works against routine spells. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Note: The effect of realm spells with instantaneous duration can't be dispelled, because the magic effect is already over before the dispel realm magic takes effect. Thus, you can't use dispel realm magic to reverse the effects of demagogue any more than you could use dispel magic to reverse the fire damage caused by fireball. As with normal combat, effective use of readied domain actions and careful consideration of initiative order can be of vital importance in realm-level magical confrontation. Dispel realm magic can be cast in one of two ways:
Targeted dispel: One ongoing realm spell is the target of the spell. You must make a realm dispel check against the realm spell. A realm dispel check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level (maximum +20) + RP spent by the caster to support the check. The DC of a realm dispel check is 11 + opposing spell caster's level + the RP cost of the target spell + RP spent by the spell's caster to oppose the check. RP spent to oppose/support the realm spell follow the standard bidding rules for spending RP on domain actions.
For example, the (Second) Swamp Mage, a 10th level wizard, targets dispel realm magic against a one company legion of dead (casting cost 4 RP, 1 GB) summoned by the Sword Mage, a 10th level wizard. Before spending RP, the Swamp Mage's dispel check is 1d20+10 against a DC of 25. The Swamp Mage bids 4 RP to support the check to make the odds of success even. The Sword Mage counters with 5 RP against. The Swamp Mage matches with 5 RP. The Sword Mage, low on regency, decides to stop the bidding. Thus, the final dispel check would be 1d20+19 (10 + 4 + 5) against a DC of (11 + 10 + 4 + 5).
Counterspell: The spell targets an incoming realm spell before it takes effect. If a regent spellcaster readies his domain action (using the hold action), he is allowed to respond to other domain actions. In this case, a regent mage can use dispel realm magic to counter an incoming hostile realm spell before it takes effect. As with dispel magic, this is not a true counterspell. You must make a realm dispel check to counter the other spellcaster's realm spell.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell is determined by the caster during the bidding process (minimum 1 RP). Generally speaking, this spell requires a large amount of regency unless you are significantly more powerful than the caster of the target spell. If the casters are of equal level, for instance, this spell will require RP at least equal to the cost of the spell targeted in order to have a 50% of success (possibly more if the targeted caster bids RP against the dispel).
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1)
Powerful magical effects require powerful counters. This spell allows a mage regent to counter the effects of any other realm spell in the same manner that a greater dispel magic works against routine spells. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Note: The effect of realm spells with instantaneous duration can't be dispelled, because the magic effect is already over before the dispel realm magic takes effect. Thus, you can't use dispel realm magic to reverse the effects of demagogue any more than you could use dispel magic to reverse the fire damage caused by fireball. As with normal combat, effective use of readied domain actions and careful consideration of initiative order can be of vital importance in realm-level magical confrontation. Dispel realm magic can be cast in one of two ways:
Targeted dispel: One ongoing realm spell is the target of the spell. You must make a realm dispel check against the realm spell. A realm dispel check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level (maximum +20) + RP spent by the caster to support the check. The DC of a realm dispel check is 11 + opposing spell caster's level + the RP cost of the target spell + RP spent by the spell's caster to oppose the check. RP spent to oppose/support the realm spell follow the standard bidding rules for spending RP on domain actions.
For example, the (Second) Swamp Mage, a 10th level wizard, targets dispel realm magic against a one company legion of dead (casting cost 4 RP, 1 GB) summoned by the Sword Mage, a 10th level wizard. Before spending RP, the Swamp Mage's dispel check is 1d20+10 against a DC of 25. The Swamp Mage bids 4 RP to support the check to make the odds of success even. The Sword Mage counters with 5 RP against. The Swamp Mage matches with 5 RP. The Sword Mage, low on regency, decides to stop the bidding. Thus, the final dispel check would be 1d20+19 (10 + 4 + 5) against a DC of (11 + 10 + 4 + 5).
Counterspell: The spell targets an incoming realm spell before it takes effect. If a regent spellcaster readies his domain action (using the hold action), he is allowed to respond to other domain actions. In this case, a regent mage can use dispel realm magic to counter an incoming hostile realm spell before it takes effect. As with dispel magic, this is not a true counterspell. You must make a realm dispel check to counter the other spellcaster's realm spell.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell is determined by the caster during the bidding process (minimum 1 RP). Generally speaking, this spell requires a large amount of regency unless you are significantly more powerful than the caster of the target spell. If the casters are of equal level, for instance, this spell will require RP at least equal to the cost of the spell targeted in order to have a 50% of success (possibly more if the targeted caster bids RP against the dispel).
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Disrupt Mebhaighl
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month/4 levels
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (7)
By sending a exceptionally powerful surge of raw mebhaighl into the target province the caster disrupts the regular flow of mebhaighl in the province. While this spell is in effect, no one, not even the caster of this spell, can draw upon the magical energy of the province's sources or use any ley lines passing through the province. A disrupted source is treated as a healthy source for all purposes save casting realm spells.
Regency Cost: 5 RP x target source level.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month/4 levels
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (7)
By sending a exceptionally powerful surge of raw mebhaighl into the target province the caster disrupts the regular flow of mebhaighl in the province. While this spell is in effect, no one, not even the caster of this spell, can draw upon the magical energy of the province's sources or use any ley lines passing through the province. A disrupted source is treated as a healthy source for all purposes save casting realm spells.
Regency Cost: 5 RP x target source level.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Honest Dealings
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 province/2 level
Duration: One season + 1 season/3 level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (3)
You create a realm-wide zone of truth effect that prevents citizens from speaking any lies or engaging in dishonest practices. Agitate and espionage actions cannot succeed and diplomacy actions suffer a -4 penalty. This spell also interferes significantly with the normal rhythm of mercantile business in a realm - customers take no joy trying to "find a good deal", foreign merchants tend to avoid the realm, etc. While this spell is in effect, guild holdings are reduced two levels for collection purposes. Characters are entitled to a Will save (DC 14) each time they attempt to tell a lie or act dishonestly.
Regency Cost: 3 RP per province level.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 province/2 level
Duration: One season + 1 season/3 level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Temple (3)
You create a realm-wide zone of truth effect that prevents citizens from speaking any lies or engaging in dishonest practices. Agitate and espionage actions cannot succeed and diplomacy actions suffer a -4 penalty. This spell also interferes significantly with the normal rhythm of mercantile business in a realm - customers take no joy trying to "find a good deal", foreign merchants tend to avoid the realm, etc. While this spell is in effect, guild holdings are reduced two levels for collection purposes. Characters are entitled to a Will save (DC 14) each time they attempt to tell a lie or act dishonestly.
Regency Cost: 3 RP per province level.
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Imbue with Blood Ability
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 character/level
Duration: 1 week/ level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates [harmless]
Spell Resistance: Yes [harmless]
Special Requirements: Temple (2)
This spell allows a priest to focus divine energy to temporarily strengthen the divine essence of the target. The target of the spell temporarily gains an enhancement of their bloodline strength. Minor scions become major scions, major scions become great scions. All scions receive a bonus to their bloodline score equal to the caster's level/2.
Unblooded characters temporarily gain the minor scion template and a bloodline score of 8 + the caster's level/2. The derivation of this temporary bloodline is appropriate to the religion of the caster's deity. [Anduiras - Haelyn, Cuiraécen; Reynir - Erik, Laerme; Masela - Nesirie, Cuiraécen; Vorynn - Ruornil, Eloéle; Brenna - Sera, Eloéle; Basaïa - Avani, Laerme; Azrai - Kriesha, Belinik.]
The target immediately gains any blood abilities that would normally be associated with their new bloodline strength and score. This enhancement is temporary and ends when the spell's duration expires or at the death of the scion (prior to determining bloodtheft).
Regency Cost: 5 RP/character
Material Components: 1 GB/character worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 character/level
Duration: 1 week/ level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates [harmless]
Spell Resistance: Yes [harmless]
Special Requirements: Temple (2)
This spell allows a priest to focus divine energy to temporarily strengthen the divine essence of the target. The target of the spell temporarily gains an enhancement of their bloodline strength. Minor scions become major scions, major scions become great scions. All scions receive a bonus to their bloodline score equal to the caster's level/2.
Unblooded characters temporarily gain the minor scion template and a bloodline score of 8 + the caster's level/2. The derivation of this temporary bloodline is appropriate to the religion of the caster's deity. [Anduiras - Haelyn, Cuiraécen; Reynir - Erik, Laerme; Masela - Nesirie, Cuiraécen; Vorynn - Ruornil, Eloéle; Brenna - Sera, Eloéle; Basaïa - Avani, Laerme; Azrai - Kriesha, Belinik.]
The target immediately gains any blood abilities that would normally be associated with their new bloodline strength and score. This enhancement is temporary and ends when the spell's duration expires or at the death of the scion (prior to determining bloodtheft).
Regency Cost: 5 RP/character
Material Components: 1 GB/character worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 regent
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (5)
An interdiction is perhaps the most fearsome realm spell of which a priest is capable. Through this realm spell, the priest excommunicates the regent and all of his vassals. Within the interdicted domain, clergy of the interdicting sect are forbidden to perform blessing or ceremonies for the populace, including marriages, last rites, healing, investitures, etc.
In any month the interdiction is in effect, every temple holding belonging to the caster must make a contest action against each of the target regent's holdings in the same province. These contest actions do not count as the caster's normal domain action for the month, but the caster must pay the regency cost to maintain the spell. Thus, this spell should be used with great caution, for it can be very damaging to the caster's regency reserve.
Furthermore, the regent may find it difficult to collect province taxes. The province's level, for the purpose of collecting both regency and gold, is reduced by the level of the caster's temple holdings in each province. This represents portions of the populace loosing confidence in the sovereign rights of the regent due to the church's interdiction.
This spell ends if the subject of the spell ceases to be an enemy of the faith by performing an appropriate atonement or when the target holdings are entirely destroyed. Otherwise, the spell continues contesting the target regent's holdings each month, until the caster withdraws the spell or runs out of resources to continue it. Once an Interdiction declared a temple is expected to continue the spell (casting this realm spell once each season) until the target regent atones or is utterly removed from power. Relenting on an excommunication may cause a loss of face (and thus regency) for the temple regent.
Regency Cost: RP equal to the total level of the target holdings. This cost is incurred each month the interdiction is in effect.
Material Components: 1 GB per target province/holding affected worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Clr/Drd 3
Target: 1 regent
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (5)
An interdiction is perhaps the most fearsome realm spell of which a priest is capable. Through this realm spell, the priest excommunicates the regent and all of his vassals. Within the interdicted domain, clergy of the interdicting sect are forbidden to perform blessing or ceremonies for the populace, including marriages, last rites, healing, investitures, etc.
In any month the interdiction is in effect, every temple holding belonging to the caster must make a contest action against each of the target regent's holdings in the same province. These contest actions do not count as the caster's normal domain action for the month, but the caster must pay the regency cost to maintain the spell. Thus, this spell should be used with great caution, for it can be very damaging to the caster's regency reserve.
Furthermore, the regent may find it difficult to collect province taxes. The province's level, for the purpose of collecting both regency and gold, is reduced by the level of the caster's temple holdings in each province. This represents portions of the populace loosing confidence in the sovereign rights of the regent due to the church's interdiction.
This spell ends if the subject of the spell ceases to be an enemy of the faith by performing an appropriate atonement or when the target holdings are entirely destroyed. Otherwise, the spell continues contesting the target regent's holdings each month, until the caster withdraws the spell or runs out of resources to continue it. Once an Interdiction declared a temple is expected to continue the spell (casting this realm spell once each season) until the target regent atones or is utterly removed from power. Relenting on an excommunication may cause a loss of face (and thus regency) for the temple regent.
Regency Cost: RP equal to the total level of the target holdings. This cost is incurred each month the interdiction is in effect.
Material Components: 1 GB per target province/holding affected worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Legion of Dead
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Clr 3
Target: up to 1 unit of dead plus 1 unit/level above minimum caster level
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3) or Temple (3)
You raise the buried and unburied bones or bodies of the dead of a province into a legion of undead skeletons and zombies that do your bidding. For every level above the minimum caster level (7th for wizards) you may summon an additional unit.
The legion of dead is mindless and entirely under the control of the caster. The caster must travel with the army at all times or the spell will be broken and the army will collapse. Each unit of the legion consists of enough skeletons and zombies to be roughly equivalent to CR 15. A standard legion consisting of medium-sized skeletons or zombies requires approximately 200 corpses. The magical power required to animate small-sized corpses is less per corpse, thus additional corpses are raised - keeping the relative strength of the unit the same regardless of the nature of the corpses. Each unit in a legion of dead has the following battle card statistics: Melee +8, Defense 22, Hits 3, Morale: N, Hits: 3. Undead legions never fail morale checks, and ignore all Fallback and Rout results except those generated with the support of divine battle spells.
Regency Cost: 4 RP/unit summoned.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Clr 3
Target: up to 1 unit of dead plus 1 unit/level above minimum caster level
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3) or Temple (3)
You raise the buried and unburied bones or bodies of the dead of a province into a legion of undead skeletons and zombies that do your bidding. For every level above the minimum caster level (7th for wizards) you may summon an additional unit.
The legion of dead is mindless and entirely under the control of the caster. The caster must travel with the army at all times or the spell will be broken and the army will collapse. Each unit of the legion consists of enough skeletons and zombies to be roughly equivalent to CR 15. A standard legion consisting of medium-sized skeletons or zombies requires approximately 200 corpses. The magical power required to animate small-sized corpses is less per corpse, thus additional corpses are raised - keeping the relative strength of the unit the same regardless of the nature of the corpses. Each unit in a legion of dead has the following battle card statistics: Melee +8, Defense 22, Hits 3, Morale: N, Hits: 3. Undead legions never fail morale checks, and ignore all Fallback and Rout results except those generated with the support of divine battle spells.
Regency Cost: 4 RP/unit summoned.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Ley Line Mask
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 ley line/level
Duration: 12 months (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (2)
This powerful illusion misdirects any attempts to trace, sunder or otherwise interact with your ley lines. The affected ley lines do not need to be in the same province as the caster, but do need to be connected to the source province. This spell must end or be dispelled before your ley lines can be traced, sundered, or otherwise tampered with.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per line.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 ley line/level
Duration: 12 months (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (2)
This powerful illusion misdirects any attempts to trace, sunder or otherwise interact with your ley lines. The affected ley lines do not need to be in the same province as the caster, but do need to be connected to the source province. This spell must end or be dispelled before your ley lines can be traced, sundered, or otherwise tampered with.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per line.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Ley Line Sunder
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: 1 ley line in target province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4)
This realm spells allows you to temporarily disrupt or permanently destroy a ley line that passes through your domain. The target ley line must initiate, terminate, or pass through the targeted province. The caster attempts to disrupt the target ley line by disturbing the mebhaighl in the area through which the target ley line passes, causing an eddy or break that will destroy the line.
You must make a domain action check against the ley line. A check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level + RP spent by the caster to support the check. The DC is 11 + the sum of the two sources which the ley line connects + RP spent by the target to oppose the check. The RP spent to oppose/support the domain action follow the standard bidding rules for spending RP on domain actions or dispel realm magic. If this check fails, the ley line is unaffected by the sundering attempt. If the sunder check succeeds, then the line is disrupted and cannot be used for 3 months. If the check succeeds by 10 or more, the ley line is destroyed (although it can be reforged again with a new forge ley line action).
Regency Cost: RP equal to the sum of the two sources that the ley line connects.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: 1 ley line in target province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4)
This realm spells allows you to temporarily disrupt or permanently destroy a ley line that passes through your domain. The target ley line must initiate, terminate, or pass through the targeted province. The caster attempts to disrupt the target ley line by disturbing the mebhaighl in the area through which the target ley line passes, causing an eddy or break that will destroy the line.
You must make a domain action check against the ley line. A check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level + RP spent by the caster to support the check. The DC is 11 + the sum of the two sources which the ley line connects + RP spent by the target to oppose the check. The RP spent to oppose/support the domain action follow the standard bidding rules for spending RP on domain actions or dispel realm magic. If this check fails, the ley line is unaffected by the sundering attempt. If the sunder check succeeds, then the line is disrupted and cannot be used for 3 months. If the check succeeds by 10 or more, the ley line is destroyed (although it can be reforged again with a new forge ley line action).
Regency Cost: RP equal to the sum of the two sources that the ley line connects.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Ley Line Trace
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
This spell enables a wizard to sense disturbances in the natural flow of mebhaighl such as those created by ley lines. This spell informs the caster of the number of ley lines that initiate in the studied province, terminate in the province, or pass through the province. For lines that simply pass through the province, the caster is aware only of the lines' existence and the direction of the flow. If a line both begins and ends in provinces in which the caster has source holdings or ley line connections, she is also aware of which regent controls the ley line. If the line is in use during the casting of the spell, the caster is aware of that fact as well as the source level to which the ley line is attached.
Regency Cost: 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
This spell enables a wizard to sense disturbances in the natural flow of mebhaighl such as those created by ley lines. This spell informs the caster of the number of ley lines that initiate in the studied province, terminate in the province, or pass through the province. For lines that simply pass through the province, the caster is aware only of the lines' existence and the direction of the flow. If a line both begins and ends in provinces in which the caster has source holdings or ley line connections, she is also aware of which regent controls the ley line. If the line is in use during the casting of the spell, the caster is aware of that fact as well as the source level to which the ley line is attached.
Regency Cost: 1 RP.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Ley Line Ward
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 ley line/level
Duration: 12 months (D)
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You can place arcane traps on your ley lines to discourage others from attempting to sunder or otherwise tamper with your ley network. This spell allows the caster to place a very specific form of contingency on one or more connected ley lines in their ley network. The caster may choose any one spell that they are capable of casting as the trap. The level of the trap spell cannot exceed the level of the maximum source in the ley network. Furthermore, although you can set triggers on up to one ley line per level, there is only one trap per casting. Multiple traps can be associated with a ley line through the multiple uses of this spell. The affected ley lines do not need to be in the same province as the caster, but do need to be connected to the source province.
Anyone attempting to deactivate, sunder, or otherwise tamper with your ley line is immediately subjected to the trap. The trap spell effect is resolved normally, as if you had cast the spell upon the victim. You must pay the normal costs associated with the casting of the trap spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per line.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 ley line/level
Duration: 12 months (D)
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
Special Requirements: Source (3)
You can place arcane traps on your ley lines to discourage others from attempting to sunder or otherwise tamper with your ley network. This spell allows the caster to place a very specific form of contingency on one or more connected ley lines in their ley network. The caster may choose any one spell that they are capable of casting as the trap. The level of the trap spell cannot exceed the level of the maximum source in the ley network. Furthermore, although you can set triggers on up to one ley line per level, there is only one trap per casting. Multiple traps can be associated with a ley line through the multiple uses of this spell. The affected ley lines do not need to be in the same province as the caster, but do need to be connected to the source province.
Anyone attempting to deactivate, sunder, or otherwise tamper with your ley line is immediately subjected to the trap. The trap spell effect is resolved normally, as if you had cast the spell upon the victim. You must pay the normal costs associated with the casting of the trap spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP per line.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Mass Destruction
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit (half)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You summon a single awesome barrage of devastating fire, lightning, ice, force, or acid vapor (caster's choice). For every three levels of the caster, one battle card unit may be targeted. All targets must be in the same province and traveling as a single army or garrisoned in the same location.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is completely, the spell's destructive energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. These final rituals which complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may be completed on the field of battle.
Each unit affected takes two hits. The unit may make a unit saving throw against a DC 13 to take half-damage. Mass destruction usually causes significant coincidental property damage, such as fires, flooding, or other environment damage. This damage is not significant enough to damage a fortification and is generally too minor to cause any permanent damage to any major domain asset.
Regency Cost: 10 RP/unit affected.
Material Components: 5 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit (half)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You summon a single awesome barrage of devastating fire, lightning, ice, force, or acid vapor (caster's choice). For every three levels of the caster, one battle card unit may be targeted. All targets must be in the same province and traveling as a single army or garrisoned in the same location.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is completely, the spell's destructive energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. These final rituals which complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may be completed on the field of battle.
Each unit affected takes two hits. The unit may make a unit saving throw against a DC 13 to take half-damage. Mass destruction usually causes significant coincidental property damage, such as fires, flooding, or other environment damage. This damage is not significant enough to damage a fortification and is generally too minor to cause any permanent damage to any major domain asset.
Regency Cost: 10 RP/unit affected.
Material Components: 5 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Protection from Realm Magic
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1)
This spell suppresses realm magic for a period of time. The caster creates long lasting warding over a province to protect it from future realm spells. All realm spells cast against the province must immediately make a dispel realm magic check against the area dispel. A realm dispel check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level (maximum +20) + RP spent by the caster during the casting of this spell against a DC of 11 + opposing spell caster's level + the Regency Cost of the targeted spell + RP spent by the spell's caster to oppose the check. The caster may spend any amount of RP he wishes during the casting, but he does not get to bid further RP in the dispel magic check as per dispel realm magic. Regardless of the results, the protection remains in effect until its duration expires or until dispelled.
The protection has no effect on any realm spell already in progress. Sustained realm spells that affect mobile units (such as legion of dead or bless army) that move into the area are not also not affected. However, realm spells with repeating instantaneous effects, such as death plague, are affected by the protection. Protection from realm magic does not interfere with routine (non realm) spells.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell is determined by the caster during casting (min 1).
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1)
This spell suppresses realm magic for a period of time. The caster creates long lasting warding over a province to protect it from future realm spells. All realm spells cast against the province must immediately make a dispel realm magic check against the area dispel. A realm dispel check is 1d20 + 1 per caster level (maximum +20) + RP spent by the caster during the casting of this spell against a DC of 11 + opposing spell caster's level + the Regency Cost of the targeted spell + RP spent by the spell's caster to oppose the check. The caster may spend any amount of RP he wishes during the casting, but he does not get to bid further RP in the dispel magic check as per dispel realm magic. Regardless of the results, the protection remains in effect until its duration expires or until dispelled.
The protection has no effect on any realm spell already in progress. Sustained realm spells that affect mobile units (such as legion of dead or bless army) that move into the area are not also not affected. However, realm spells with repeating instantaneous effects, such as death plague, are affected by the protection. Protection from realm magic does not interfere with routine (non realm) spells.
Regency Cost: The regency cost of this spell is determined by the caster during casting (min 1).
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: 1 fortification
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (5)
Castles, fortifications, and other buildings can be reduced to rubble by means of this spectacular realm spell. The caster may attempt to simply reduce a fortification in level, or they may attempt to destroy it outright. Unfortified buildings should be treated as having one level of fortification for the purpose of destruction. Although this spell can also be used to destroy cathedrals, warehouses, and other buildings, such destruction does not do any permanent harm to the political power represented by the holdings that these buildings represent. If a significant non-fortified building of a holding is destroyed, the holding is treated as being temporarily one level lower than normal for one season.
Regency Cost: 10 RP per level of fortification damage.
Material Components: Expendable ritual components worth 2 GB per level of fortification damage.
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: 1 fortification
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (5)
Castles, fortifications, and other buildings can be reduced to rubble by means of this spectacular realm spell. The caster may attempt to simply reduce a fortification in level, or they may attempt to destroy it outright. Unfortified buildings should be treated as having one level of fortification for the purpose of destruction. Although this spell can also be used to destroy cathedrals, warehouses, and other buildings, such destruction does not do any permanent harm to the political power represented by the holdings that these buildings represent. If a significant non-fortified building of a holding is destroyed, the holding is treated as being temporarily one level lower than normal for one season.
Regency Cost: 10 RP per level of fortification damage.
Material Components: Expendable ritual components worth 2 GB per level of fortification damage.
[top]Regent Sight
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 province
Duration: 3 months
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
This spell allows the caster to continuously pinpoint the location of any regent within the affected province. The movement of regents, due to their connection to their realm, produces small ripples in the mebhaighl. This spell detects these ripples and allows the caster to sense the presence, strength, and general location (within a few miles) of all regents within the affected province. The identities of the regents are not known, but their power (measured by their monthly regency collection) can be roughly determined by the size of the ripple that they produce. Several regents traveling together are indistinguishable from a single powerful regent. As this spell detects changes in the mebhaighl itself, the subjects do not receive any saving throw. Furthermore, the detected regents are completely unaware of the spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: 1 province
Duration: 3 months
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
This spell allows the caster to continuously pinpoint the location of any regent within the affected province. The movement of regents, due to their connection to their realm, produces small ripples in the mebhaighl. This spell detects these ripples and allows the caster to sense the presence, strength, and general location (within a few miles) of all regents within the affected province. The identities of the regents are not known, but their power (measured by their monthly regency collection) can be roughly determined by the size of the ripple that they produce. Several regents traveling together are indistinguishable from a single powerful regent. As this spell detects changes in the mebhaighl itself, the subjects do not receive any saving throw. Furthermore, the detected regents are completely unaware of the spell.
Regency Cost: 1 RP
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Shadow Block
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Clr [Ruornil] 4
Target: 1 province/3 levels
Duration: 3 months (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4) or Temple [Ruornil] (4)
This spell strengthens the barrier between Cerilia and the Shadow World. All spells or effects that involve the Shadow World are blocked. This includes dimension door, summoning spells, shadow walk, and the halfling ability to enter or leave the Shadow World.
Regency Cost: 2 RP/province.
Material Components: 1 GB/province worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Clr [Ruornil] 4
Target: 1 province/3 levels
Duration: 3 months (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (4) or Temple [Ruornil] (4)
This spell strengthens the barrier between Cerilia and the Shadow World. All spells or effects that involve the Shadow World are blocked. This includes dimension door, summoning spells, shadow walk, and the halfling ability to enter or leave the Shadow World.
Regency Cost: 2 RP/province.
Material Components: 1 GB/province worth of expendable ritual components.
[top]Scry Province
Divination [Scrying]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
You can see and hear events throughout the effected province. You may use this spell to gather information about events taking place in the target province. You must succeed at a scry check to do so. The difficulty of the task depends on how well the knowledge that you seek is concealed. This spell has no chance of revealing, for instance, a never discussed secret known to only a single person.
This spell creates many magical sensors that move throughout the province. Any creature with an Intelligence 12 or higher may have moments during which they feel that they are "being watched". Scions and their agents may become uneasy and take steps to increase security. In game terms, the regent or regents whose activities are being scryed may spend RP to oppose the scry check. This is similar to the way in which RP are spent to oppose an espionage action. Regent spellcasters are fully aware of the scry province spell and may spend RP to oppose the scry check even if they are not the target of the scrying.
You may only attempt one goal per scry province and must clearly state the intent of your studies before rolling. Also, before rolling, you may spend RP to support your roll and any regent whose interests are compromised by your scrying attempts may spend RP to oppose your roll.
If you are in possession of an object (an assassin's knife), body part (blood, hair clipping), or other mechanism for providing a physical connection to the location of the information which you search, you may receive a +5 to +10 circumstance bonus to your scry check. As with the normal scry spell, this realm spell is highly subject to abuse and requires careful DM adjudication.
Focus: The regent must have access to a large polished or reflective surface, often a part of the manifestation or an ornate mirror or pool located in their stronghold.
Regency Cost: This base spell costs 5 RP plus an additional 3 RP for each province of separation. Scrying on an adjacent province, for instance, would cost 8 RP. Additional RP may be spent to affect the scry check.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1
Target: 1 province
Duration: 1 month
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
You can see and hear events throughout the effected province. You may use this spell to gather information about events taking place in the target province. You must succeed at a scry check to do so. The difficulty of the task depends on how well the knowledge that you seek is concealed. This spell has no chance of revealing, for instance, a never discussed secret known to only a single person.
This spell creates many magical sensors that move throughout the province. Any creature with an Intelligence 12 or higher may have moments during which they feel that they are "being watched". Scions and their agents may become uneasy and take steps to increase security. In game terms, the regent or regents whose activities are being scryed may spend RP to oppose the scry check. This is similar to the way in which RP are spent to oppose an espionage action. Regent spellcasters are fully aware of the scry province spell and may spend RP to oppose the scry check even if they are not the target of the scrying.
You may only attempt one goal per scry province and must clearly state the intent of your studies before rolling. Also, before rolling, you may spend RP to support your roll and any regent whose interests are compromised by your scrying attempts may spend RP to oppose your roll.
Goal | DC |
Gather common rumors and information | 5 |
Catalogue troop position and strength | 10 |
Reveal the domain statistics of a province (loyalty level, regents, holding levels, etc.) | 15 |
Reveal the nature of diplomatic talks taking place between two domains | 20 |
Reveal the specifics of an existing diplomatic agreement between two domains | 25+ |
Reveal battleplans for troop movement during the next war move | 25+ |
Find the location of prisoners, criminal in hiding, etc. | 25+ |
Trace the responsibility for an assassination, corruption, heresy, or other covert intrigue | 30+ |
Focus: The regent must have access to a large polished or reflective surface, often a part of the manifestation or an ornate mirror or pool located in their stronghold.
Regency Cost: This base spell costs 5 RP plus an additional 3 RP for each province of separation. Scrying on an adjacent province, for instance, would cost 8 RP. Additional RP may be spent to affect the scry check.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: Personal
Duration: 3 months/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (7)
By means of this spell, the wizard brings into being a castle, tower, fortification, or other building of any kind. The building functions as a normal building of its type. The magic sustaining the stronghold fades at the end of the spell, at which point the stronghold falls into ruin. Additional castings of this spell extend its duration. Such extensions stack without limit.
An existing stronghold can be made self-sustaining by creating a connection between the stronghold and the mage's source within the province. This connection is created by either building the stronghold about the source manifestation or through the construction of a special local ley line for that purpose. A stronghold requires a connection to source levels equal to one tenth of the normal construction cost of the building in order to be self-sustaining. These source levels committed to sustaining the stronghold produce no regency for the regent mage and cannot be used to cast realm spells. If the connection between the source and the stronghold is severed (if the source holding should become contested or the ley line severed by an enemy mage), the stronghold resumes its remaining normal duration. For example, a mage with the required source (7) uses a ley line to cast stronghold in a province in which they claim a source (3). The stronghold constructed is a castle (2), normally costing 20 Gold Bars. The mage permanently allocates 2 source levels to the maintenance of the stronghold. For the purposes of regency collection and spell casting, their source (3) now acts as a source (1).
Regency Cost: The initial regency cost for this spell is equal to the normal base construction cost (in Gold Bars) of the created stronghold. Terrain modifiers or other modifiers to construction cost do not apply to the summoned stronghold. For example, assume some building normally costs 30 Gold Bars; this realm spell can create an equivalent building for 30 RP. The regency cost is halved if the realm spell is simply used to increase the duration of an existing stronghold.
Material Components: 10 GB worth of expendable ritual components for the initial construction. Casting the spell to simply increase the duration of an existing stronghold requires only 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Target: Personal
Duration: 3 months/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (7)
By means of this spell, the wizard brings into being a castle, tower, fortification, or other building of any kind. The building functions as a normal building of its type. The magic sustaining the stronghold fades at the end of the spell, at which point the stronghold falls into ruin. Additional castings of this spell extend its duration. Such extensions stack without limit.
An existing stronghold can be made self-sustaining by creating a connection between the stronghold and the mage's source within the province. This connection is created by either building the stronghold about the source manifestation or through the construction of a special local ley line for that purpose. A stronghold requires a connection to source levels equal to one tenth of the normal construction cost of the building in order to be self-sustaining. These source levels committed to sustaining the stronghold produce no regency for the regent mage and cannot be used to cast realm spells. If the connection between the source and the stronghold is severed (if the source holding should become contested or the ley line severed by an enemy mage), the stronghold resumes its remaining normal duration. For example, a mage with the required source (7) uses a ley line to cast stronghold in a province in which they claim a source (3). The stronghold constructed is a castle (2), normally costing 20 Gold Bars. The mage permanently allocates 2 source levels to the maintenance of the stronghold. For the purposes of regency collection and spell casting, their source (3) now acts as a source (1).
Regency Cost: The initial regency cost for this spell is equal to the normal base construction cost (in Gold Bars) of the created stronghold. Terrain modifiers or other modifiers to construction cost do not apply to the summoned stronghold. For example, assume some building normally costs 30 Gold Bars; this realm spell can create an equivalent building for 30 RP. The regency cost is halved if the realm spell is simply used to increase the duration of an existing stronghold.
Material Components: 10 GB worth of expendable ritual components for the initial construction. Casting the spell to simply increase the duration of an existing stronghold requires only 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
By employing a magical campaign of long-distance charms and suggestions, you can utilize the assets of another regent to perform a domain action. You can use the holdings and agents of another regent to agitate loyalty, contest the holdings of your enemies, or any other normal domain action that the rightful regent of the asset could utilize. You could force the army units in a province to invade an adjacent province (in which you also have a source (1) or ley line) or cause them to occupy the province and perhaps raze the holding of your enemies. In effect, the asset is considered yours (instead of belonging to its true regent) for the purpose of one action.
Subversion is limited to one discrete domain action. If the mage is before the asset's rightful regent in the domain initiative order, then the rightful regent cannot use the asset for his domain action. Likewise, if the rightful regent is before the mage in the domain initiative order, then the asset cannot also be used to perform a domain action under subversion. You can only use the asset to perform an action that you could perform with it if you were its rightful regent (for example, a wizard cannot cast divine realm spells with a subverted temple holding). Furthermore, the spell does not allow you to control the asset as an automaton; it is a subtle spell. You cannot cause the asset to act suicidal or follow obviously harmful orders, such as attempting to assassinate the rightful regent, contesting itself, or being invested to another regent. Generally, however, an asset will perform any task that it would ordinary perform if requested to do so by its rightful regent.
Regency Cost: The regency cost for this spell is dependent on the asset subverted. The cost is equal to three RP per level of the holding subverted. Subverting an army costs 2 RP x the muster cost (in GB) of the units in the subverted army (elite, highly trained units are thus more expensive to subvert). Subverting mercenary units costs only 1 RP x the units' muster cost (in GB).
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components for the initial construction.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Target: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (1)
By employing a magical campaign of long-distance charms and suggestions, you can utilize the assets of another regent to perform a domain action. You can use the holdings and agents of another regent to agitate loyalty, contest the holdings of your enemies, or any other normal domain action that the rightful regent of the asset could utilize. You could force the army units in a province to invade an adjacent province (in which you also have a source (1) or ley line) or cause them to occupy the province and perhaps raze the holding of your enemies. In effect, the asset is considered yours (instead of belonging to its true regent) for the purpose of one action.
Subversion is limited to one discrete domain action. If the mage is before the asset's rightful regent in the domain initiative order, then the rightful regent cannot use the asset for his domain action. Likewise, if the rightful regent is before the mage in the domain initiative order, then the asset cannot also be used to perform a domain action under subversion. You can only use the asset to perform an action that you could perform with it if you were its rightful regent (for example, a wizard cannot cast divine realm spells with a subverted temple holding). Furthermore, the spell does not allow you to control the asset as an automaton; it is a subtle spell. You cannot cause the asset to act suicidal or follow obviously harmful orders, such as attempting to assassinate the rightful regent, contesting itself, or being invested to another regent. Generally, however, an asset will perform any task that it would ordinary perform if requested to do so by its rightful regent.
Regency Cost: The regency cost for this spell is dependent on the asset subverted. The cost is equal to three RP per level of the holding subverted. Subverting an army costs 2 RP x the muster cost (in GB) of the units in the subverted army (elite, highly trained units are thus more expensive to subvert). Subverting mercenary units costs only 1 RP x the units' muster cost (in GB).
Material Components: 2 GB worth of expendable ritual components for the initial construction.
[top]Summon Monstrous Unit
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3)
Tapping into the power of the Shadow World, you conjure terrible monsters to come forth and do battle on the world of Cerilia These monsters are quasi-real seemings - life-like manifestations of the caster's imagination. These magical creations are quasi-real and can not be disbelieved, but can be identified as being summoned creatures with a successful Spot check (DC 20). Any summoned monster that is slain fades into nothingness.
All members of a unit generally fade into nothing whenever a summoned unit is disbanded (due to being destroyed or through normal completion of the spell duration). There is a chance, however, that any troops surviving at the completion of the spell fully bridge the gap between the shadow world and Cerilia and become free. When the spell ends, the DM should roll a d20 against a target of 20 minus the maximum source level rating of the province in which the units disband. This roll receives a bonus of +2 in the winter and a penalty of -2 in the summer.
Freed units are not under the caster's control and immediately fall into normal behavior for their monster type. These monsters have normal statistics and can be slain as normal members of their species, but they cannot age or reproduce. They are outsiders and can be returned to the Shadow World by means of a banish (and similar spells), limited wish, wish, or the realm spell transport. They cannot be dispelled.
The strength of the summoned units is dependent on the caster's level. The composition of each of the troops in each unit is chosen by the summoner from the appropriate summon monster table (Player's handbook, pg. 258).
Regency Cost: 5 RP/unit summoned.
Material Components: 2 GB/unit summoned in expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Source (3)
Tapping into the power of the Shadow World, you conjure terrible monsters to come forth and do battle on the world of Cerilia These monsters are quasi-real seemings - life-like manifestations of the caster's imagination. These magical creations are quasi-real and can not be disbelieved, but can be identified as being summoned creatures with a successful Spot check (DC 20). Any summoned monster that is slain fades into nothingness.
All members of a unit generally fade into nothing whenever a summoned unit is disbanded (due to being destroyed or through normal completion of the spell duration). There is a chance, however, that any troops surviving at the completion of the spell fully bridge the gap between the shadow world and Cerilia and become free. When the spell ends, the DM should roll a d20 against a target of 20 minus the maximum source level rating of the province in which the units disband. This roll receives a bonus of +2 in the winter and a penalty of -2 in the summer.
Freed units are not under the caster's control and immediately fall into normal behavior for their monster type. These monsters have normal statistics and can be slain as normal members of their species, but they cannot age or reproduce. They are outsiders and can be returned to the Shadow World by means of a banish (and similar spells), limited wish, wish, or the realm spell transport. They cannot be dispelled.
The strength of the summoned units is dependent on the caster's level. The composition of each of the troops in each unit is chosen by the summoner from the appropriate summon monster table (Player's handbook, pg. 258).
Regency Cost: 5 RP/unit summoned.
Material Components: 2 GB/unit summoned in expendable ritual components.
[top]Summon Nature's Army
Level: Drd 3
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1), Druid
By calling upon Erik, druids may call forth the power of nature. Normal animals in the region answer the call to defend their homes and fight as directed by the druid. At high levels, the druid has the power to animate the very trees themselves to aid the defense of the province. Units summoned by this realm spell cannot leave the province. A province can muster a number of units equal
Table 7-2: Summon monstrous unit
Table 7-3: Summon nature's army
The strength of the summoned units is dependent upon the maximum potential source level of the province.
Regency Cost: 4 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Drd 3
Target: up to 1 unit/3 levels
Duration: 4 weeks + 1 week/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Special Requirements: Temple (1), Druid
By calling upon Erik, druids may call forth the power of nature. Normal animals in the region answer the call to defend their homes and fight as directed by the druid. At high levels, the druid has the power to animate the very trees themselves to aid the defense of the province. Units summoned by this realm spell cannot leave the province. A province can muster a number of units equal
Table 7-2: Summon monstrous unit
Caster lvl | Unit Type | Mv | Mel | Mis | Chg | Def | Hit | Mrl |
3-4 | Summon Monster II | 1 | +4 | - | + 6 | 12 | 2 | + 2 |
5-6 | Summon Monster III | 2 | + 6 | - | + 8 | 14 | 2 | + 4 |
7-8 | Summon Monster IV | 2 | + 8 | - | +10 | 16 | 3 | + 6 |
9-10 | Summon Monster V | 2 | +10 | - | +12 | 16 | 3 | + 8 |
11+ | Summon Monster VI | 2 | +12 | - | +14 | 16 | 4 | +10 |
Potential | Unit Type | Mv | Mel | Mis | Chg | Def | Hit | Morale |
0-3 | Small animals | 2 | +4 | - | - | 12 | 1 | +2 |
4-5 | Large animals | 3 | +8 | - | - | 14 | 2 | +4 |
7+ | Forest Legion | 0.5 | +14 | - | - | 22 | 4 | (+8) |
Regency Cost: 4 RP/unit.
Material Components: 1 GB/unit worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Target: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You open a massive dimension door through which an entire army may move instantly to a destination province in which you also have a magical source or ley line. You can transport units a distance that is equivalent to a number of movement points equal to your level. For example, a 10th level mage can move ten units 1 province, five units 2 provinces, or one unit 10 provinces. Terrain does not affect this magical movement, and all units arrive fresh and eligible to move during any war moves following the action round in which this spell is cast.
It costs an additional 5 RP per unit to use this spell on unwilling units.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is complete, the spell's transportation energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. These final rituals that complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may, at the caster's wish, be completed upon the field of battle.
Regency Cost: 2 RP for each movement point equivalent used. Thus, a 10th level mage can spend no more than 20 RP. There is an additional cost of 5 RP per involuntary unit.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Target: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Unit negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You open a massive dimension door through which an entire army may move instantly to a destination province in which you also have a magical source or ley line. You can transport units a distance that is equivalent to a number of movement points equal to your level. For example, a 10th level mage can move ten units 1 province, five units 2 provinces, or one unit 10 provinces. Terrain does not affect this magical movement, and all units arrive fresh and eligible to move during any war moves following the action round in which this spell is cast.
It costs an additional 5 RP per unit to use this spell on unwilling units.
Unlike most realm spells, the final rituals need not be completed during the month in which this spell is cast. After the casting is complete, the spell's transportation energies are available for the caster to tap during the final war move of the month in which it was cast, or in any of the four war moves of the following month. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. These final rituals that complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may, at the caster's wish, be completed upon the field of battle.
Regency Cost: 2 RP for each movement point equivalent used. Thus, a 10th level mage can spend no more than 20 RP. There is an additional cost of 5 RP per involuntary unit.
Material Components: 1 GB worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Target: 1 province/4 levels
Duration: 3 months + 1 month per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You can weave a barrier of impenetrable mists and fog to prevent entry or egress from the affected provinces. A mile-wide guards and wards bounds the warded provinces, obscuring all sight and utterly confusing the direction sense (regardless of equipment) of any who attempt to pass through the warding boundary. Small parties may attempt to pass the barrier together by following a designated leader. The leader may navigate the warding by making a Will save (DC 19) at a ?1 penalty for each party member that he guides.
Life may continue as normal within the warded provinces, but normal interaction with the rest of the world becomes impossible. All trade routes leaving the warded areas become contested. Military units cannot enter or leave the warded provinces. Diplomacy with the affected nation is next to impossible.
Regency Cost: 5 RP/province warded.
Material Components: 2 GB/province worth of expendable ritual components.
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Target: 1 province/4 levels
Duration: 3 months + 1 month per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Requirements: Source (5)
You can weave a barrier of impenetrable mists and fog to prevent entry or egress from the affected provinces. A mile-wide guards and wards bounds the warded provinces, obscuring all sight and utterly confusing the direction sense (regardless of equipment) of any who attempt to pass through the warding boundary. Small parties may attempt to pass the barrier together by following a designated leader. The leader may navigate the warding by making a Will save (DC 19) at a ?1 penalty for each party member that he guides.
Life may continue as normal within the warded provinces, but normal interaction with the rest of the world becomes impossible. All trade routes leaving the warded areas become contested. Military units cannot enter or leave the warded provinces. Diplomacy with the affected nation is next to impossible.
Regency Cost: 5 RP/province warded.
Material Components: 2 GB/province worth of expendable ritual components.
See Also: Ward (Trevyr's house rule)
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