Mor Drachen

Mor Drachen (MBr; R7; Br, minor, 17; NG) is the Soldat of the Drachenward. Elected by a council of advisors, Mor Drachen will rule until he dies, resigns, or is pushed out by dissatisfied nobles. So far, he has done no worse as a regent then most of his predecessors, and shows an energy and vitality uncharacteristic in Drachenward's recent rulers. Mor Drachen has traveled extensively in the southlands. Now a grizzled veteran, nearing the end of his fourth decade in life, he wields his determination to see the Drachenward to succeed like a club.

Dremmin Slyzky, the leader of Mor's Head Hunters, is his Lieutenant and he leans on him heavily to fill his depleted treasury. The Soldat has placed his first cousin, Gelda Fresmund, in charge of the realm's faith, the Drachenhauchen.

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