House of Evuarr

Blood is blood.

House Evuarr is a noble family from the realm of Rzhlev. Evuarr defeated Czarny the Black in 469 MR, persuaded by Gregor Molevof. Evuarr however did not limit himself to a blood duel and slaughtered Czarny's whole family, claming by right of might the title of zhupan. Before Dimas Lowstar became zhupan of Edarlaskyy, House Evuarr was the youngest house of the realm. As for many noble Rzhlevian noble houses in their early days, it is noble only by definition, however, as the family motto suggest, an Evuarr will always help another Evuarr, no matter what, even against another Evuarr if necessary.

[top]Notable members

Evuarr, the founder, had many sons with many wives, and he acknowledged them all. This originated the usance of acknowledging anybody coming from the line of Evuarr as a member of the House, if they wish so, as long as they sport divine blood.

[top]Other families and domains

House Evuarr has no notable friends or enemies, as it does not indulge in politics. A marriage between Markov and Yuria Brokeslav of House Brokeslav failed and resulted in a lack of trust from the Belinik Tsarevic.

[top]Evuarr Characters

An Evuarr is usually lusting either for bloodshed or adventure, and is chaotic in nature. Every so-called Evuarr must choose between a brigand or a pirate, at least until now. They tend to be barbarians, sea rangers or bards, and they do not have particular traditional family skills. The spear is the family's preferred weapon.

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