Help:Edit toolbar
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It works best with Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Firefox.
Example of how to use it:
To make a piece of text an internal link, select it and press the third button.
In Mozilla and IE you get a select+click formatting, and if you click without a selection, it inserts sample text at the cursor. In other browsers, clicking on the button presents an explanation for each feature in an infobox.
If you do not want to display the toolbar, you can obtain some of the functionality of them using the Edit toolbar bookmarklets instead.
All of the toolbar options, and further editing options, are available in Bananeweizen\'s Firefox extension.
[top]List of functions
(apart from the last two, these pieces of wikitext are obtained after selecting "abc")
class="bbcode_container" |
== abc ==
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Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 03:02 PM 0 Comments, 3,176 Views |
, 11-28-2006 at 07:28 PM
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