Brechtür » Grevesmühl » Eiresmachen
Eiresmachen is a province of the Overlook brecht realm of Grevesmühl. The province is shaped after the northeastern corner of the Grevesmülig highland, facing the cliff of the strait of Daugren, and the southwestern mountains, marking a natural border against the province of Dubeswald and its forests.
Lake Eire Forms somewhere in the mountains and splits in two the province, almost marking a natural border in the southeast. The Eire river follows the highland own to the strait where it abruptly became the Eire falls.
The highland and the mountains are often covered in mist, which is a bad omen in Grevesmühl, as it often signals the breaching of the wall between the material plane and the Shadow World. Undead sightings are quite common, and the land has fueled a lot of myths with its unique monsters coming from the shadow world. More than a brave knecht or wächter has disappeared into the mist, chasing nightmares or monsters, only to be found months later wandering the highland with little sanity left.
[top]The Keep of the highlands
Just after the old road connecting the highland to Gredaur and the city of Daugren, The highland Keep or simply The Keep (as it is called by the locals) stands as the administrative center of the province. The keep was built around 170 MR, as a watchpost to prevent another war with the undead. a small community has built around the keep, now ruled by the pragmatic Hubert Karlburgher, the duke's cousin. the keep offers provisons and refuge to anyone, and there is always plenty of adventure to do. A small temple devote to Cuiraécen is managed by the ruornites of the Ruornil's Silver Guard mostly in times of trouble, nowadays it is used by the occasional priest to perform ritual duties such as religious holydays.
[top]The misty mountains
Any little information known about the mountains is due to the bravery of the wächters of the guard. The mountains are rich in ore, but no mine exist, as both undead and giants (some say undead giants!) have been spotted in the mist. Wächter Gilard once reported seeing the entrance of a temple adorned with great serpentine figures, carved on the eastern face of a mountain, but he has not been able to find the entrance again.
[top]The wild highlands
The eiresmulig side of the strait of Daugren, made by high cliffs looking at the sea, seems to be spared from the mist most of the time. A couple of villages have managed to survive the undead there, however the folks are rarely seen at the keep if not for bargaining and commerce, and those who came have been reported as shy and unnaturally pale. The Eiresfolken are not to be underestimated, though: they know the routes of the highlands, and are capable to spot glowing eyes or ear an unnatural sigh from a good distance, even at night. Gruseldorf is the northenmost village of the gulf strip: A village with twenty houses and an inn, it became uninhabited during death plague, and it comes with a legend: the twenty houses' residents died one by one, one family a week. They say that when visitors stop to sleep at Gustav's inn, every day a guest disappears but a mysterious inhabitant appears in one of the houses. Not even the wächter have the courage to find out if this myth is true.
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, 01-20-2025 at 04:58 PM