Brechtür » Grevesmühl » Dubeswald
Dubeswald is a province of the Brecht realm of Grevesmühl. Facing the cold waters of the Black Ice Bay, the province is almost covered in pinewood forest, except for the eastern border, which turns to the Eiresmalig highlands to the north and the plains of Haldwaren in the south. The forest is scattered with a rich woodcutter community, who specializes in refining black ice pinewood, a tree used in high class furniture. Due to the proximity with the Zweilunds and the difficulties posed by the monsters of the Wyvern's Strait, there are no available docks. However, many sailors and pirates venture to the land with small boats just to relieve some stress and look for some adventure at the famous inns of Dubesdorf, the most important town of the province and location of the Countess's keep.
With Countess Graevas Resketch being an intimate friend of Guildmaster Arlinda Aldor of the Black Ice Traders, despite the strong presence of the Ruornil's Silver Guard, the province displays a Rosenröt charge on its flag.
[top]The Wyvern's Strait
The Grevesmühlig side of the strait is relatively safe - most of the wyverns make their nest in the high but thin rocks raising from the sea near the Zweilunds. It remains a dangerous place altogether, as it is the favored hunting ground for the wyverns. Waters in the strait do not freeze in winter, and that's what makes the strait a huge waste of resources for many guilds of the Overlook, as it would provide one of the best routes for winter trade.
[top]The woodland communities
Similar to Haldwaren, many small villages are scattered through the province, most of them populated by lumberjacks and fishermen, sometimes both. In the village of Glocken during the summer many games are held such as the traditional Trittarschen (/trɪtarʃə/), in which whoever gives most kicks in the ass is proclaimed winner. Sirena Wittengstein, the local druid of the Ruornil's Silver Guard, lives in a big house along the coast which serves also as a temple to the gods. Sirena keeps all the villagers together and encourages them to fight for their wages, sometimes causing trouble for the Black Ice Traders who control a consistent part of the lumber trade here.
Dubesdorf (~5.000 people) is the province's most prosperous town. Its origins are debated: tradition has it that it was founded by Albrecht Du Bois, a friend of Anton Greves, while for the sages there is more concrete evidence that it is a series of small towns that grew to become the current districts of the city.
The old Anuirean fort is now used as Countess Graevas Resketch's headquarters, with the training square now serving as a market. The barracks have become the most famous inn of the province, The Elven Maiden, served by the not-so-elvish Otto Silvercorn, a halfling who inherited the inn from the previous owner. The inn also manages the stables, paying a small sum to the countess for renting. The inn is a notorious meeting points for adventurers and knechts looking for quests.
One of the towers of the castle is still intact and is in fact used as a temple by Sergent Alberta Aldor. The Ruornite handles most of the law in the province and serves as the "urban counterpart" to Sirena, rather than her superior.
The Fair Lady is an inn at the other side of the square; named after Graevas' former private ship. It is owned by herself but managed by the gnoll Kurt Stillbracht; the inn is a famous gathering place for mercenaries, pirates and even gnolls looking for less glorious but more profitable quests than those usually found at The Elven Maiden.
[top]The Castle of Flowers
The northern side of the forest which faces the cliffs upon the Wyvern's Strait is almost impenetrable. Rumor is that an ancient elven castle can be found if one travels at night and survives the jungle of thorny plants between the trees. This fabled castle, a rare building among the elves, is rumoured to be the Caer Flodau (/ˈkaɪər ˈflɔːdaɪ/, approx. *kIEr FLO-die* in Sidhelien) or Castle of the Flowers.
A legend surrounds the castle. Back in the days of the Gheallie Sidhe, a young couple of elven nobles were married just before an attack by the humans, and the heir was taken far away as a slave on a ship to the southern lands. The young bride had this castle built as a watchtower, so she could monitor the sea in wait for the return of her beloved. No one knows if the castle exists and what does really live there. The only person who boasts to have plundered its secrets is Colin Shaefpaete himself, who gathers mebhaighl from the area.
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, 01-09-2025 at 09:48 AM