D20:Speak with Dead Spell
Speak with Dead
Clr 3
V, S, DF
10 minutes
10 ft.
One dead creature
1 min./level
Will negates; see text
If the corpse has been subject to speak with dead within the past week, the new spell fails. You can cast this spell on a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse may be able to give partial answers or partially correct answers, but it must at least have a mouth in order to speak at all.
This spell does not let you actually speak to the person (whose soul has departed). It instead draws on the imprinted knowledge stored in the corpse. The partially animated body retains the imprint of the soul that once inhabited it, and thus it can speak with all the knowledge that the creature had while alive. The corpse, however, cannot learn new information.
Indeed, it can't even remember being questioned.
This spell does not affect a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature.
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, 03-31-2007 at 09:24 PM
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