D20:Angel Subtype Creature Subtype

[top]Angel Subtype
Angels are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to the good-aligned Outer Planes.
An angel possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature?s entry).
  • Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision.
  • Immunity to acid, cold, and petrification.
  • Resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10.
  • +4 racial bonus on saves against poison.
  • Protective Aura (Su): Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level equals angel?s HD). (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in an angel?s statistics block.)
  • Tongues (Su): All angels can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to angel?s Hit Dice). This ability is always active.

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