Classes Base and Prestige
Main Page » Classes (Base and Prestige)
DMs may wish to use alternate character classes in their Birthright campaign, or in another setting with Birthright concepts such as Bloodline.
Because different classes can have a substantial impact on play - particularly if they are intended to replace existing classes in a region or the entire setting - they should not normally be used in the main BRwiki when describing NPCs, as it can be hard to substitute a 'standard' class for the 'designer' class, should a DM not want to allow the new class in their campaign.
Birthright was originally designed with class variants that differed from the hack-'n'-slash approach that was popular in D&D at the time. One of these variants, the noble, made it into the [[BRCS]]. Another, the guilder, did not. Both have vehement proponents of various incarnations. This is a good place to put your favored incarnation with an explanation of various powers and purposes to justify why your version should be used instead of someone-else's.
If you want to add a class, please list it in the appropriate section below – remember the naming convention and try to make the name distinctive. By starting each page with 'your user name you can avoid copying an existing BRCS link and also emphasize that this is your work – not ‘official canon’. Because new classes frequently use 'house rules' such as new abilities, they are 'house rules' not 'Fanfic' for wiki classification purposes.
Please also start with a breadcrumb back to this page for ease of navigation, and put a red band at the top of the article to show that it is a class. The Category for classes should be both ‘Game Mechanics’ and ‘Classes’ – see an existing page for a template. You can copy and paste to and from Word when editing a wiki page and it is often easier to convert a copy of someone else’s rules into yours than work from scratch.
[top]Humanoid classes
Humanoid classes are the base classes and variants, i.e. different versions of nobles, guilders, fighters and rogues, etc.
- Non-PHB Classes in Birthright - how to use classes from other publications and campaigns in Birthright
- Shadow classes - classes based around the Shadow World and/or shadow abilities
- Warlock - fitting warlocks into Birthright
- Guilder (Thelandrin) - Guilder as a base class
- Divine Skald (KGauck) - Holy bard
- Hunter (Nameless One) - non-spellcasting ranger
- Swashbuckler (Cccpxepoj)
- Druids of Ruornil (Elton Robb)
- Shamans in Birthright (Elton Robb)
- Warlocks, World of Warcraft style (Elton Robb).
[top]Humanoid prestige classes
Prestige classes are classes that expand an existing class, typically by focusing on one specific area of the class at the expense of others.
[top]Monster classes
Monster classes are a concept popularized in the book 'Savage Species' and are designed to allow PCs to play Wemics, Ogres and the like at low levels by breaking the standard monster down into an appropriate number of levels to balance out with a standard humanoid class (with usually varying degrees of success). Some DMs like it, some don't. If not, just pass on by...
[top]Shegh classes
Shegh classes are unique to Birthright and reflect awnsheghlien and ehrsheghlien progressions. They are similar in many ways to monster classes, except they work in the opposite direction over time. Typically a monster class is designed for low level play, with higher levels being obtained in a standard class. A 'shegh class on the other hand represents the being's growing bestial nature (or fey nature, etc). As the 'shegh grows in strength, it has less access to any original humanoid abilities from a standard class. Unlike other classes, 'shegh classes are unlikely to have a number of members - indeed generally there will be only one. Shegh classes are here primarily to allow existing 'shegh to be scaled, and to allow DMs to quickly modify an 'off-the-peg' shegh class to suit their needs.
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, 05-30-2007 at 10:30 PM
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