Category:Policy proposals
These pages are proposed forms of official policies for BRWiki. They have some acceptance among editors and are sometimes considered a standard that users should follow. Feel free to add more, but please try to follow the current policy process before you make them and put a vote on the respective discussion page. If you are not sure, it would be best to ask first on the policies discussion page, wait a couple of days, then make the proposal if there is no or little opposition.
(Sometimes the proposal itself gets written in a talk page, though)
- The pages listed here use the {{Policy/Proposal}} tag. They will contain the meat of the proposal.
- Their talk pages (with the actual voting booths) also get listed under Votes in progress
(Sometimes the proposal itself gets written in a talk page, though)
[top]Pages in category "Policy proposals"
There are 0 pages in this section of this category.
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Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 03:03 PM 0 Comments, 2,429 Views |
, 11-19-2006 at 05:50 PM
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