Main Page » Errata
If you disagree with the way something is handled in the BRCS, e.g. the design of the scion class, the calculation of regency points, then please discuss it first on the BR forum. If the error is only in the wiki version of the BRCS, then bring it to the forum's attention and the BR administrators will attend to it. This page is only for errata in the BRCS, not for errors in any additional articles written on the wiki.
Current version in the wiki: BRCS 3.5ed revision 1.1 (chapters 1-5), BRCS 3ed revision 1.0 (chapters 6-9)
See the BRCS change log for some of the previous edits to the BRCS.
[top]General errata
- Consistent font and/or "quotation marks" for publication names like the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual.
- Consistent font and capitalisation for references to spells
- Consistent font and capitalisation for references to skills, feats and blood abilities
- Consistent capitalisation or not for Shadow World (e.g. Chapter_three/Magic/Cleric_domains#Moon_Domain_.2A vs Chapter_three/Magic/Fundamentals_of_Cerilian_magic#The_Shadow_World)
- Consistent capitalisation and white spacing for titles of tables
- Consistent capitalisation for section titles (likewise for subsections)
- Consistent hyphenation for terms like "spell-like"
- Consistent layout designs, especially for positioning of tables, whitespace and page margins
- Consistent use of sections, subsections & subsubsections (and term highlighting)
- Formalise all of this into a style guide for future edits
[top]Errata in Cover page
- Rich Baker > Richard Baker (or the other way round because he is mentioned twice)
- Jan Erik Juvstad > Jan Juvstad (or the other way round because he is mentioned twice)
[top]Errata in Credits
- TSR #3118. Sword of Roele > TSR #3118. The Sword of Roele
- add Dragon #220. Politics of Empire or, How To Get Ahead in Anuire
- add Dragon #233. Scions of the Desert
- add Dragon #241. The Roof of the World
- add Dragon #315. Bloodlines for D&D 3.5
[top]Errata in Chapter One
- Humans, Cerilian - Bonus feat. > Bonus feat:
- Humans, Cerilian - Cultural background skill and bonus skill points. > Cultural background skill and bonus skill points:
- Humans, Cerilian - Bonus Languages > Bonus languages
- Humans, Cerilian - Favored Class > Favored class
- Khinasi - The mage-king el-Arassi > The mage-king el-Arrasi
- Khinasi - the protection of el-Arassi > the protection of el-Arrasi
- Rjurik - Mhiere Rhuann > Miere Rhuann
- Rjurik - icy Thaelasian passage > icy Thaelasian Passage
- Dwarves, Cerilian - A dwarf's dense body provides DR 5/slashing or piercing
This sentence is supposed to give dwarves damage reduction (DR) against bludgeoning damage, but it is not clear what is meant by / . For D&D 3e (MM1, p307), it means "except" or "sans" or "excluding", such that the sentence gives dwarves +5 DR against any damage not caused by a slashing or piercing weapon. While players using D&D 3.5e may be aware of this, it is not immediately obvious. A slightly clearer statement may be needed, citing the MM1. - Dwarves, Cerilian - In lieu of DR 5/slashing or piercing, dwarves receive DR 1+Con bonus/slashing or piercing.
See the previous error comment for Dwarven, Cerilian. - Halflings, Cerilian - Anuire Empire > Anuirean Empire
- Magician - Magician Special Ability: Delete the repeated "When the magician Aids Another with a skill, she adds a +4 bonus to the acting character’s skill check."
- Monk - Improved unarmed attack > Improved Unarmed Strike
- Paladin - applies to chaotic creatures vice evil ones > applies to chaotic creatures instead of evil ones
This change is for clarity for non-native English speakers. 'vice' as a preposition means "instead of" but is more commonly used as a noun or an adjective with a different meaning. - Paladin - most multi-class in a balanced fashion > most multiclass in a balanced fashion.
- Noble - The noble's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Administrate (Wis),
> The noble's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Administrate (Int),
There is a mismatch for the ability required for Administrate listed here (Wis) and listed in the Noble's Starting Package (Int). This is discussed in the forum. - Table 1-1: Warrior arms, armor, and feats - misnamed weapons that don't match what is given in Table 1-11, Table 1-12
- long sword > longsword
- war spear > warspear
- long sword > longsword
- Table 1-1: Warrior arms, armor, and feats - no falchion mentioned (see Table 1-11)
- Table 1-1: Warrior arms, armor, and feats - Improved bull rush, improved sunder > improved bull rush, improved sunder
- Table 1-11 - no shortsword, great axe or halfspear included for Goblins, lance for Anuireans, shortspear for Rjurik (see Table 1-1)
- Feats - Leadership: the benefits listed in the Dungeon Masters Guide > the benefits listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide
- New feat descriptions: Benefit: > Benefits:
This is required for multiple feats for consistency, regardless of how many possible 'benefits' they may seem to offer. - Paladins of Avani - At sixth level, and every fifth level thereafter > At 6th level, and every fifth level thereafter
- Paladins of Avani - per day at16th level > per day at 16th level
- Paladins of Avani - 3rd?level: > 3rd-level:
[top]Errata in Chapter Two
- Sort out what is a section and what is a subsection, and what fonts are required for each, e.g., "Passing the bloodline" is Font 10 Bold Red, but "Variant: Random bloodline traits" is Font 12 Bold Red, "For the DM: Playing a Great or True Bloodline" is Font 10 Bold Default and "Playing a Scion" is Font 12 Bold Default. This might have to be the establishment of a universal style throughout the BRCS.
- Bloodline score: Table 2-2 shows the number of minor, major, and great blood abilities > Table 2-3 shows the number of minor, major, and great blood abilities
- Bloodline derivation: must make a Wil save > must make a Will save
- Scion classes: "all scions receive the following scion class features class." > "all scions receive the following scion class features."
- Scion classes: remove the additional horizontal bar at the end of Scion of Anduiras and the Scion of Masela
- Blood abilities - table 2-3 > Table 2-3 (occurs twice)
- Blood abilities - TABLE 2-5 Prerequisites For Blood Abilities > Table 2-5: Prerequisites For blood abilities
- Blood_ability_descriptions#Bloodform
- creating an awnsheghlien > creating an awnshegh
- the transformation to awnsheghlien form > the transformation to awnshegh form
- the ultimate transformation of a scion to awnsheghlien status > the ultimate transformation of a scion to awnshegh status
- creating an awnsheghlien > creating an awnshegh
- Blood_ability_descriptions#Resistance: webbed and grappled .In the old legends, > webbed and grappled. In the old legends,
[top]Errata in Chapter Three
- Chapter_three/Magic/Fundamentals of Cerilian magic - At the DMs option > At the DM's option
- Chapter_three/Magic/Creating magic items - may use regency pints > may use regency points
- Chapter_three/Magic/Creating magic items - Regency point are spent > Regency points spent
- Chapter_three/Magic/Spell descriptions - inconsistent capitalisation of the first letter in italicised sections, e.g. Material Component versus Material component
- Chapter_three/Magic/Spell descriptions#Bloodblond - Pld > Pal
- to be consistent with the term used in Table 1-6: New skills
- to be consistent with the term used in Table 1-6: New skills
- Chapter_three/Magic/Spell descriptions#Sidhelien Bow - Rng > Rgr
- Chapter_three/Magic/Spell descriptions - Focus > Arcane Focus
- Chapter_three/Magic/Spell descriptions#Ruornil's Gift - spell book > spellbook
- Chapter three/Magic/Spell descriptions#Starry Sky - Inuit Direction > Intuit Direction
- Chapter_three/Magic/Cleric domains - Chapter Four: Deities > Chapter Four: Gods and religion
- Chapter_three/Magic/Cleric_domains#Wilderness_Domain_.2A - Wilderness Lore > Survival (D&D3 -> D&D3.5 ?)
- Chapter_three/Magic/Cleric_domains#Moon_Domain_.2A - 5 Shadow Portal > 5 *Shadow Portal
- Chapter_three/Magic/Magician_spells#2nd-level_Magician_Spells - Detect Eleven Influence: > *Detect Elven Influence (Divination).
[top]Errata in Chapter Four
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Ruornil - ley members > lay members
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Ruornil - missing fullstop after multiclass as magicians or wizards
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Torazan - tor-ah-zan > TOR-ah-zan
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Kartathok - car-tah-thock > CAR-tah-thock
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Kartathok - long spear > longspear
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Moradin - moar-uh-din > MOAR-uh-din
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Faiths of worship, Table 4-10: Ranks of a military order - Ley soldiers > Lay soldiers
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Faiths of worship - it is possible for a clerics of some faiths > it is possible for clerics of some faiths
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Cosmology of Aebrynis - the endless maze > the Endless Maze
[top]Errata in Chapter Five
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - Table 5-1: Province level provides > Table 5-1: Province Level provides
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - A holdings level indicates > A holding's level indicates
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - for the realms sake > for the realm's sake
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - if the domains attitude > if the domain's attitude
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - Player's handbook > Player's Handbook
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - Level 4 is listed on two lines in Table 5-5: Court levels. See and
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - Illien > Ilien
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - the regent's of the guild holdings on either end > the regents of the guild holdings on either end
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain - from the guild regent's at either end > from the guild regents at either end
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Adjusting domain attitude - for each renowned/epic dead > for each renowned/epic deed
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Adjusting domain attitude - Table_5-8:_Adjusting_domain_attitude in the "unfriendly" row has 25 listed twice.
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain collections - see Table 2-3: Bloodline ability score > see Table 2-3: Bloodline Score
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain collections - Using Table 5-5 > Using Table 5-10
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain collections - 6 RP [80% x (0+4+6)] > 6 RP [60% x (0+4+6)]
as Table 5-10 indicates that 4+4=8 regency collection rating corresponds to 60% regency collection - Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain collections - Guild Holding > Guild holding in Table 5-11
- Table 5-4: asset maintenance costs - This conflicts with other parts of the BRCS. See Errata#Managing_military_assets.23Fortifications in Chapter 6.
- Domain action rounds - active to the PCs view > active to the PCs' view
- Domain action rounds - font size inconsistency in Table 5-12: Domain round sequence
- Domain action rounds - the regents bloodline ability score > the regent's bloodline ability score
- Domain action rounds - buisness > business
- Domain action rounds - control of source holdings provide no income > control of source holdings provides no income
- Domain action rounds - source holdings and ley lines have no maintenances cost > source holdings and ley lines have no maintenance cost
- Domain action rounds#Domain events - Different titles used for subsections and Table 5-13: Random monthly events
- Domain action rounds#Domain events - Some subsections capitalise initial letters and others don't.
- Domain action rounds#Domain events - make life u unpleasant > make life unpleasant
- Domain action descriptions#Adventure - an short-term increase in regency, taxes, or tithes > a short-term increase in regency, taxes, or tithes
- Domain action descriptions#Training - time character spend getting the their level-based abilities > time character spend getting their level-based abilities
- Domain action descriptions#Decree - Example decrees might including the raising of a vassal > Example decrees might include the raising of a vassal
- Domain action descriptions#Finance - Regent gain > Regents gain
- Domain action descriptions#Diplomacy - PCs benefit > PC's benefit
- Domain action descriptions#Espionage - DMs option > DM's option
- Domain action descriptions#Create Ley Line - a permanent domain asset of domain > a permanent domain asset of the domain
[top]Errata in Chapter Six
- Managing_military_assets#Highways and bridges - see Table 6-4 > see Table 5-4, maybe the text mentioning of the province's terrain movement cost should be removed since there is no table discussing that.
- Managing_military_assets#Fortifications - fortify domain action > build domain action
- Battle_magic#Magic_on_the_battlefield - Battle Spell feat > Battle Caster feat
- Chapter six/Armies and warfare/Military units#Special training -
- Tactical_warfare#Movement_Phase - a spellcasters capable of battle magic > a spellcaster capable of battle magic
Veteran units may have a single area of special training.
> Standard units may have a single area of special training.
Elite units may have two areas of special training.
> Veteran units may have two areas of special training.
[top]Managing military assets#Fortifications
Some of the content in this section is:
and will need to be rewritten.
Fortifications have a maintenance cost equal to a holding of the same level. Thus, a fully fortified holding has double the maintenance cost of a normal (unfortified) holding. ... A province fortification can be built up to level 10, regardless of the level of the province. A province fortification has a maintenance cost equal to a province of the same level. Thus a fully fortified province has double the maintenance cost of an unfortified province.
- ambiguous
- in conflict with other parts of the BRCS
and will need to be rewritten.
Fortifications have a maintenance cost equal to a holding of the same level. Thus, a fully fortified holding has double the maintenance cost of a normal (unfortified) holding. ... A province fortification can be built up to level 10, regardless of the level of the province. A province fortification has a maintenance cost equal to a province of the same level. Thus a fully fortified province has double the maintenance cost of an unfortified province.
- This is ambiguous as to what is meant by a province of the same level. It could be referring to the level of the fortification or the level of the province which the fortification is in.
- This contradicts Table 5-4: asset maintenance costs, which explicitly a different mechanism for calculating the maintenance costs of fortifications.
- This contradicts Chapter_five/Ruling_a_domain/Domain_expenses#Domain_asset_maintenance_costs, which states The administrative costs of province, holdings, trade routes, and other income generating domain assets are already factored into their collected net income. This indicates that there are no maintenance costs for provinces or holdings.
[top]Errata in Chapter Seven
- Realm spells#Saving throws and Spell resistance: Chapter Six: Warfare > Chapter Six: Armies and warfare
- Realm_spell_descriptions#Summon_Monstrous_Unit: the world of Cerilia These monsters > the world of Cerilia. These monsters
[top]Errata in Chapter Eight
- Magical items and artifacts - Specific weapons: Sword of Vassalage - in the Temple of Rilini > in the Temple of Rilni
- Magical items and artifacts - Specific weapons:
Calamity - Calamity contains has two sielsheghlien of Vorynn's bloodline. > Calamity has two sielsheghlien of Vorynn's bloodline. - Playing the game - Variant: Free bodyguards - change all the : to ; before listing class skills,
e.g. The acolyte?s class skills are; Speak Language > The acolyte?s class skills are: Speak Language - Playing the game - Variant: Free bodyguards - change all the formatting for 2 part class skill names,
e.g. Craft ? calligraphy, Knowledge ? religion > Craft (calligraphy), Knowledge (religion) - Playing the game - Variant: Free bodyguards - Wilderness Lore > Survival
- Playing the game - Variant: Free bodyguards - Table: 1-1 > Table 1-1
- Playing the game - Table 8-1: Cultural titles - Jarls > Jarl
- Playing the game - Table 8-1: Cultural titles - Tsarevos > Tsarevo
[top]Errata in Chapter Nine
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - Goblins, gnolls, orgos, and other such creatures > Goblins, gnolls, orogs, and other such creatures
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - beastmen > beast-men
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - Faerie world > Faerie World
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - Faere World > Faerie World
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - Faere world > Faerie World
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins - specter > spectre
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Giant, ice - small, mediumsize or large rocks > small, medium-size or large rocks
- Standard creatures - Carrion crawler > Carrion Crawler
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Blood Hound - Special Qualities: Scent, Track Scions > Special Qualities: Scent, Track Scion
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Blood Hound - Wilderness Lore +1*: Explain the asterisk in some way, perhaps by linking it to the paragraph on Track Scion.
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Caracdír - Wilderness Lore > Survival
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Giant, forest - Wilderness Lore > Survival
- Chapter nine/Creatures/The Gorgon - Italicise Lifender. Damage: Lifender > Damage: Lifender
- Chapter nine/Creatures/The Gorgon - Make the format of the minions consistent with respect to indents and new lines for attributes.
- Chapter nine/Creatures/The Gorgon - Inconsistent italicising of magical bonuses in Equipment, e.g. +5 vs +5
This article is a Birthright Campaign Setting (D&D 3.5/D20) page The BRCS Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, races, classes, feats, skills, various systems, spells, magic items, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast. |
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, 10-14-2010 at 12:12 PM