BRCS:Chapter three/Magic/Cleric domains
This is a page on the magical domains from which clerics can select divine spells.
You may be looking for the physical domains in which a clerical regent can exert political power.
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In addition to the domains described in the Player's Handbook, various deities of Cerilia permit clerics to choose from the additional domains presented here. These new domains follow all the rules presented for domains in the description of the cleric class in the Player's Handbook. A cleric can choose any two domains listed for the deity (See Chapter Four: Deities).
In the descriptions that follow, granted powers and spell lists are given for domains that are presented or modified in this book. If a domain description here lacks an entry for granted powers and spells, refer to the Player's Handbook for that information. In the listings of domain spells, an asterisk (*) preceding a spell name signifies a new domain or spell described in this book.
You may be looking for the physical domains in which a clerical regent can exert political power.
Main Page » Chapter three/Magic » Chapter three/Magic/Cleric domains
This page contains known formatting or content errors. See the BRCS:Errata for further details.
- 1Animal Domain
- 2Chaos Domain
- 3Charm Domain *
- 4Death Domain
- 5Destruction Domain
- 6Earth Domain
- 7Evil Domain
- 8Fire Domain *
- 9Good Domain
- 10Healing Domain
- 11Illusion Domain
- 12Justice Domain *
- 13Knowledge Domain
- 14Law Domain
- 15Luck Domain
- 16Magic Domain
- 17Moon Domain *
- 18Night Domain *
- 19Nobility Domain *
- 20Plant Domain
- 21Protection Domain
- 22Reason Domain *
- 23Sea Domain *
- 24Spell Domain *
- 25Strength Domain
- 26Storm Domain *
- 27Suffering Domain *
- 28Sun Domain
- 29Terror Domain *
- 30Trade Domain
- 31Travel Domain
- 32Trickery Domain
- 33War Domain
- 34Wilderness Domain *
- 35Winter Domain *
In the descriptions that follow, granted powers and spell lists are given for domains that are presented or modified in this book. If a domain description here lacks an entry for granted powers and spells, refer to the Player's Handbook for that information. In the listings of domain spells, an asterisk (*) preceding a spell name signifies a new domain or spell described in this book.
[top]Animal Domain
Deities: Erik.
[top]Chaos Domain
[top]Charm Domain *
Deities: Laerme.
Granted Power: You can boost your Charisma by 4 points once per day. Activating this power is a free action. The Charisma increase lasts 1 minute.
Charm Domain Spells
Granted Power: You can boost your Charisma by 4 points once per day. Activating this power is a free action. The Charisma increase lasts 1 minute.
Charm Domain Spells
- 1 Charm Person
- 2 Calm Emotions
- 3 Suggestion
- 4 Emotion
- 5 Charm Monster
- 6 Geas/Quest
- 7 Insanity
- 8 Demand
- 9 Dominate Monster
[top]Death Domain
Deities: The Cold Rider.
[top]Destruction Domain
Deities: Kartathok.
[top]Earth Domain
[top]Evil Domain
[top]Fire Domain *
Deities: Laerme.
Granted Power: You gain Fire Resistance 5.
Fire Domain Spells
Granted Power: You gain Fire Resistance 5.
Fire Domain Spells
- 1 Burning Hands
- 2 Produce Flame
- 3 *Fireform
- 4 Wall of Fire
- 5 Fire Shield
- 6 Flame Strike
- 7 Fire Storm
- 8 Incendiary Cloud
- 9 Elemental Swarm (Fire only)
[top]Good Domain
[top]Healing Domain
Deities: Nesirie.
[top]Illusion Domain
Deities: Eloéle.
[top]Justice Domain *
Deity: Haelyn.
Granted Powers: Sense Motive is a Class Skill. You get +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks.
Justice Domain Spells
Granted Powers: Sense Motive is a Class Skill. You get +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks.
Justice Domain Spells
- 1 Detect Evil
- 2 Hold Person
- 3 Discern Lies
- 4 Mark of Justice
- 5 Atonement
- 6 Forbiddance
- 7 Geas/Quest
- 8 Shield of Law
- 9 Storm of Vengeance
[top]Knowledge Domain
[top]Law Domain
[top]Luck Domain
Deities: Sera.
[top]Magic Domain
[top]Moon Domain *
The moon is the symbol of light in the shadow. Ruornil grants his followers the ability to confront the shadow world and those who derive their power from it.
Deity: Ruornil.
Granted Power : The difficulty class of a saving throw against any of your spells increases by +2 DC when the moon is in the sky and clearly visible.
Moon Domain Spells
Deity: Ruornil.
Granted Power : The difficulty class of a saving throw against any of your spells increases by +2 DC when the moon is in the sky and clearly visible.
Moon Domain Spells
- 1 Detect Undead
- 2 *Moonbeam
- 3 Halt Undead
- 4 Dimension Door
- 5 Shadow Portal
- 6 Shadow Walk
- 7 Sunbeam
- 8 Sunburst
- 9 Gate
[top]Night Domain *
Deity: Eloéle
Granted Power: Hide, Move Silently and Spot are Class Skills.
Shadows Domain Spells
Granted Power: Hide, Move Silently and Spot are Class Skills.
Shadows Domain Spells
- 1 Darkvision
- 2 Darkness
- 3 *Night's Embrace
- 4 Improved Invisibility
- 5 *Gift of Eloéle
- 6 Mislead
- 7 Mass Invisibility
- 8 Mind Blank
- 9 *Deepest Night
[top]Nobility Domain *
Deity: Haelyn.
Granted Power: You have the spell-like ability to inspire allies, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear and charm and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able to hear you speak for 1 round. Using this ability is a standard action. It lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus, and may be used once per day. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 10th level.
Nobility Domain Spells
Granted Power: You have the spell-like ability to inspire allies, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear and charm and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able to hear you speak for 1 round. Using this ability is a standard action. It lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus, and may be used once per day. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 10th level.
Nobility Domain Spells
- 1 Divine Favor
- 2 Enthrall
- 3 Magic Vestment
- 4 Discern Lies
- 5 Greater Command
- 6 Geas/Quest
- 7 Repulsion
- 8 Demand
- 9 Storm of Vengeance
[top]Plant Domain
Deities: Erik
[top]Protection Domain
[top]Reason Domain *
Deity: Avani.
Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus on all rolls to disbelieve illusions. Once per day, you may apply a +2 bonus on any one Int check or Int-based skill check.
Reason Domain Spells
Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus on all rolls to disbelieve illusions. Once per day, you may apply a +2 bonus on any one Int check or Int-based skill check.
Reason Domain Spells
- 1 Detect Chaos
- 2 Calm Emotions
- 3 Detect Thoughts
- 4 Tongues
- 5 Greater Command
- 6 True Seeing
- 7 Vision
- 8 *Purity of Reason
- 9 Foresight
[top]Sea Domain *
Deity: Nesirie.
Granted Power: You have the supernatural ability to breath water as if under the effect of a water breathing spell, for up to 10 rounds per level each day. This effect can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).
Ocean Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Fog Cloud
3 Water Walk
4 Control Water
5 Control Winds
6 *Transport via Water
7 Control Weather
8 Whirlwind
9 Storm of Vengeance
Granted Power: You have the supernatural ability to breath water as if under the effect of a water breathing spell, for up to 10 rounds per level each day. This effect can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).
Ocean Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Fog Cloud
3 Water Walk
4 Control Water
5 Control Winds
6 *Transport via Water
7 Control Weather
8 Whirlwind
9 Storm of Vengeance
[top]Spell Domain *
Deity: Ruornil.
Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
Spell Domain Spells
Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
Spell Domain Spells
[top]Strength Domain
[top]Storm Domain *
Deity: Cuiraécen.
Granted Power: You gain Electrical Resistance 5.
Storms Domain Spells
Granted Power: You gain Electrical Resistance 5.
Storms Domain Spells
- 1 Obscuring Mist
- 2 Wind Wall
- 3 Call Lightning
- 4 Sleet Storm
- 5 Ice Storm
- 6 Control Winds
- 7 Control Weather
- 8 Whirlwind
- 9 Storm of Vengeance
[top]Suffering Domain *
Deity: Kriesha.
Granted Power: You may use a pain touch once per day. Make a melee touch attack against a living creature, which sustains a ?2 profane penalty to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute. This spell-like ability does not affect creatures immune to critical hits.
Suffering Domain Spells
Granted Power: You may use a pain touch once per day. Make a melee touch attack against a living creature, which sustains a ?2 profane penalty to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute. This spell-like ability does not affect creatures immune to critical hits.
Suffering Domain Spells
- 1 Doom
- 2 Bane
- 3 Bestow Curse
- 4 Emotion (fear, hate only)
- 5 Enervation
- 6 Harm
- 7 Eyebite (sicken only)
- 8 Symbol (pain only)
- 9 Wail of the Banshee
[top]Sun Domain
Deity: Avani.
[top]Terror Domain *
Deity: Belinik
Granted Power: You get Skill Focus (Intimidate). Intimidate is a Class Skill.
Terror Domain Spells
Granted Power: You get Skill Focus (Intimidate). Intimidate is a Class Skill.
Terror Domain Spells
- 1 Cause Fear
- 2 Scare
- 3 Emotion (fear only)
- 4 Fear
- 5 Phantasmal Killer
- 6 Nightmare
- 7 Eyebite (fear only)
- 8 Symbol (fear only)
- 9 Weird
[top]Trade Domain
Deity: Sera.
Granted Power: You may detect thoughts once per day as a spell-like ability. This is a free action that affects one target and has a duration of 1 min. times your Charisma bonus.
Trade Domain Spells
Granted Power: You may detect thoughts once per day as a spell-like ability. This is a free action that affects one target and has a duration of 1 min. times your Charisma bonus.
Trade Domain Spells
- 1 *Khi. Trader's Tongue
- 2 Message
- 3 Eagle's Splendor
- 4 Sending
- 5 Fabricate
- 6 True Seeing
- 7 Mord. Mag. Mansion
- 8 Mind Blank
- 9 Discern Location
[top]Travel Domain
Deity: Sera
[top]Trickery Domain
Deity: Eloéle
[top]War Domain
[top]Wilderness Domain *
Deity: Erik
Granted Powers: You get the Track feat. Wilderness Lore is a Class Skill.
Wilderness Domain Spells
Granted Powers: You get the Track feat. Wilderness Lore is a Class Skill.
Wilderness Domain Spells
- 1 Pass without Trace
- 2 Tree Shape
- 3 Speak with Animals
- 4 Speak with Plants
- 5 Commune with Nature
- 6 Find the Path
- 7 Liveoak
- 8 Control Weather
- 9 Shapechange
[top]Winter Domain *
Deity: Kriesha.
Granted Power: You get Cold Resistance 5.
Winter Domain Spells
Granted Power: You get Cold Resistance 5.
Winter Domain Spells
- 1 Hand of Ice
- 2 Resist Elements
- 3 Sleet Storm
- 4 Ice Storm
- 5 Cone of Cold
- 6 Oti. Freezing Sphere
- 7 Control Weather
- 8 *Winter Wolves
- 9 *Fury of Winter
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