BRCS:Chapter five/Ruling a domain/The domain turn
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A single domain turn lasts for one season of game time; four domain turns makes up one year. Domain turns are further divided into domain action rounds each of which lasts approximately one month of game time. A war move comes into play only in specific circumstances described in Chapter Six: Armies and warfare; each war move is considered equivalent to roughly one week. Thus there are three domain rounds in a domain turn and four war rounds in a domain round.
Each domain action round, the regents involved must determine the state of their nation, the resources they have available, and whether or not any unusual events have developed that require their attention. Once the domains have been updated, both PC and NPC regents will probably have a variety of actions they'll want to take with their domains. A regent directs his domain's growth by working to increase the ratings of provinces and holdings, engaging in diplomatic or mercantile ventures, waging war, raising fortresses, or otherwise dealing with the affairs of the domain. In addition to the actions that a regent may plan to take, events may force responses to the actions of other regents, monstrous incursions, or natural disasters.
[top]Domain sequence of play
Each domain turn, the regents involved must determine the state of their domains, the resources that they have available, and whether any unusual events have occurred that require their attention. These book-keeping aspects are resolved every domain turn rather than every domain round in order to speed play. Once this simplified book-keeping is performed, then both PCs and NPCs can perform domain actions as the game calendar progresses.
Table 5-7: Domain turn sequence
- Domain attitudes are adjusted
- Domain collections are gained
- Domain expenses are paid
- Play out domain action round 1
- Play out domain action round 2
- Play out domain action round 3
- Proceed to the next domain turn and repeat
- Components of a domain
- The domain turn
- Adjusting domain attitude
- Domain collections
- Domain expenses
- Domain action rounds
- Domain action descriptions
This article is a Birthright Campaign Setting (D&D 3.5/D20) page The BRCS Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, races, classes, feats, skills, various systems, spells, magic items, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast. |
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