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Thread: Question...
09-20-2002, 10:57 PM #1
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Greetings... It has occurred to me, being new to this list and all... Does
anyone have a list of the Birthright deities in 3E format? As in their
domains, alignments (which I suspect may have been altered), favored
weapons, etc.
And of course, I`d also like to know which deities would accept half-elves
into their folds... They would be pretty rare, I think...
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09-21-2002, 03:57 AM #2
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There is a topic at the forum that has a preview of the Domains the gods will have in the 3ed. BRCS.
I can show you the ones I use IMC:
Avani-------------------Knowledge, Magic, Sun
Belinik------------------Destruction, Strenght, Fear*
Cuiraécen--------------Strenght, War, Storm*
Eloéle-------------------Trickery, Darkness*, Thievery*
Haelyn------------------Protection, War, Nobility*
Kriesha-----------------Death, Suffering*, Winter*
Laerme-----------------Fire, Charm*, Craft*
Nesirie------------------Travel, Water, Ocean*
Ruornil------------------Magic, Moon*, Spell*
Sera---------------------Luck, Fate*, Trade*
*Domains not listed on the PHB. Some of these I took from other books, others I created.
Note that, while I didn't listed, every god has the domains of his alignment...
And I didn't gave Erik domains because his priests are druids, not clerics.
09-21-2002, 07:50 AM #3
Mt brief write ups (PHB style) is found at this address, including domains.
My own 3e write-ups of the various priest classes are here:
I`ve written a Dieties and Demigods version of Haelyn, but its not up
anywhere, but I could forward it.
I rather think half-elves could be in any congregation, but Ruornil
probabaly holds a particular attraction. Magic and mystic places.
Kenneth Gauck
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09-21-2002, 11:21 AM #4
This version posted is my favourite (it's not my own):
> Avani (Glory, Sun, reason, knowledge, magic)
> Erik (Animal, Earth, Plant, Travel)
> Haelyn (Justice, Law, Nobility, War)
> Moradin (Artifice, Creation, Dwarf, earth, good)
> Belinik (Chaos, Evil, fear, hatred, war)
> Nesirie (Community, Good, Healing, Repose, Sea, Water)
> Sera (Luck, Trade, Travel, Wealth)
> Cuiraecen (Chaos, Good, Strength, Storm, War)
> Eloele (Chaos, Evil, Night, Trickery)
> Kriesha (Evil, Law, Pain, Winter)
> Laerme (Charm, Chaos, Flame, Good)
> Ruornil (Knowledge, Magic, Moon, Rune, Spell)
> Cold Rider (Death, Evil)
To give any god only three domains isn't this good, I think. Every (of this few gods of Cerilia) has many portfolios. This version is a good creation for this.May Khirdai always bless your sword and his lightning struck your enemies!
09-21-2002, 03:09 PM #5
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On Sat, 2002-09-21 at 14:22, Kenneth Gauck wrote:
Mt brief write ups (PHB style) is found at this address, including domains.
My own 3e write-ups of the various priest classes are here:
I`ve written a Dieties and Demigods version of Haelyn, but its not up
anywhere, but I could forward it.
I rather think half-elves could be in any congregation, but Ruornil
probabaly holds a particular attraction. Magic and mystic places.
What`s a half-elf?
Seriously. What`s a half-elf? a half-human? exactly 50-50? A race of its
own? Genetics aside (it is a fantasy world so lets accept with a leap of
faith that a conjoining can bear fruit), if a child was brought up
entirely as an elf, eating elf food, learning elf customs, sharing the
elf lifestyle, being treated as an elf (and this is exactly what
Cerilian elves do for products of such a union) - how would it be
different from an elf?
I cant see that they should be accepted as a RACE apart. Nor is there
reason to accept them as individuals that are balanced between two
cultures. Sure, from a role-playing perspective, - but from a mechanical
one? It`s a very long bow to draw to.
At a less extreme end of the viewpoint, what is the union of a Brecht
and Khinasi pairing? Surely, the child will favor one or the other
parent. Surely, their upbringing will determine their culture far more
than their genetics. Even a full-blooded Khinasi brought up in an
entirely Brecht culture will be Brecht in outlook for example.
Just a thought.
Kenneth Gauck
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09-21-2002, 04:02 PM #6
Brecht and Khinasi are purely cultural designations. Elf and human are not,
although there is a strong cultural componant. Elfiness is not just a
cultural designation it implies awareness of things like the four elements
and call of the wild. Even an elf with only a single sidhe granparent may
still have sensory awareness which humans totaly lack. Then there is the
question of existential time. What is the passage of time to an elf?
Humans seem to have a much greater awareness of their mortality and the
short time they have to act. Half elves will have an extended sense of
their own lives, and so feel less hurried, less time-sensitive than humans,
but more so then elves, who may in fact lack a time sensitivity. Cultural
affiliation will strengthen one of these tendencies towards time, but there
is an inborn sense of time connected to one`s own aging. So, I`ve mentioned
two kinds of sense. A nature sense that elves have and humans lack and a
time sense that humans have and elves lack. This has not exhausted the
essential differences between elves and humans. Since the differences
between elves and humans is not purely cultural (unlike Brecht and Khinasi)
it is possible that people might favore a template for those of mixed human
and sidhe decent. Others may favor a template for other mixtures of
ancestory, too.
Kenneth Gauck
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09-21-2002, 04:17 PM #7
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On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 01:33, Kenneth Gauck wrote:
Brecht and Khinasi are purely cultural designations. Elf and human are not,
although there is a strong cultural componant. Elfiness is not just a
cultural designation it implies awareness of things like the four elements
and call of the wild. Even an elf with only a single sidhe granparent may
still have sensory awareness which humans totaly lack.
claiming racial memory? (cf cultural learned response)
Then there is the
question of existential time. What is the passage of time to an elf?
Humans seem to have a much greater awareness of their mortality and the
short time they have to act. Half elves will have an extended sense of
their own lives, and so feel less hurried, less time-sensitive than humans,
but more so then elves, who may in fact lack a time sensitivity.
but there is no half-elf racial memory - it`s elf and/or human. (and a
learned response is wholly elf or wholly human depending on environment)
affiliation will strengthen one of these tendencies towards time, but there
is an inborn sense of time connected to one`s own aging. So, I`ve mentioned
two kinds of sense. A nature sense that elves have and humans lack and a
time sense that humans have and elves lack. This has not exhausted the
essential differences between elves and humans. Since the differences
between elves and humans is not purely cultural (unlike Brecht and Khinasi)
it is possible that people might favore a template for those of mixed human
and sidhe decent. Others may favor a template for other mixtures of
ancestory, too.
not very convincing at all. I`ll accept that there are differences
between humans and elves. If a mixed heritage `recalls` a sense - it
would be a total recall - not a partial one.
Kenneth Gauck
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09-21-2002, 05:44 PM #8
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I rather think half-elves could be in any congregation, but Ruornil
probabaly holds a particular attraction. Magic and mystic places.
Hmmm... Well, I also think that half-elves might do well as priests (druids)
of Erik. Avani, being Lady of Reason is not going to turn them down for just
being of Elven blood. Laerme, being the goddess of beauty might appeal to
some of them.
And, of course, those half-elves that have been raised primarily in human
societies might end up in any of the others... Though the downtrodden might
gravitate towards Eloéle... And those who grow up surrounded by the battles
for the Iron Throne (or other battle-heavy places) might end up as clerics
of Cuiraécen... (Which BTW is the deity that half-elf priestess is that I
need to convert... Though to her, he`s Kirken.)
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09-21-2002, 06:29 PM #9
Peter L:
> What`s a half-elf?
> Seriously. What`s a half-elf? a half-human? exactly 50-50? A
> race of its own? Genetics aside (it is a fantasy world so
> lets accept with a leap of faith that a conjoining can bear
> fruit), if a child was brought up entirely as an elf, eating
> elf food, learning elf customs, sharing the elf lifestyle,
> being treated as an elf (and this is exactly what Cerilian
> elves do for products of such a union) - how would it be
> different from an elf?
> I cant see that they should be accepted as a RACE apart. Nor
> is there reason to accept them as individuals that are
> balanced between two cultures. Sure, from a role-playing
> perspective, - but from a mechanical one? It`s a very long
> bow to draw to.
> At a less extreme end of the viewpoint, what is the union of
> a Brecht and Khinasi pairing? Surely, the child will favor
> one or the other parent. Surely, their upbringing will
> determine their culture far more than their genetics. Even a
> full-blooded Khinasi brought up in an entirely Brecht culture
> will be Brecht in outlook for example.
> Just a thought.
I`m actually similarly torn. I have been thinking about the Ritters, a
family of minor lords in Roesone (the stewards of Edlin or Duerlin
IIRC), who are descended from a Brecht companion of Daen Roesone. Given
that it is unlikely that the original Ritter brought his family with him
this family is certainly going to have been originally half-Brecht and
half-Anuirean. Are these people Brechts, or are they Anuireans who have
a habit of having lighter coloured hair and eyes and of teaching their
children Brecht? I would consider the Ritters to be the second and make
no distinction for "half-regional" humans.
Sidhelien however are different. They are magical eldritch creatures,
not just people with some different customs. I am actually inclined to
go a little "Tolkien" on this matter. Essentially the half-sidhe has a
choice - to either stay in the sidhe-forests and live as a sidhe
(although as a "weaker" sidhe) or to leave and travel, perhaps to join
some human society. This choice need not the conscious choice of the
half-elves of Tolkien`s world, the choice can be unconscious, although
probably not involuntary. Those who choose the sidhe-forest might tend
to live longer and develop more curious magical powers, whereas the ones
who leave become the typical "adventuring" half-elf who lives on the
fringes and has to deal with a lack of acceptance. This second group may
live for shorter periods of time and develop more worldly skills.
Finally, and probably only very rarely, there are half-sidhe who leave
the sidhe-forests and become accepted by human society.
I would say that those half-sidhe living in the sidhe-forests would be
able to develop nearly all the skills, feats, and prestige classes (if
used) available to sidhelien of that area. Those that leave are more
likely to be considered as human adventurers of that particular region,
although there is certainly scope for the development of some magical
techniques or feat-based abilities that are normally the province of
true sidhelien.
I feel that most PC half-sidhe will be of the second variety. The first
group would tend ot be happy and "well-adjusted" (for sidhelien) and
therefore not be prone to adventuring beyond their own homes (I always
imagined sidhe-forests and rather interesting places). The second group
is virtually forced into a life of "adventuring" (i.e. wandering around
shiftless and homeless searching for things to do to survive and fend
off boredom).
I don`t personally think much of the argument about genetics. I consider
the taint of sidhe ancestry to be a curious magical thing and not a
matter of biology. I`m all for science in its place, I`m not convinced
that sidhelien-human breeding in BR needs to be examined genetically. I
also am unsure of the point in determining absolute psychological
patterns in a fictional race. I suppose it could by useful to some
people (I mean, obviously it is to Peter) but "my mileage varies" on
this regard.
John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
Athanasius Kircher, Ars Magna Sciendi.
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The Other John From Dunedin (now in Canberra)
"Power performs the Miracle." - Johannes Trithemius
09-21-2002, 06:29 PM #10
> Hmmm... Well, I also think that half-elves might do well as
> priests (druids) of Erik. Avani, being Lady of Reason is not
> going to turn them down for just being of Elven blood.
> Laerme, being the goddess of beauty might appeal to some of them.
Unless those Avanites are from Zikala ;)
> And, of course, those half-elves that have been raised
> primarily in human societies might end up in any of the
> others... Though the downtrodden might gravitate towards
> Eloéle... And those who grow up surrounded by the battles for
> the Iron Throne (or other battle-heavy places) might end up
> as clerics of Cuiraécen... (Which BTW is the deity that
> half-elf priestess is that I need to convert... Though to
> her, he`s Kirken.)
I think that some half-sidhe might have Cuiraecen as a patron because
they are bards (which is a traditional class for half-elves to take up).
I see bards as fulfilling a lot of the roles of heralds and so, since
Cuiraecen is the patron of heralds (being one himself), wandering bards
might place themselves under the patronage (and protection) of the
I personally like the idea of a Haelynite half-sidhe who has *really*
turned his back on his ancestry. Perhaps this character reviles their
sidhe parent for not marrying and staying with their mortal parent?
Maybe it was the characters feelings of injustice over this that made
them seek the priesthood of the Lawmaker? Alternatively perhaps I just
like the idea of heavily-armoured half-sidhe since it is different from
the norm...
John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
Athanasius Kircher, Ars Magna Sciendi.
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The Other John From Dunedin (now in Canberra)
"Power performs the Miracle." - Johannes Trithemius
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