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Thread: children of the light in BR
09-03-2002, 05:20 PM #1
I have been reading the wheel of time books from Robert Jordan and there exsistes a group that just might fit in birthright. they are called the children of the light and are a militant group of solder/priests that go around converting by the sword, stiring up the people agenst there rulers, and just making trouble. It might be interesting to take a old line church of Healyn and make them start a holy war against everyone. Start by having small groups of missionaries going out to fight briginds, or help a few communites. After a while they gey sourse holdings and start making sure everyone "walkes in the light".
09-03-2002, 10:30 PM #2
marcum uth mather:
> I have been reading the wheel of time books from Robert
> Jordan and there exsistes a group that just might fit in
> birthright. they are called the children of the light and are
> a militant group of solder/priests that go around converting
> by the sword, stiring up the people agenst there rulers, and
> just making trouble. It might be interesting to take a old
> line church of Healyn and make them start a holy war against
> everyone. Start by having small groups of missionaries going
> out to fight briginds, or help a few communites. After a
> while they gey sourse holdings and start making sure everyone
> "walkes in the light".
Sounds like the Zikalan Temple of Avani to me, at least in Khinasi
I really cannot see what they`d do with source holdings though.
John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
Athanasius Kircher, Ars Magna Sciendi.
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09-10-2002, 12:07 AM #3
sorry I ment temple and law holdings:)
10-05-2002, 10:44 AM #4
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I am also a fan of the WoT and can see many interesting approaches to this. I will apologize in advance for any mis-spellings of BR terms.
Could one of the churches of Haelyn decide that it is time to bring the other splinters back to the true faith? Many oppertunities are presented by this scenario for all types of play. Political types may want to step in for diplomatic resolution before the lands rise up in religious fervor. Sneaky types may want to perform sabotage and/or spying for one side (or both) to slow things down until armies can be readied or another solution reached. Combat types could waylay the other side's scouts, act as a comando and strike deep in enemy territory, or simply lead one of the armies as they clash.
Perhaps a single cruel priest (LE) has gained a high rank within the church and wishes to elevate his power base to a theocracy? This scenario relies heavily on realizing the nature of the threat and seeking a way to expose and/or remove the priest.
Might it be that Haelyn's Aegis has decided the time has come to unite the lands of the Empire under one leadership (their's or anothers) in order to remove the evil scions of Azari from Anwaere forever? A sad case of the 'good guys' using bad tactics in the effort to take down a great enemy of the people. Once again there are many possible approaches to solving this one. Of course, solving the problem without destroying the 'good guys' could provide an interesting challenge to players.
Or more devious, a guilder has decided to perform espionage and sabotage against one of the churches of Haelyn and balme another (church or even religion) in the hopes of agitating things to the point of open warfare in order to profit from the sale of weapons, foodstuffs, and other wartime needs to both sides (or even more mercenary, simply to empty out some warehouses for other products).
Do you get the feeling that I'm one of those GM's who always has every burner on the range boiling another pl... er, pot? Most of these I have tried personally in other settings, but I believe they should translate well for BR. Remember, players and GM's alike, the secret to a successful 'adventure idea board' is to plant the seeds of schemes that each GM will grow and shape into plots of his or her own, as unique to each campaign as one game to another.
Enjoy -- JMay the blessings of divine Haelyn be always at hand for you, friend.
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