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  1. #1
    This was posted on Steve Jackson's website


    Now for the rumor from Origins. I am advised that WotC was demonstrating but not selling from their booth, that the buzz is that a sale is about to be announced, and that the rumor, I repeat RUMOR, on the floor was that media mogul Ted Turner has bought D&D.
    The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God stands forever.
    (Isaiah 40:8)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United Provinces of Ceril

    You heard it from Steve who heard it from someone at Origins heard a rumor that all of this was going to occur?

    Can anyone who went to Origins confirm that WotC was not selling from their booth? Even if it is true that they weren't selling, it doesn't confirm the rumor to be true.

    By the way, why would Ted Turner buy D&D?
    Lord Eldred
    High Councilor of the
    United Provinces of Cerilia
    "May Haelyn bring justice to your realm"

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    BR mailing list
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 brnetboard@TUARHIEVEL.ORG wrote:
    > Lord Eldred wrote:
    > Can anyone who went to Origins confirm that WotC was not selling from
    > their booth? Even if it is true that they weren`t selling, it
    > doesn`t confirm the rumor to be true.

    I was down there a couple of hours ago (figured I`d be dumb to live in the
    same town as one of the bigger game-fests and not go). Wizards had a good
    sized floor area claimed, maybe 40 by 40. It was covered with gaming
    tables for them to demo stuff at, a little stage they were running some
    kind of prize drawings from, and they had a small info booth in one
    corner. The vast majority of it was the game demo tables. Didn`t see
    anything for sale there.

    I got to peruse the game trader booths, the guys that have all the old OOP
    material. One guy had a good selection of birthright material, I picked
    up Warlock for 5 bucks.
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    Daniel McSorley-

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