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05-29-2002, 06:09 AM #1
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It`s good to see that you were able to justifiably come up with a
scenario in which the player thought twice. As an aside to your
information, I have seen the Spider as one in which all surrounding
regents try to factor in his potential actions "just in case" the Spider
does something when the regent tries something grand (such as attacking a
neighboring realm). I also think the realms neighboring the Spiderfell
despise anyone who attempts to invade the Spiderfell because of quick
repurcussions. It would be "logically chaotic" for the Spider to send
raiding parties into all domains *except* the one that invaded, in order
to agitate the rulers and populace to retaliate against the original
invader, which the Spider would believe would give him some free time to
plot a "down the road" revenge. Just my opinion.
Take care,
"How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol Horde got bored?"
- Calvin & Hobbes.
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05-29-2002, 06:09 AM #2
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It`s good to see that you were able to justifiably come up with a
scenario in which the player thought twice. As an aside to your
information, I have seen the Spider as one in which all surrounding
regents try to factor in his potential actions "just in case" the Spider
does something when the regent tries something grand (such as attacking a
neighboring realm). I also think the realms neighboring the Spiderfell
despise anyone who attempts to invade the Spiderfell because of quick
repurcussions. It would be "logically chaotic" for the Spider to send
raiding parties into all domains *except* the one that invaded, in order
to agitate the rulers and populace to retaliate against the original
invader, which the Spider would believe would give him some free time to
plot a "down the road" revenge. Just my opinion.
Take care,
"How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol Horde got bored?"
- Calvin & Hobbes.
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Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
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05-29-2002, 01:28 PM #3
At 12:47 AM 5/29/2002 -0500, Kirby wrote:
>It`s good to see that you were able to justifiably come up with a scenario
>in which the player thought twice. As an aside to your information, I
>have seen the Spider as one in which all surrounding regents try to factor
>in his potential actions "just in case" the Spider does something when the
>regent tries something grand (such as attacking a neighboring realm). I
>also think the realms neighboring the Spiderfell despise anyone who
>attempts to invade the Spiderfell because of quick repurcussions. It
>would be "logically chaotic" for the Spider to send raiding parties into
>all domains *except* the one that invaded, in order to agitate the rulers
>and populace to retaliate against the original invader, which the Spider
>would believe would give him some free time to plot a "down the road"
>revenge. Just my opinion.
In addition to the above issues, it also occurs to me that possibly one of
the best plans for dealing with players who are thinking of invading the
Spider`s domain is to have the Spider invade _them_ first. In fact, it`s
probably a good idea for any PC realm that borders one of the awnsheghlien
realms. The awnshegh are supposed to be pretty scary, and what better way
to reflect that than to have them invade, or at least harass the PC
regent? It`s difficult, of course, to anticipate one`s players, but as a
kind of general guideline, I think it might be prudent to have the
awnsheghlien behave as aggressively as the PCs probably will.
The DM should probably also feel free to use more than a few DM fiats when
running awnsheghlien. That is, they could probably be excepted from many
of the standard rules regarding domain rule. Maintenance costs for the
Spider`s goblin and arachnid units, for instance, should probably be
reduced to 0. He might also be able to muster them as levies at no cost,
or his units could "miracle" into existence without costing him any GB. He
might not have to pay for the maintenance of fortified holding(s) to
reflect the verdant nature of the Spiderfell. Things like that.
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