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  1. #1
    Birthright Developer Raesene Andu's Avatar
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    South Australia
    Here is a quick overview of the human tribes found in Aduria. I have not provided rules for each yet, but I am interested in reading any idea others have.

    1. Anuirean & Brechts.
    Both of these Cerilian humans can be found in Aduria, the Anuireans across the north of the continent in lands they settled or conquered at the height of the Anuirean empire. The Brechts are found in the distant south, mainly in the Chorbrag region. This city was once the heart of their ancient homeland and it was resettled by Brecht traders from Cerilia over a thousand years ago and florished as a trade centre until recent times.

    2. Lucitian.
    The Lucitians were once the most fanatical followers of the dark god Azrai, and with his backing rose to conquer much of the continent, and their armies were heavily involved in the fighting at Deismaar. Following Deismaar, the Lucitian army (who had been altered by Azrai's evil in bestial creatures now known as the Beastmen) were driven out in a civil war that laid waste to much of the empire and they further suffered in fighting several centuries latter during the war against Anuire.
    As a people, the Lucitians have survived the chaos that destroyed much of their empire quite well. Ruined cities and fortresses dot the landscape, but the land is civilised and the common folk still farm land held by their ancestors a thousand years earlier. However, darkness is never far beneath the surface and the worship of Azrai is on the rise again as many begin to believe an ancient prophecy, one that predict the return of the dark god and a return of ancient Lucitian glory.

    3. Neha
    A culture even more ancient than the Lucitian empire, the Neha dominate western Aduria. Many seperate peoples make up the Neha empire, but all are considered part of the one race. The original Neha were a warrior tribe, and the descendants of that original tribe, who now make up the royal familiy and much of the nobility remain proud of the warrior heritage and hold on to many principles of honour that the common folk disregard. The conquered peoples who from the rest of the empire are collectively known as the Neha principalities and vary from region to region. The people of off-shore islands are sailors and fisherman, while those along the west coast are herders and farmers. The Neha worship all the gods as a complete pantheon, as well as two new gods, representing the ancient powers of creation.

    4. Ghan
    The last of the ancient empire, the people of Ghanim are a fallen race. Following the Lucitian civil war and the eventual victory of the human people of Lucita of the Beast-men, the ancient armies of Azrai fled south into the deserts of Ghanim. There they were joined by the sorcerer Karish, one of Azrai's Lieutrenants who took command of the Beast-men and soon conquered the desert kingdom. The people of Ghanim were enslaved, although some escaped to the south and still live free, striving to reclaim their lost empire from Karish and his beastial servants. As for the sorcerer, he descended even further into darkness, and now seek to conquer the continent, using the Beast-men and undead summoned from the shadow world to invade the southern lands.

    5. Juh
    Along the east coast of central Aduria dwell the Juh, wild nomadic tribes that travel the grasslands in search of antelopes, elephants and other animals for food and their hides. They do not build cities, preferring to roam their lands, in fact their capital city, Hongor, is populated more by other races than the natives. The Juh however occasionally enter the city to sell furs, hides, and other goods that they have collected and to buy weapons. Once every five years Hongor hosts a great meeting of all the heads of the tribes and during that time it has been known for its population to triple. The tribes of Juh are renowned as the best horsemen in all of Aduria and even the great Lucitian Empire does not threaten their hold on their lands, preferring only to pass through and leave the horsemen well alone. There are many stories of entire armies being slaughtered by Juh horse archers after they threatened one tribe or another. Normally the tribes are fairly isolated from each other, but tribal alliances, some hundreds of years of old bring them together in times of strife and war. Their main enemies, apart from the occasional human army crossing the plains, are the Wermics of the southern grasslands, who battle with the nomads for resources and territory.

    6. Huachi
    The Huachi are a mountain people, ruling the mountain ranges that seperate the southern jungles from the grasslands of central Aduria. While they rule only a few lands, their mountain fortresses are strong and difficult to breech. Originally thought to be from Djapar, the Huachi arrived on the continent some two thousand years ago as refugees from some long forgotten conflict. Although they were soon part of Azrai's growing empire, forced to join or die, since Deismaar they have had little to do with the forces of darkness, and now fight against the evil. They are master swordmen, and their steel is reputed to be the finest in the world. Today, the Huachi follow the new gods, including Haelyn, Avani and Sera. They are also home to a small sect of Eloele's worshippers, a group of dark assassins who operate out of a hidden mountain monestry.

    7. Zaya
    The Zaya are the southern-most of Aduria's cultures, dominating the jungles and islands along the Sea of Shifting Sands. During the reign of Azrai the people refused to submit to the dark god, and as a result were enslaved. Many thousands were sacrificed in dark rituals and many others were used as cannon fodder in the great wars that followed, pushed forward in front of the invading armies to take the brunt of any enemy attacks. As a result, the Zaya have an unrelenting hatred for anything to do with Azrai or his followers. Shadow magic, common across much of the continent is almost unknown here, and anyone suspected of worship Azrai, Khrisha or Belinik are used killed without trial.
    The Zaya are a very civilised people, skilled artisans and merchants. They are also the only tribe on the continent to have contact with the mysterious race of beings known collectively as Genie. These spirits often take human form and live among the Zaya, apparently because they find the Zaya culture similar enough to their own to be comfortable. The Zaya worship Avani, Nesirie and Laerme, although the other gods (with the exceptions of Khiesha and Benilink) are also worshiped in some lands.

    Now I plan on coming up with seperate cultural traits (similar to those in the latest verion of Travis Doom's conversion manual) for each tribe, and would be interested in hearing a few ideas.
    Let me claim your Birthright!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    United Provinces of Ceril
    I would be interested in knowing your description of the two new gods you mentioned. Are you planning on posting them at some point? Also when you have this complete are you planning on posting it in the Writers guild?
    Lord Eldred
    High Councilor of the
    United Provinces of Cerilia
    "May Haelyn bring justice to your realm"

  3. #3
    Birthright Developer Raesene Andu's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    South Australia
    Actually, there will now be at least four new gods, including two new non-human ones. I will be posting details here as soon as I come up with them. I will be including more descriptions of the non-human gods than were included in the Birthright rules.

    As for posting in the writer's guild, I will post parts of the Adurian expansions (spells, prestige classes, races, etc) but not the information on the actual setting, although when it is complete it will be available as a single download.
    Let me claim your Birthright!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    United Provinces of Ceril
    Drop me a message when it is ready for downloading. Your ideas look pretty cool! I will be looking for the posting of your new gods.
    Lord Eldred
    High Councilor of the
    United Provinces of Cerilia
    "May Haelyn bring justice to your realm"

  5. #5
    Moo! Are you happy now? Arjan's Avatar
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    Woerden, Netherlands
    Hey Ian, do you already have any idea what their racial traits are.
    Then i can start with that banner i prommised to make for you :) .

    Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Toledo,Ohio (HELL)
    How about auniting of the Juh clans & tribes.Starting with say one tiny raiding party. Not attaking each other , but striking at their oppressors. Growing fame and respect, which leads to trbes and clans to join.Battle after battle,until the desolate Juh tribes become an empire of significents.The rebirth of a nation is at hand.

    Xavier of the Juh
    Death by the blade is a good way to die. Let us fight with honor or die a coward!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Raesene Andu
    2. Lucitian.
    The Lucitians were once the most fanatical followers of the dark god Azrai, and with his backing rose to conquer much of the continent, and their armies were heavily involved in the fighting at Deismaar.
    Why did Azrai spend so much time corrupting the Vos and Elves then?

    If he's got this he didn't need them and we already know he did.

    Also the three members of the Lost loose would probably remember them and at least one [Probably the Magian] would have acted to co opt thier government.


  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Dahak wrote:

    >This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    >Dahak wrote:
    Originally posted by Raesene Andu
    >2. Lucitian.
    >The Lucitians were once the most fanatical followers of the dark god Azrai, and with his backing rose to conquer much of the continent, and their armies were heavily involved in the fighting at Deismaar.
    >Why did Azrai spend so much time corrupting the Vos and Elves then?
    >If he`s got this he didn`t need them and we already know he did.
    >Also the three members of the Lost loose would probably remember them and at least one [Probably the Magian] would have acted to co opt thier government.
    A possible explanation if one wanted to have such a race would be that
    before Deismaar Azrai did not out of necessity but out of greed or hate
    or whatever want to spoil the other gods and therefore tried to lure
    their followers to his side - not only weakening the other gods
    powerbase of devout followers but spitting them right in the face by
    sending their former followers against theim...

    After Deismaar you could simply say that the gigantic army of the
    Lucitians had the bad luck of being positioned at the place where the
    largest pieces of rock of Deismaar impacted and the army was nearly
    completely annihilated, worse than any other army at Deismaar and
    perhaps that a tidal wave heading south from the impact washed away
    their capital :-)
    Michael Romes

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  9. #9
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    If Azrai had the entire Adurian Empire following him at Deismaar, doesn't it seem a little odd that only Belinik and Kreisha get to ascend in his place? Cold Rider or no, why wouldn't a Lucitian champion or high priest have ascended in Azrai's place? It would be easy to explain how the Cerilians simply didn't realize it in their egocentric worldview - certainly the Vos gods wouldn't acknowledge such competitors.

    It's OK if there are no Adurian successor gods, I just think it needs a good storyline to justify this gaping hole in the divine storyline. Raesene, any thoughts? Anyone else?

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Unless, of course, that the Cold Rider *IS* the Lucitian High Priest.... or what remains of him after being blasted by a concntrated and directed channel of Azrai's power....
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