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Thread: Healing, Curing, and Curses
05-22-2002, 02:02 AM #1
I`m ditching the "cures all diseases" works all the time aspect of the Cure
and Remove spells. Instead, these spells will add divine bonuses to skill
The Cure sequence:
All the basic Heal tasks are DC 15. Surplus results are the amount of hp`s
Cure Minor, no modifier, success allows one point restored.
Cure Light +5, d20+5+skill ranks-15 points restored
Cure Moderate +10, d20+10+skill ranks-15 points restored
Cure Serious +15, d20+15+skill ranks-15 points restored
Cure Critical +20, d20+20+skillranks-15 points restored
Remove Disease, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +15 sacred bonus.
Remove Blindness, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +15 sacred bonus.
Remove Curse, perform a Knowledge (Religion or Arcane) check, spell grants a
+15 sacred or insight bonus.
Remove Poison, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +20 sacred bonus.
Heal, cures disease, blindness, deafness, or injury +30 to Heal check.
All modifiers are +5/spell level.
Its simple, it works with the existing skill system, it allows spells to
augment, but not replace skills.
Kenneth Gauck
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05-22-2002, 06:33 AM #2
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Doing this, I would increase the number of skill points that Clerics get,
because they now HAVE to take the Heal skill, or lose some class abilities.
Kenneth Gauck <kgauck@MCHSI.COM> wrote at 02-05-22 03.46:
> I`m ditching the "cures all diseases" works all the time aspect of the Cure
> and Remove spells. Instead, these spells will add divine bonuses to skill
> checks.
> The Cure sequence:
> All the basic Heal tasks are DC 15. Surplus results are the amount of hp`s
> restored.
> Cure Minor, no modifier, success allows one point restored.
> Cure Light +5, d20+5+skill ranks-15 points restored
> Cure Moderate +10, d20+10+skill ranks-15 points restored
> Cure Serious +15, d20+15+skill ranks-15 points restored
> Cure Critical +20, d20+20+skillranks-15 points restored
> Remove Disease, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +15 sacred bonus.
> Remove Blindness, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +15 sacred bonus.
> Remove Curse, perform a Knowledge (Religion or Arcane) check, spell grants a
> +15 sacred or insight bonus.
> Remove Poison, perform Heal Check, spell grants a +20 sacred bonus.
> Heal, cures disease, blindness, deafness, or injury +30 to Heal check.
> All modifiers are +5/spell level.
> Its simple, it works with the existing skill system, it allows spells to
> augment, but not replace skills.
> Kenneth Gauck
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05-22-2002, 01:35 PM #3
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Cramér" <carl.cramer@HOME.SE>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 12:52 AM
> Doing this, I would increase the number of skill points that Clerics get,
> because they now HAVE to take the Heal skill, or lose some class
Only if they feel that they absolutly must max out healing results, but
those people should have many Heal skill ranks. There is nothing wrong with
underperforming in healing. Many priesthoods in the BoP only got healing as
a minor sphere.
Kenneth Gauck
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