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  1. #1
    Member rjurikwinds's Avatar
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    Turn Order Form Templates

    OK, so I've started working on my PBEM project again -- I hope to start a new Rjurik Highlands campaign right before christmas.

    My first order of business was to create a standardized Turn Order form, because on the Rjurik Winds campaign I had a lot of folks who would have needed a bit more structure... I had to go back to people: "Are you going to add any RPs to this action? Your DC is pretty bad... "

    That being said I need to give folks as much freedom as possible (I'm all about "Freedom, Sex and Rock'n'Roll" -- but don't tell my wife).

    With that preface in mind do you guys have any "Turn Order Forms" that you recommend? Something that worked well for you on paper, or perhaps one you use in your play-by-post or play-by-email. I think I remember that Empire's Twilight had a word document.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Which ruleset are you planning to use? It makes a difference on what columns/rows are needed for a DO.

  3. #3
    Member rjurikwinds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Which ruleset are you planning to use? It makes a difference on what columns/rows are needed for a DO.
    Ah! Well you know me Andrew - I haven't moved on since 2ed.
    Actually I bought the 4th edition PHB, and I had to look at the cover 15 times to make sure it was still Dungeons & Dragon... not a totally unrelated combat-only "card game"

  4. #4
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjurikwinds View Post
    Ah! Well you know me Andrew - I haven't moved on since 2ed.
    Actually I bought the 4th edition PHB, and I had to look at the cover 15 times to make sure it was still Dungeons & Dragon... not a totally unrelated combat-only "card game"
    Try pathfinder or 3e instead...

    Do you have any of my old DO's - if so let me know if that's the sort of thing you're after, if not I'll mail you one.

  5. #5
    Member rjurikwinds's Avatar
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    Andrew, you are going to find this funny,
    I do have some old Domain Orders actually, let me show you a few samples below to illustrate my dilema

    Old Turn Order for Storm Holston:

    Old Turn order for Svinik (Guess who)

    A few observations:
    1. I love roleplay and I want an area for people to be able to do the long descriptions that the Svinik orders have... and yet I need to allow some players to enter in just the basics (Storm/Richard was usually full of prose, but I found a turn order that was particularly short to show the basic minimum.
    2. The form needs to allow for complex instructions -- your military campaign was not the exception; The White Witch was far worst, with a bazillion details, and tons of "last minute" revisions.

    In conclusion I guess I am doomed; I pretty much would need to re-create the birmail order input interface and the action-contextual pop-up. Let me see if I can read through the java and see if that is a translatable into php.

  6. #6
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    In practice you cannot run battles through a DO as to much depends on what happens - no plan survives contact with the enemy and it shouldn't even try to do so in this case.

    All you really need to know is which troops are active or not and where they are - all the orders, etc can be done as the turn progresses to avoid all the 'if-then-else' crud that puffs up a DO.

    My 10 pages for turn 6 was a bit of a monster, in practice if I'd used excel I could have spread it out over several tabs so that, for example, the lieutenants didn't clog up the 'motion', the army was on its own tab, etc - that's working fairly well in RoE and lets the domain actions be much clearer.

    I can email you some of the RoE templates I worked with while we were thinking about a new template if you like.

  7. #7
    What are these awful lies about the White Witch? Her Player's battle and army turns were clean, concise, efficient, and surely required no outside work, change or effort at all.

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