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Thread: Anuire Mapping

  1. #1

    Anuire Mapping

    I recently decided that it would be nice to create a more detailed map of Anuire by assembling the various Players' Secrets maps into a single map, and then redrawingit myself in photoshop to maintain consistency in styles/colouring etc. Unfortunately, I had not really looked at Birthright material for some time, and remembered there being a far greater number of these than there were! Undeterred, I decided to press on regardless, and downloaded all the other maps in the downloads section here that there were. I have now assembled all those that I could find, and am quite happy with the way it is looking.

    I am now about to move on and start creating more detailed maps for those domains that I do not have covered, using the domain info on the wiki and rendering a map that reflects this. Before starting this though I thought I would put out a call to see whether anyone has anything else that has thus far not been posted into the public domain- partly of course because it makes my job easier than creating things from scratch, but also to include the efforts that any of you have made in the final product.

    Just to give a bit more information, my map covers Anuire as far north as the top corner of Mhoried, and as far east as Coeranys. I have used to Players' Secrets maps of Roesone, Medoere, Ilien, Endier, and Turonen (which is actually quite rubbish), as well as maps of Aerenwe, Osoerde and Ghoere form the downloads, with a few minor modifications (for example, the Ghoere map would have the main road to Roesone running between Danaroene and Bellam, whereas the Roesone PS map would suggest between Bheline and Fairfield). So if anyone has any detailed maps of other domains within Anuire that they could put up in the downloads that would be great- the Diemed PS up there has no maps in it and I'm sure from the level of detail in the text, and the layout, it would have done at some stage. Whether hand-drawn or rendered in any form of software, the style doesn't matter as I will make my map uniform, but the less I have to start from scratch the quicker I can finish my project and put it up for you all!

    Thanks in advance for any help the community can provide.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dyark's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    montreal, canada

    vector map

    in the program i am building, the draw part of every provinces will be possible and simple!

    If you have people drawing maps, You should encourage them to build it with vector symbol, it is a lot more powerfull and easier to use for everybody.

  3. #3
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    See and in particular, or do you want even more detail than that?

  4. #4
    Thanks for the input.

    Dyark, I'm using photoshop for my map because it's what I have and what I'm familiar with using. I'm sure there are discussions in here somewhere of the merits of various software for mapping but I'm happy with what I'm using at present.

    Sorontar, thanks for the links. The Anuire map you linked me to is what I have at the moment. What I'm trying to do is add the level of detail to that map (well, not all of it at this stage but we'll see how motivated I remain once I've finished what I'm doing now!) that is present in the Players' Secrets material; so individual provinces will have details such as towns, roads, smaller rivers, farmland, ruins etc, rather than being blank, hilly, mountainous or forested as is the case on the Anuire map, and with only generally capital cities marked.

    As I said, it is proving to be a bit bigger job than I had anticipated as there are less Players' Secrets documents than I remembered, which is why I was hoping someone out there may have a more detailed domain map or two kicking around somewhere!

  5. #5
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mojesty View Post
    As I said, it is proving to be a bit bigger job than I had anticipated as there are less Players' Secrets documents than I remembered, which is why I was hoping someone out there may have a more detailed domain map or two kicking around somewhere!
    That's one of the reasons why the BRCS Atlas was started, simply because there wasn't enough info about everywhere. The wiki is an extension of that and it is severely lacking in maps.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Vectoring would be a very powerful tool on map-making, but that means less people working on it. Not a lot of people know about vectoring and that sort of software. I would think the enterprise in Photoshop would be very daunting though.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Dyark's Avatar
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    vector map

    I have finish the mapping of provinces in illustrator (vector), in the tool i am developping for cerilia, i will also include a vector placing over the map so regent can, if they want, map provinces with real easy tool (i am working with a database and i will keep the fxg data in it).

    I just hope I can make all that for summer 2011 (right now i am the only one working on it)

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