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  1. #21
    Senior Member Elton Robb's Avatar
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    Churches of HAELYN

    The Othodox Imperial Temple of Haelyn
    Suggested skills: Knowledge: Bureaucracy, Knowledge Law
    Sub-domains: Archon, Honor, Loyalty, Restoration, Tactics, Wind

    The Northern Temple of Haelyn
    Suggested Skills: Knowledge: Religion [Haelyn], Perform: Oratory
    Sub-Domains: Agathion, Archon, Cloud, Leadership, Restoration

    The Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn
    Suggested Skills: Perform: Etiquette, Administrate
    Sub-domains: Honor, Leadership, Loyalty, Restoration, Wind

    Haelyn's Aegis
    Suggested Skills: Knowledge: Strategy
    Suggested Feat: Leadership
    Sub-domains: Archon, Cloud, Heroism, Leadership, Resurrection, Tactics

    Haelyn's Warriors
    Suggested Skills: Knowledge: Strategy
    Suggested Feat: Leadership
    Sub-domains: Archon, Cloud, Heroism, Leadership, Resurrection, Tactics

    The Dragonsea Temple of Haelyn
    Suggested Skills: Ride (Horses), Profession: Sailor
    Suggested Feats: Weapon Proficiency - Lance, saber, scimitar, longsword, bastard sword
    Sub-domains: Azata, Honor, Loyalty, Martyr, Restoration, Wind

    Shield of Halaia

    Suggested Skills: Ride (Horses), Profession: Sailor
    Suggested Feats: Weapon Proficiency - Lance, saber, scimitar, longsword, bastard sword
    Sub-domains: Azata, Honor, Loyalty, Martyr, Restoration, Wind

    The Impregnable Heart of Haelyn
    Suggested Feats: Endurance, Leadership
    sub-domains: Cloud, Heroism, Loyalty, Leadership, Restoration, Tactics
    Regent of Medoere

  2. #22
    Resurrection subdomain seems off for Haelyn in a BR campaign.
    Haelyn doesn't even grant Raise Dead in 2e.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Elton Robb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DM-Isaelie View Post
    Resurrection subdomain seems off for Haelyn in a BR campaign.
    Haelyn doesn't even grant Raise Dead in 2e.
    Yes, I agree. But what else can I do? The Healing domain has two subdomains: Restoration and Resurrection. The purpose is to really pronounce differences among the churches to make them unique. The best way to do this is by using subdomains.

    Associated Domain: Healing.

    Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the rebuke death power of the Healing domain.

    Restorative Touch (Su): You can touch a creature, letting the healing power of your deity flow through you to relieve the creature of a minor condition. Your touch can remove the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, or staggered condition. You choose which condition is removed. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

    Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—remove disease, 4th—neutralize poison, 5th—break enchantment.

    Associated Domain: Healing.

    Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the healer’s blessing power of the Healing domain.

    Gift of Life (Su): At 8th level, you can touch a creature that has died within the past minute to grant it a few moments of life. The dead creature returns to life for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. Creatures returned to life in this way have a number of hit points equal to half your cleric level, and continue to be affected by any still-active spells, conditions, or afflictions present at the time of their death. At the end of this time, the creature dies again. The creature is free to act as it sees fit during this time. You are granted no control over it.

    You can use this power once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.

    Replacement Domain Spells: 5th—raise dead, 7th—resurrection, 9th—true resurrection.
    Regent of Medoere

  4. #24
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    Why create two extra Knowledge skills when you already have Administrate and Knowledge: Nobility (or even Profession: Lawyer)? Skills can be in high demand as it is, without further granulating the skill system.

    Ius Hibernicum, in nomine juris. Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.

  5. #25
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Resurrection isn't quite the right description of the power - I'd almost call it "second wind" or "hero's chance" - basically you give a dying comrade the chance to go down in a blaze of heroism if they take a bad hit - a very Aegis thing to do!

    The domain spells are more of a problem, although rescued somewhat by the fact that they are high level so out of reach in a world where L7-10 is about as high as levels usually go (sidhe and awnies aside).

  6. #26
    You could just say the spells don't change from base, I suppose, for Resurrection - you just get the ability (it was the spells I was mostly concerned that didn't seem logical).

    There is precedent for this, Pharasma grants different spells for the death domain. Depending on your view of Nesirie, I'd adopt the exact same limitation for her and the death domain.

    I'd do the same with Ruornil and the Souls Subdomain of Repose, which I think is a very "Ruornil friendly" domain...
    Last edited by DM-Isaelie; 08-21-2013 at 09:11 PM.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Elton Robb's Avatar
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    Or I can make up a new subdomain.

    Had to do it with Ruornil, the Spell domain wasn't cutting it. So I took the Spell domain and converted it into a new subdomain by converting the spell Anyspell into an ability. It's still a bit rough, but it mirrors Rournil's priests magical abilities.

    For Avani, I might have to make up a new Reason subdomain, since Memory and Thought are shared by Ruornil.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Resurrection isn't quite the right description of the power - I'd almost call it "second wind" or "hero's chance" - basically you give a dying comrade the chance to go down in a blaze of heroism if they take a bad hit - a very Aegis thing to do!

    The domain spells are more of a problem, although rescued somewhat by the fact that they are high level so out of reach in a world where L7-10 is about as high as levels usually go (sidhe and awnies aside).
    Well, Hero's Chance sounds like a new subdomain, to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelandrin View Post
    Why create two extra Knowledge skills when you already have Administrate and Knowledge: Nobility (or even Profession: Lawyer)? Skills can be in high demand as it is, without further granulating the skill system.
    Okay, Theladrin, you're point is valid.
    Last edited by Thelandrin; 08-22-2013 at 07:00 PM. Reason: Merging a triple post.
    Regent of Medoere

  8. #28

    mythic adventures

    i was just looking at pathfinder's mythic adventures and wondering how to adapt it for birthright... it seems almost designed for bloodlines, with just a little tweaking.

    did this thread ever result in a real adaptation for pathfinder?

    for general pathfinder rules, i was thinking the special birthright skills should be avoided in favor of finding new uses for the existing skill set...

    and for the mythic abilities, i was only just getting started, but i need some way to develop separate paths for each bloodline, or otherwise add birthright flavor for each bloodline. maybe, just add extra abilites to each path?

  9. #29

    requesting what u have for pathfinder conversion as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelandrin View Post
    I have already made some Pathfinder changes to my own campaign, mostly removing a couple of skills and reworking the regency skills.
    im trying to get birthright converted over for pathfinder
    email what u got pls at
    Last edited by Sage Conno; 08-29-2016 at 11:51 PM. Reason: forgot to add contact info

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