the BR descriptions include too many mages? If there are less than ... was it three-score? - true wizards in Cerilia, I tend to believe that it should include wizards of ALL levels, alignements and derivations. Let us say about 100 true wizards in Cerilia. Many Awnsheghlien are high power mages, as are the Lost (are they included in the count? I'd say yes so as to limit the number of mages). Many mage regents are described in the various rulebooks, all of relatively high power. I haven't counted but I'm sure you've already accounted for most of the 100 wizards already. Add all of the elven wizards (I believe magic should retain a decidedly elven feel to it), the various rare monstrous or humanoid practitioners of the Arts, and you've probably crammed as many wizards as Cerilia should hold. That is why I do not use the Anuirean College of Sorcery in my campaign, which in the Book of Magecraft has at least - was it 9? - senior mages plus a gaggle of students and former students. Mass produced magic does not enter my view of Cerilia. Magic should really remain, well, magic. Rare and wonderful, and even a dancing lights spell should elicit Ahs ond Ohs...
Well, there's my opinion... lets have yours!