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  1. #1

    combat quickened

    Hi all while i like the battle card rules out of the very helpful 3.0/3.5 birthright book i was wondering if anyone had any systems that just used a dice roll, that would take into account troop types and hits on either side of the fighting forces involved and perhaps all so terrain been fought on. Something that can be used when time is short.

    thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by SonofHades View Post
    Hi all while i like the battle card rules out of the very helpful 3.0/3.5 birthright book i was wondering if anyone had any systems that just used a dice roll, that would take into account troop types and hits on either side of the fighting forces involved and perhaps all so terrain been fought on. Something that can be used when time is short.

    thanks for any help.

    Welcome to the site.

    Have you read the Birthright 3.5 rules on war? It has already been converted using 20 siders and hits. Just like you said. Take a look at the wiki.


  3. #3


    I was looking for something alittle more mathematical which would literally take everything into account and then give results with one dice roll.

    It also doesn't help that i started my campaign last week and have my next session today and i've actually misplaced all my war cards.

  4. #4
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofHades View Post
    I was looking for something alittle more mathematical which would literally take everything into account and then give results with one dice roll.

    It also doesn't help that i started my campaign last week and have my next session today and i've actually misplaced all my war cards.

    Let me see if I understand what you would like -

    A way to resolve the entire battle with a single die roll?

    Check the playtest document pg 125 under "Battle Resolution".

    There are a few different methods listed there including "Quick Battle Resolution".

    It basically reduces it to a single die roll per round (not one for each group of units).

    While not specified you could combine this with the "DM fiat" option and then say who ever has taken the most hits "loses".
    Duane Eggert

  5. #5
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    That is also at for those who are playing at home.


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