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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    New Camaign Help

    I am thinking of starting a BR campaign soon, and would like some help.

    With so many classes, prestige classes, feats, etc, which ones would/would not be BR

    The campaign will start with 1st level characters but at this time I don't know if any will be scions or regents or what races will be selected.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Which system are you using, AD&D, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, etc?

    If they are new to BR I'd recommend starting them as non-regents - they can win a throne when they have proven themselves.

    To ease balance it may be best to start them all with bloodlines, even if very minor ones. Otherwise in the later game when bloodline and domain level play take on more importance the others will be left out.

  3. #3
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Putting the things Andrew mentioned, starting with weak bloodlines and without domains, the natural role of such people is to be lesser nobility within various domains. People like the sons of those who run a single holding or province wide-holdings.

  4. #4
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Also keep track of the racial enmities that exist.

    Unlike most other settings BR has a known and inherent "distrust" between humans and elves/half-elves. So any party that has a ready mix of the two needs a lot of backstory to justfy it in relation with the setting history.

    So many players want to run elves regardless of the fact that the setting has the elf-human war as huge portion of its history. It is not another Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms so keep that in mind when running it.

    Arcane magic is rarer (and by being so) and much more powerful. Becasue of this what a lot of people consider normal in regards to magic items are exceptional in BR. There are not a lot of +3 longswords floating about in the world.
    Duane Eggert

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MWGalaxy View Post
    I am thinking of starting a BR campaign soon, and would like some help.

    With so many classes, prestige classes, feats, etc, which ones would/would not be BR

    The campaign will start with 1st level characters but at this time I don't know if any will be scions or regents or what races will be selected.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    The classes in the players handbook are most suited for the campaign. You can make others fit as I have, but if you are just starting out try to keep them away from crazy classes like Warlock until you have a little experience with the world.

    I don't have a problem with almost all feats but with prestige classes just look out for the more fantasical ones.

    I would make sure at least one of them is a scion if not a couple of them or even all of them. One of the true unique parts of the setting are the bloodlines and to start a campaign in Birthright and not have anyone blooded ... I think you would be missing a big part of the feel of the campaign.

    Thats all I got.


  6. #6
    Senior Member cccpxepoj's Avatar
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    if you want your adventure to be more political, best place to start is Anuire, if you want swashbuckling, sea sailing, exploring and trading try Brechtur, for adventuring in frozen wilderness with strong barbaric feel try Rjurickland and/or Vosgaard, and if you like the stories like "1001 night" best place to start is Khinasi. Of course any of this can be mixed so you can have Conan the wizard/noble/pirate adventuring in frozen political north.

    I allow most of the feats, and most of the spells, most of the prestige classes are good when adjusted to Birthright setting.
    as for bloodlines, my experience tells me that players will ask them self for them, especially if they ere playing the Birthright for the first time.
    If you are planing to play the game of realms, i can advise you to wait a little.
    Adventure first, so you can familiarize with the setting, when you and your player feel ready for higher politics then start the realms game.

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