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  1. #1
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Rich Baker at UK Gencon 08

    I had a brief chat with Rich at Gencon UK, as expected he was focused more on selling 4e than rehashing BR.

    When discussing 4e he said that he did have a 'more highbrow' adventure coming out - one in which a key opponents could - hold your breath in wonder - actually be talked to and bypassed through negotiation rather than having to be killed.

    He said that building up the 'non-combat' side of the game for simulationists and story-teller type players might happen in later DMG expansions, maybe by beefing up the skill challenges.

    They probably won't add new skills though, as that would mean having to re-work existing characters etc. They may however offer new interpretations for new skills such as way two skills combine to allow 'new stuff' needed for specific settings. He'd wanted an administration/rulership skill incidentally but it hadn't made the 4e cut.

    The 4e druid will be out next year, but I didn't catch the product so I'm not sure if it's in PHB2. incidentally Rich popped over to Stonehenge and had a chat with a local druid and witch while he was over here. Some people go to galleries, gamers go to ancient monuments...

    In terms of D&D Insider (the online subscription service for dragon, dungeon, the online tabletop and other stuff) the online character generator will probably let you change powers around - you could build an elf with the dwarf power set if you wanted to, but they were doubtful about homebrew powers and the like.

    Sigh, roll=normal, role=highbrow. Our game is dead fortunately this site is populated by people who enjoy necromancy

    He said he'd met a bunch of other guys who talked about BR earlier - I'm guessing ericthecleric, thelandrin, etc. Maybe they got something more interesting.
    Last edited by AndrewTall; 08-31-2008 at 11:33 AM.

  2. #2
    You guess correctly, Andy! Sorry I missed you; I’ve sent an email.

    Getters, Thelandrin, and myself met Rich* and asked him a few questions. Getters asked him about Aduria, and Rich made a very interesting response. I can’t remember all the details, but the part that stood out for me was that there is a still-existant Cerilian colony or two in north-west Aduria, and in southern Aduria there is a yuan-ti empire. :-) Oh, and several Lost are still running around on the continent.

    * I also got my BR Rulebook, RoE, Book of Priestcraft, and Cities of the Sun signed . :-)

  3. #3
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Yaunti are mentioned (the Ssraak?) in the Aduria page f the wiki - at leas tin one of the versions. The lost are currently popping up in Vosgaard and Khinasi (as Ryan pointed out, away from the mondo elven spellcasters) so Aduria makes sense for them too.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Elton Robb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Yaunti are mentioned (the Ssraak?) in the Aduria page f the wiki - at leas tin one of the versions. The lost are currently popping up in Vosgaard and Khinasi (as Ryan pointed out, away from the mondo elven spellcasters) so Aduria makes sense for them too.
    I guess I'll have to work with the Yaun-ti in Aduria. Since it came from the big guy's mouth.
    Regent of Medoere

  5. #5
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    Yuan-ti for everyone! Celtic British humans in southern Aduria! Eleanor of Acquitaine!

    The even more interesting thing was that apparently four or five people had been in to talk to Rich Baker before we had - and we were there on Thursday afternoon!

    Ius Hibernicum, in nomine juris. Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.

  6. #6
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Aquitane is mentioned in his lost files, and is in one of the Aduria write ups as a result. I stuck it in the utter west myself...

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