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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2004

    Parallels with real world strategies

    This could be a volatile topic, so I understand if mods shut it down, but I thought it interesting enough to remark upon.

    The BR system is abstract enough and good enough at simulation that I think interesting parallels can be drawn to real world events.

    I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes (since I intend this just for play discussion), but a little piece of strategy that can be learned from the current Russia/Georgia affair, based on a parallel explanation, might be:
    1. Gain law holdings in a region of a neighboring country
    2. Agitate the attitude of that area in your favor/against your neighbor
    3. Spark a conflict with an Espionage action (rebellion or otherwise)
    4. Move in under justifications of aiding the people of that region
    5. Increase your power there or take control of the provinces themselves

    Pretty straightforward, and probably been done many times before in BR. I just thought the parallel with recent real world events was interesting in that it shows the effectiveness of BR as a simulation.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Springfield Mo
    In the 1320's, the Flemish were in frequent rebellion against the counts of Flanders. Flanders had had become urban and because of the woolens trade, was as heavily industrialized as one got in the 14th century. The cities (guilds) were in rebellion against the landed count. the French crown (Flanders was part of France) backed its count, the English, the major trade partners of the Flemish, backed the cities.

    This was a major cause of the Hundred Years War (along with Scotland and Aquitaine) and determined most of the diplomacy during the early part of the war, including the defection of Robert of Artois to England, Edward III's marriage alliance with Hainaut, and the gifting of the county of Caimbridge to the Duke of Juliers. It was in pursuit of its Flemish policy that England first took Calais.

    1) England had friends, the towns, with guild and law holdings in the towns
    2) England did agitate for the towns and against the count
    3) England conducted Espionage, Diplomacy,and supported Flemish rebels
    4) England claimed to be helping its friends and trade partners in their just preservation of their liberties
    5) England was very influential in Flanders until the Black Death dislocated the economies of Europe so profoundly that the Flemish issue died down until Flanders was a Burgundian possession.

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