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  1. #1

    BR is so AWESOME why can't we make a simple...

    Maybe this community should consider disdilling BR to its basic componets so that the setting can be applied with ease to ANY basic gaming system. Example: BR Generic could be run 2nd ed 3rd ed 3.5 ed 4th ed 4.35, 4.5 4.75 ect... without changes to the basic setting just play the new ed. Thoughts how to do this and yes I am thinking seriously about this as well.

  2. #2
    Member Getters's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    in all honesty mate i dont think the setting needed changeing from 2ed but it was nice for 3ed i dont see any gain in revaping it agen considering the feeding frenzy that going on over 4e
    ]Blood is power; there is no way of changing that truth, in any way, shape or form.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2004
    If all you need is the settings info, rather than any game info, then just use the original materials plus the wiki info. That should be enough, shouldn't it?

    Distilling to the basic components would be impossible without some system stuff - Bloodlines. Whether it's going to be feat based, power source based, randomized (as per 2e) or whatever, along with new classes and monsters, and the ability to rule a nation...

    It just can't be simplified that much.

  4. #4
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    There have been various people who have mentioned the idea of have a BRCS (simple) and a BRCS (full). Birthright can broadly described as having the following:

    and perhaps a few other things.

    The problem always comes down to how can you describe each of those (especially bloodline strength and how to get, regency and how to get RP) without starting to get specific to a gaming system. These aspects don't just slot into any system in a way that still makes the system enjoyable (and not exploitable by ruthless players).


  5. #5
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    The general information always stays the same, no matter what system is used. The history, the stories behind every domain or realm, information about them now (rumors, plots), geography, ...

    Other things affect game mechanics and if you change one thing, you need to see if it's balanced with the rest. And that has to be tied to a system, an existing one, a combination of a few or we can make one up on our own. And that's a lot of work, either combination.
    Rey M. - court wizard of Tuarhievel

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