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  1. #1

    Skill Expansions and Possible New Skills.

    For the most part due to the few ways to get new skills I would like to work the existing skills into A). One new Skill or B). Underneath existing Skills

    Law, Administration, Siegecraft, Leadership, Strategy - I propose these all fall underneath the new skill Rulership

    Rulership (Intelligence)
    You are versed in the many aspects of ruling a realm from the adminstration to warfare tatics.

    >Administration - DC 10 for every 5 points above the DC reduce the maintence cost for holdings in your realm by 1GB, use of this skill cannot reduce the cost below 1GB

    >Law - Not sure really, maybe just allow it to be used for a skill challenge in the event of Matters of Jusitice.

    >Leadership - DC 20 (can't take a 20 but can take 10) check 1/domain turn to improve the morale of 1 province per level by 1.

    >Strategy - DC 15 usual benifits

    >Siegecraft - DC 15+Castle Rating Usual benfits.

    I wouldn't mind making it a variable attribute skill just not sure if its adivisable to do so.

    Diplomacy - Falls under current Diplomacy

    Intrigue - Falls under neath Either bluff or Thievery (I lean to bluff)

  2. #2
    Birthright Developer Raesene Andu's Avatar
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    A leader who is a capable administrator is not necessarily a good general.

    So I think you would need two new skills to replace the original BR proficiencies.

    1. Administration
    Would include the following proficiencies.
    - Administration
    - Law
    - Leadership

    2. Warfare
    Would include the following proficiencies.
    - Leadership
    - Siegecraft
    - Strategy

    Note that I have put Leadership under both, as aspects of this proficiency could go under either.
    Let me claim your Birthright!!

  3. #3
    This is true, and allows Warfare to be Charisma driven, and Administration to be Intelligence driven, it is also more likely to produce the 'good general' or 'good king' rather than one generic.

    Since there aren't rules for henchmen yet in 4e, I think that part of the old leadership can be discarded for the time being. but with warfare we can add a DC 20 check to change bolster a unit's morale before a battle (The DC is a rough estimate)

  4. #4
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    I like the idea of a good ruler and a good leader being separate. After all, Sir Winston Churchill was a brilliant war leader, but he was fairly bad as a peacetime Prime Minister.

  5. #5
    I agree with the two skills. Will work pefectly. Perhaps Leadership falls under Diplomacy.

    In 3.5 skills were determined which regency you could gain from which holdings. I think we can go back to the old 2nd edition style of certain classes get full regency from certain holdings and half from others.

    If we wanted to keep skills associated with certain holdings .... I would suggest ...

    Arcana - Source
    Thievery - Guilds
    Religion - Temples
    Diplomacy - Province
    Warfare - Law


  6. #6
    I have to agree with the workup of the skills for they are similar in nature and cover a lot of the gap that are being used, the raesane has combined them.

  7. #7
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Guilds are not about thievery any more than law holdings are. Guilds are about crafting and commerce (unless you imagine Rjuvik to the be the normative realm). That these economic skills don't even exist is telling.

  8. #8
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    Yes well, 4th Edition is for people who like fighting and combat adventuring, with no thought for what they do off-camera.

  9. #9
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thelandrin View Post
    Yes well, 4th Edition is for people who like fighting and combat adventuring, with no thought for what they do off-camera.
    Which leaves off-camera an open field. We could have skills independent of level (i.e. you can in skill if you use the skill in practice but not simply by going up a level) in which case we can have as many as we like. As long as they don't impact adventure play there should be no issue.

    One easy option is to have as skills 'manage people, manage law, manage commerce, manage faith, manage mebhaighl' (but with cooler names) and just figure out an advancement path. All skills are open to all people but with the expectation that spending skill points on one means you don't spend it on another - encouraging people to hold only one holding type until they become very skilled and max out one of the skills.

    I'd then look to restrict RP and GB depending on skill - if you can't manage the holding not only do the people look to other leadership they are less efficient.

    Bloodline score could then cap the RP generation, and if bloodline is kept as an ability, the modifier could be applied to any of the domain skills.

    We could have some bloodline abilities then give bonuses to ruling provinces or one type of holding, encouraging scions of Anduiras & Reynir to rule law, Brenna to rule guilds, Vorynn&Azrai Source, Basaia & Masela temples (say).

  10. #10
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    One easy option is to have as skills 'manage people, manage law, manage commerce, manage faith, manage mebhaighl' (but with cooler names)
    Human Resources
    Razzle Dazzle 'Em
    Masters of Business Administration
    Hocus Pocus

    and Hydrakin should be skilled in all of them as a racial feature.

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