OK, folks, in keeping with this recent them of all things elven, I`m
curious how folks out in the Birthright community think the elves
conduct war. A few specific comments and questions.

1. Do elves really fight wars? Of course, they`d fight if they were
invaded, but would they really engage in large scale, army against
army battle? Yes, they have in Cerilia`s past at Deismaar, but was
that battle the exception rather than the rule? Given elven
immortality and apparently slow birthrate would elves "spend" their
lives in something like pitched battle rather than favoring skirmish
and guerilla warfare where their skills could be brought to bear?

2. Are elven archers accurately portrayed? Elven mounted
units? What should be different? (Loaded questions, I know, but I`m
curious how people think about these units.) Should there be other
types of elven units?

3. Elves use magic, it`s their nature. What kinds of magics do you
think they employ in war?

4. Elves use nature, it`s their magic. What kinds of natural
creatures, substances, terrain features, etc. might they employ in war?

6. If elves were to besiege a castle would they do it differently
from humanity? It`s hard to imagine them digging tunnels and counter
tunnels.... What kinds of siege weapons would elves use?

7. What kind of fortifications would elves prefer? Quite a while
back, I pointed out that a few elven regents could easily keep their
entire domains Warded (the realm spell) and still have plenty of
extra time to spend gathering RP and developing their holdings. With
a few dozen wizards at their disposal their could create vast,
permanent thickets (the Plant Growth spell) to wall off their
lands. What other kinds of things would the elves do for the defense
of their realms? How might these things be done tactically to
maximize their effects? Are there mundane techniques that are apt
for Cerilia`s elves?

Anything I missed?
