Actually, that would be Warlocks and Warmages in Birthright.

I'm sorry for starting an old thread if there is one. I recently got the Complete Arcane book published by Wizards and last night Kenneth contacted me and we kicked around some ideas of exploring and extending Birthright Lore.

I had an idea of making an NPC an out and out Warlock. He would be blooded, but not a Regent. The way Warlocks were made, they wouldn't be trusted with the Regency by any means in Anuire. I put some ideas together in my head and wanted to see if you agree:

1. Becoming a Warlock means that an ancestor in the past made a pact with Azrai. This means that all the Lost or most of the Lost are Warlocks.

2. If there is a Warlock regent, he would control Sources like a Wizard or a Sorcerer. But it's unlikely since Warlocks are the kids your Mother warned you about.

3. Warlocks walk a lonely road. They would be the rarest of the rare of Arcane spellcasters in Birthright. Regent Warlocks might include the Raven, Raesene (???), or the Basilisk.

4. Most regent Warlocks would be Awnsheghlien.


Erik Danigau, Raesene, and the Swordmage would be the premiere Warmages in Birthright.

1. Warmages control Law as if they were Paladins: gaining one 1/2 their regency from Law holdings.

2. Famous Warmages in the past include El'Arrasi and Erik Danigau's ancestry.

3. Most Warmages are found in Anuire and Khinasi. Warmages are a rare breed: Rahil the Falcon is *not* a Warmage.