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Thread: No man's land?

  1. #1

    No man's land?

    Well, this is SO obvious I'm sure it has been pointed out before, but since I'm fairly new to Cerilia I'll invoke my Newbie Privilege and ask again:

    Markazor is described as having 7 provinces, but every map shows an 8th one, bordering Cariele. It doesn't have name or level, but it is clearly separated from Riverspring and Shattered Hills. :confused:

    So? Is the land there so bad that even the goblins want nothing to do with it?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen View Post
    Well, this is SO obvious I'm sure it has been pointed out before, but since I'm fairly new to Cerilia I'll invoke my Newbie Privilege and ask again:

    Markazor is described as having 7 provinces, but every map shows an 8th one, bordering Cariele. It doesn't have name or level, but it is clearly separated from Riverspring and Shattered Hills. :confused:

    So? Is the land there so bad that even the goblins want nothing to do with it?

    Thanks in advance!
    It was forgotten, and actually called Lost Realm in the PC game (where it's 2/7 and part of Markazor)

    The last time I tried to DM one, I simply gave it to Cariele as a 3/6 and modified the mountain's facings so that it was on the Carielan side. I liked the shape it gave it (and, in the PC game again, Cariele could actually take it over quite easily with either regent once it got its first court wizard (usually Eyeless One)).

  3. #3
    "Lost Realm"? Oh, my...

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I left it as it was...gave it a 0/9 that was infested with so many monsters the goblins dared not enter it. Made for a great adventure...that I tied in with Warlock of the Stonecrowns.

    --- Wolfen <brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET> wrote:
    > "Lost Realm"? Oh, my...
    > Thanks again!
    Last edited by Thelandrin; 08-13-2007 at 04:41 PM. Reason: Advertising and unnecessary space removed.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blitzmacher's Avatar
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    el paso
    I have somewhere a copy of someones domain secrets, and they called the province, skywode?. I believe they made it its own private elven kingdom.
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  6. #6
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    A new realm in Anuire?
    So we need to upgrade the Birthright pc game.With the editor is impossible to create a new realm.How it can be do?

  8. #8
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Skyewode was made for the roleplaying pen and paper game not the computer game. I haven't seen a computer editor download that can add realms to the game (although provinces can be switched from one to another, turned over the chaos, etc) so it won't be seen in the game unless someone decides to do another upgrade.

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