I like my pc regents to personally oversee their domain actions. I consider this to be a great opportunity for role-playing in which the outcome can be based on their actions. I like my players to make personal contact with the noble or ranger representing the 0th lvl law-holding they are creating, for example; it provides flavour to the campaign.

To me it is clear that regency represents power, loyalty and influence… And when other regents spend regency to thwart the players plans they will have a hard time finding support and a lot of people working against them. However, when players want to spend regency aid their quest how should that be played out?

I am now trying to roll for success before they go on their quest: to see whether it should be easy or hard… I then add a bonus or penalty depending on how they solve the matter. Still, I find it hard to incorporate regency spendings.

How would you handle the effects of regency spending in a campaign? Any thoughts?