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Thread: Any of the 'new classes' in use?
04-19-2007, 08:02 AM #1
Any of the 'new classes' in use?
Wizards is pumping out new 3.5 material like some asian sweathouse, so I was wondering if any of you birthright DM's out there have integrated any of the newer core classes into your games? I have some ideas for a society of Azrai worshipping Warlocks. The Duskblade is also a nice fit for an elite member of Tuarhevil's military.
Any thoughts?
04-19-2007, 08:25 AM #2
Well, I looked into the PHB II's Knight class, and found it to be pretty overblown and goofy.
Which is a shame, since the Fighter class doesn't provide enough skill points for a knightly character. I thought of remedying the problem by forcing blooded fighters to begin as Nobles to represent their time as a page/squire, but I'm not sure how that would go over with my group.
As a rule of thumb, I try to keep all Wizards books besides the PHB off my table. And even the PHB bothers me with its ugliness from time to time... :P
04-19-2007, 10:23 AM #3
Well, personally, I liked the Knight class, as well as the Duskblade (which would do well for some of the Sidhelien fighter-mages) and the Beguiler.
I also like AEG's Courtier class from Rokugan, which would fit well into Cerilia's political theme, but I'm a little concerned that it might be too powerful.
04-19-2007, 10:55 AM #4
Well for my Birthright 3.5E campaign I use feats to represent Knights. Like Squire feat, Knight Errant feat, etc...
And there are Knight prestige classess that represents various knightly orders.
In addition; I do not use Noble class, because IMHO all classess could be nobles without multiclassing, though I use some prestige classess that focus on administration, rulling, etc.
But basically I use Noble feats.
Anyway, I use more optional rules than core, like wound points, stamina, sanity, armor absorbation, LA levels, alternative alignment system, etc...
Lately I started developing new class system, that will not have classess like Fighter, Wizard, etc, but they would chose their path like focus on Combat, Devotion, Lore, and Stealth. Thus meeting prerequisites for feats and abilities. Every level would grant CP (Character Points) so characters will buy skills, saves, vitality, etc within limitation. So You can have like a warrior type character with evasion that could channel divine magic. So every class ability is now available for taking by any character if he/she meets prerequisites and spends enough CPs.
I hope this is not to much confusing, but there are to many changes to mention, and to elaborate their purpose, but bottom line is this; All changes I made for my Birthright campaign serves perfectly for Birthright fantasy (not WOTC childish core D&D) feel. At least for me and my crew.
Aleksandar Maksimilian LiculLast edited by ShadowMoon; 04-19-2007 at 01:28 PM.
"If the wizards and students who lived here centuries ago had practiced control - in their spellcasting and in their dealings with the politics of the empire - you would be studying in a tall tower made by the best dwarf stone masons, not in an old military barracks."
Applied Thaumaturgy Lector of the Royal College of Sorcery to new generation of students.
04-19-2007, 01:16 PM #5
I presume you're using something similar to the Generic Classes option in Unearthed Arcana? Interesting choice. Have you considered also using some sort of "weapon groups" idea as well, or not?
04-19-2007, 01:25 PM #6
Yes but I separated them like this:
Simple Weapon Proficiency: Light Melee Weapons
= Martial Weapon Proficiency: Light Melee Weapons
= Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Light Melee Weapons
Simple Weapon Proficiency: One–Handed Melee Weapons
= Martial Weapon Proficiency: One–Handed Melee Weapons
= Exotic Weapon Proficiency: One–Handed Melee Weapons
Simple Weapon Proficiency: Two–Handed Melee Weapons
= Martial Weapon Proficiency: Two–Handed Melee Weapons
= Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Two–Handed Melee Weapons
Simple Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons
= Martial Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons
= Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Ranged Weapons
Light Armor Proficiency
= Medium Armor Proficiency
= Heavy Armor Proficiency
Light Shield Proficiency
= Heavy Shield Proficiency
= Tower Shield Proficiency
So one feat is basically prerequisite to other.
EDIT: I thought of making groups like: Hilted Weapons; Hafted Weapons; Pole Weapons, etc, but in the end I abandoned it...Last edited by ShadowMoon; 04-19-2007 at 01:31 PM.
"If the wizards and students who lived here centuries ago had practiced control - in their spellcasting and in their dealings with the politics of the empire - you would be studying in a tall tower made by the best dwarf stone masons, not in an old military barracks."
Applied Thaumaturgy Lector of the Royal College of Sorcery to new generation of students.
04-20-2007, 04:50 PM #7
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I've found the True20 system from Green Ronin can handle birthright quite well. They use 3 core classes (warrior, expert, and adept) to determine your reputation score, saving throws, and combat modifier (and skill points I think). Then you pick a role which is essentially a collection of feats that determines if you are a thief, knight, soldier, wizard, healer, etc. Every class ability has been turned into a feat, and the only dice you ever use is a d20.
Its quite a cool system, in that its simple, flexible, and doesn't bog down the game with too many rules. More emphasis on roleplaying is always what I look for in a system.
04-20-2007, 11:11 PM #8
I take it that True20 is a reworked and greatly expanded version of Unearthed Arcana's Generic Classes? Sounds cool anyhow.
04-21-2007, 12:13 PM #9
seriously? hehe, that makes us polar opposites
i dont like anything NON-wizards in my games. ah well, different strokes for different folks. i even seen a guy on here who still has people that play 2nd ed
i guess, to refine my question a little bit, i'll do an example. the Warlock.. coincidentally, my favorite new class
Warlocks are sort of like arcane casters with a demonic tilt, with a smaller repotoire of abilities but a strong set, to be sure. It's easy enough to make a Warlock geared for diplomacy and interaction, which would lead me to my game hook: a small coven of Aniurean Azrai-blooded Warlocks among the nobility that work to keep the political stalemate fresh through their influence with the leaders of their provinces. All the better to keep an emperor off the throne, and thusly incapable of uniting Cerilia for a second run at the Gorgon's Crown.
04-21-2007, 12:56 PM #10
My group were trying out some of the new classes in Birthright. We concluded that the warmage just didn't fit at all and that you could only justify Warlocks as blooded scions of Azrai or Vorynn only.
(It didn't help that the warmage was also an Elf, in a stunning display of "who cares about the background"...)
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