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  1. #1

    question on the minataur

    I'm in the process of having the Magian take over the world (that old chestnut) as a backdrop to an Anuire game and it seemed to me that the logical place to start would be with the fighter-classed awnsheilgn right on his doorstep. Ya know, start small with someone in a small realm that no one much cared for or had an interest in. Then, with some experience and a victory under his belt the Magian would go on to challenge more serious countries.

    However, after reading the Minotaur section in Cities of the Sun I was a bit suprised that it lists Maalvar as having sources -- every spare source slot available in his domain in fact -- and being a "competent sorceror" despite having no levels in anything save fighter.


    Am I missing something here?

  2. #2
    Special Guest (Donor)
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    southwest Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by doomuponyou
    However, after reading the Minotaur section in Cities of the Sun I was a bit suprised that it lists Maalvar as having sources -- every spare source slot available in his domain in fact -- and being a "competent sorceror" despite having no levels in anything save fighter.


    Am I missing something here?
    Hmmm... probably just be a typo in the stat block. I'd change it to be F12/W6 or something similar.


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