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Thread: Old gods

  1. #1

    Old gods

    Can anyone tell me where (site or book) I can find information about the old gods the fought at Mount Deismaar? Thanks

  2. #2
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by evilRafael
    Can anyone tell me where (site or book) I can find information about the old gods the fought at Mount Deismaar? Thanks
    The Atlas of Cerilia, which is included in the original boxed set, is probably as good as any.


  3. #3
    I'm always surprised at how vague Birthright material can get. The book does speak of the old gods, but (unless I'm really looking at the wrong page) it only goes on for about 1 line of text for each god. Things like "Basaia queen of the sun" don't make much of a piece of information, not in a deep game.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evilRafael
    I'm always surprised at how vague Birthright material can get. The book does speak of the old gods, but (unless I'm really looking at the wrong page) it only goes on for about 1 line of text for each god. Things like "Basaia queen of the sun" don't make much of a piece of information, not in a deep game.
    With the possible exception of Azrai (for whom there is a lot of detail), those gods you are referring to died - 2 millenia ago. The churches that worshipped them died out as well not long after (again Azrai is the exception). Given that there were new gods that replaced them and churches (a major source of historical knowledge for the general populace) will tend to be very brief when discussing a deity not directly connected with their church.

  5. #5
    Senior Member RaspK_FOG's Avatar
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    Well, much of the material surrounding the old gods is supposed to be vague: the game wasn't made for one to run in the olden days. Still, you can come up with a number of things from what is mentioned.

  6. #6
    A pretty good example of the old gods is that the new goods that replaced them were their champions.... so for the most part their champions are going to epitomize the old gods beliefs. This of course won't apply to the newest gods (ie cuiracaen, laerme etc) of course but ie Haelyn is close to the same as Anduiras, etc. Then just put slants on the old gods by, "dark aging" them... ie think of how people saw gods in the Dark ages, verses the renasaince. More brutal, basic thinking etc. Compare Jesus Christ to God as he was viewed from the old testament. The new testament of the bible is more of the "spirit" of the law, ie mercy compassion, were the old testament was the law.... you have to sacrifice an animal to gain Gods forgiveness. That's the way I view them. You might look into Book of Priestcraft for more insight to the Gods as well. Otherwise it is just little tiny bits of info here and there scattered among all of the BR original books.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Doyle
    With the possible exception of Azrai (for whom there is a lot of detail), those gods you are referring to died - 2 millenia ago. The churches that worshipped them died out as well not long after (again Azrai is the exception). Given that there were new gods that replaced them and churches (a major source of historical knowledge for the general populace) will tend to be very brief when discussing a deity not directly connected with their church.
    Yeah, well, but then again my players are interested in knowing who the hell was i.e. this Basaia guy or chick from whom his bloodline power descend...

    Not that the information about the new gods and my own imagination won't fill most blanks, I just expected something more than just 5-word descriptions in this matter.

  8. #8
    Site Moderator geeman's Avatar
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    At 12:07 PM 11/19/2006, evilRafael wrote:

    >Yeah, well, but then again my players are interested in knowing who
    >the hell was i.e. this Basaia guy or chick from whom his bloodline
    >power descend...

    As has been noted, we know very little about the old gods. However,
    it should be said that the mortals who took their place did so
    because they were themselves very similar in terms of alignment,
    personality, etc. to their respective patrons. How similar they were
    to the old gods is ultimately a matter of speculation, but we should
    bear in mind that there appears to be very little change in their
    worship and the shift seems to have gone unnoticed by the rest of
    Aebrynis. Only in the case of Kreisha and Belenik do we see what is
    probably a real difference from one thing to another.


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