In the Playtest, you had a stat/ability called Blood Score, and all your scion abilities and such were based on it.

Under the revised rules, you double this ability to find your blood score, but in many places the way things are handled is not clear.

First off, I think a distinction needs to be made between the different Blood Scores. I think the ability should be the Blood score, and the the doubling, which all powers and collections are based on, should be called Blood Points. I can't express how strongly i think this distinction should be made for clarity's sake. There is a distinction made in the Bloodline score rules text on page 8 of chapter 2, but that is the last time it is referenced as far as I can tell. There the rules reference Bloodline Power is determined by Blood Score, but even the chart references Blood Score instead of Bloodline Power.

I use Blood Score and Blood Points in my campaign, and for simplicity and clarity, I will use those terms here.
Blood Score = The stat that is rolled
Blood Points = The points used to determine regency collection, and Blood abilities. Generally Double the Blood Score.

This is particularly confusing when it comes to the Scion classes, which get +4 Blood Score per level. Since this is the same ammount that was given in the playtest with the LA Templates, I assume it goes to the Ability, but it isn't clear, and if I hadn't read the playtest I would have assumed they went to the Blood Points.

Another area I am genuinely confused about is Usurpation. If you manage to gain blood score from usurpation, is it actually Blood Score, or Blood Points? I assumed Blood Points, since that is how the 2E rules worked, and the difficulty seems to be based on Blood Points.

On the same point, after character creation, if you increase Blood Points, does your blood score increase also (1 Blood Score (every even) for every 2 Blood points), or are they semi-independant?