View Poll Results: How do you best describe the rules you use?

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  • 2nd rules with few house rules

    10 15.63%
  • 2nd edition rules with lots of house rules

    0 0%
  • 2nd ed – drop in sections (e.g., domain, bloodlines, etc.) into a different “setting”

    1 1.56%
  • BRCS with few house rules

    27 42.19%
  • BRCS with lots of house rules

    16 25.00%
  • BRCS – drop in sections (e.g., domain, bloodlines, etc.) into a different “setting”

    3 4.69%
  • Other – please provide details

    4 6.25%
  • Abstain

    3 4.69%
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  1. #1
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    How do you best describe the rules you use?

    Thought this would help get a cross section of how people use the "rules".
    Duane Eggert

  2. #2
    I'm voting "BRCS with house rules", but I suspect that some would argue we're actually using a different setting. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

  3. #3
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazza666
    I'm voting "BRCS with house rules", but I suspect that some would argue we're actually using a different setting. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
    Based on your previous comments about picking and choosign and dropping things into a home-brewed setting I would say you are correct.

    That is it appears to me that you aren't using the setting but only portions of the rules.

    At the very least it is "a lot of house rules".
    Duane Eggert

  4. #4
    Junior Member nagebenfro's Avatar
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    For me, it was simple. The world is called Senthoi, there is no Plane of Shadow, and Blood abilities were removed becasue they confused the DM. *glares at other players* I'm doing what I can to get rid of house rules slowly but surely, however, but it's taking time. It took me agest to convince the DM and some of the other players that garrison rules were not "optional" and that they were critical, and a lot of their criticisms of the way BR handled armies stemmed directly from the fact that they saw garrisoning as a cheap way out of paying for your army, as opposed to activiating it as the mush more expensive last resort. *sigh*

    Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. At least we got rid of the "kingdom traits" ideas that meant you bought your kingdom's background with domain points. (rolls eyes) Next job? Making them realise what holdings are, and why It's not realistic to have a 6 province country where all of your proivinces are lvl 10, with level ten law and guild.

  5. #5
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Well, this is a difficult choice for me.

    I primarily use the 3E mechanic, but i'm not entirely using the BRCS. It's like 2nd Ed, with a quick and dirty port to d20. In addition, i use my own in-house combat system (armor as DR, defense based on class/level, few hit points, etc). And i use a non-table spell system.

    I guess i need to put `other'.

    Last edited by Fizz; 08-09-2006 at 05:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member The Swordgaunt's Avatar
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    I run with the d20 BRCS, but with a few house-rules. The ones that deviate the most from the official rule-set, is the strategic combat rules. I've described the system briefly here.

    That said, I must stress one thing about my DM'ing. I'm not a rules lawyer-type. If I feel that the rules interfer with the story in any way, I ignore them.

    Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    House Rules

    I've just started a 3rd edition BR campaign and I'm remaining fairly loyal to the BRCS. We're using the random bloodline variant and i'm allowing some expanded prestige classes from sources at my discretion, in addition to some custom-made Birthright prestige classes. I've also added a few new demigods, made the Rjurik a bit more aggressive (they now cause trouble for some settlements in Northern Anuire and the Western Isles), and I tweaked the deities a bit.

    Beyond those changes it's almost 100% dead on so far. Later in the game I plan to introduce some Masetian nations in northwest Aduria who abandoned their worship of Masela before Deismaar, which I'd imagine is a significant change from the original game history. Also, Deismaar did not break the land bridge between Aduria and Cerilia, there never was one. Deismaar is a holy spot in Diemed now.

  8. #8
    So far we're running BRCS with sanctioned chapters, no house rules, random variant

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman
    Based on your previous comments about picking and choosign and dropping things into a home-brewed setting I would say you are correct.
    Whereas from my perspective I'm absolutely using the setting. We just differ on what we mean by "setting".

    At the very least it is "a lot of house rules".
    Which is where I voted, but that's a somewhat vague statement. The number of house rules we're using I could count on one hand - it's just that the scope of these house rules is probably enough to bump it into "lots".

  10. #10
    Senior Member ploesch's Avatar
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    I always attempt to remain loyal to original rules. I like to try and keep in the spirit of what the authors intend. However, if something doesn't make sense, or I just don't like how it works, I have no qualms about house ruling it, and I do quite often.

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