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  1. #1

    A newbie question.

    And I do apologize for it, but I must ask.

    Being new to Birthright, (having been made aware from a dated worldbuilding issue of Dragon) I am unsure as to where to begin.

    What core, source documents should I pour over first?

    Many thanks,

  2. #2


    I should begin with the rulebook, of course. You can download the 3ed modified rulebook from the site (I would suggest reading both the 3ed and 2ed rulebooks for a critical approach, but I do not know how much time and money you have).

    Once you know the basics about Cerillia, you should choose an area that appeals to you: Do you want a Vos or a Khinasi campaign, or something entirely different? Find the appropriate expansion: Tribes of the Heartless Waste for te Vos, Cities of the Sun for the Khinasi etc. This should get you acquanted with the area you want to play. To further delve into its atmosphere, you could read a couple of domain handbooks. Player's Secrets of Ariya, for example, says a lot about the Khinasi world in general and gives a lot of adventure ideas that could implemented in all Khinasi lands after some tampering.

    As you start planing your campaign, try reading the Book of Regency and browse through the Books of Priestcraft and Magecraft. Finally, Blood Enemies and the Legend of the Hero Kings are among the best written books of the Birthright setting and extrememly helpful for players and DMs alike.

    As is the case with most RPG products: It all depends on the time and money you wish to spend.

    Perhaps this could be helpful as well, as this discussion has taken place before:

  3. #3
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    Here is the link to the "free" stuff from WotC. That includes the Book of Regency and Bloodspawn. It is under the BR anniversary link.
    Duane Eggert

  4. #4
    Special Guest (Donor)
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    southwest Ont Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Donald
    And I do apologize for it, but I must ask.

    Being new to Birthright, (having been made aware from a dated worldbuilding issue of Dragon) I am unsure as to where to begin.

    What core, source documents should I pour over first?

    Many thanks,
    If you have it, i'd read the Atlas of Cerilia from the original boxed set. Gives a nice overview of the history and regions of Cerilia. It really sets the tone nicely i think.

    And if you don't have the original boxed set, you can probably find it on eBay.


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