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  1. #1
    Senior Member marcum uth mather's Avatar
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    ideas for 1st level guys

    Hi guys. Any premade 5th ed adventures you have run that s fir well into Birthright? Im thinking running Lost Mine Of Phandelver but base it in Roesone. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
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    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    I've only started a 5e campaign in Birthright last year. However, I'm using 2e modules with the monsters / npcs converted to 5e as that seemed easier than converting a 5e module to fit into Birthright. Please let us know how the Lost Mine goes. I'd also like to know if any of the published 5e work for Birthright.

  3. #3
    I actually wrote a page about creating adventures fit for birthright's feel, I hope it may help you.

    I'll stick to general stuff since I don't know TLMOP beside what I've read on the web.

    You should, first and foremost, determine if the party is going to be nobles or adventurers. Level is not important. If they are nobles, or even royalty, they may have access to certain benefits, expecially if the mines are on their province. Their adventure may have a "political" gain on someones' side.
    They don't need to be counts or dukes themselves, they can simply be the non-heir sons and daughters of nobles, bent on adventure to gain their own piece of land or bring glory to their house. Maybe Marlae has requested that her counts sends their offspring to guard duty as proof of their loyalty, or maybe there is a secret agenda!
    Or maybe they are count XYZ personal guard, so the adventure starts with them going alongside royalty instead of a simple cargo.

    Be sure to reskin every local power as lieutenants (not in the domain sense) of other domains - i.e. the church of haelyn, the spider's guild, the baddies may be answering to THE Spider's general themselves!

    OFF-TOPIC: if you want to introduce someone to birthright rather than D&D itself, I would suggest a conversion of the "Family matters" adventure from ruins of empire or some of the convention adventures here on this site.

  4. #4
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Very nice page witness, I've been writing some BR adventure seeds for a future game designed to introduce players to the idea of domains from the perspective of people gaining rank within the domain through heroics, I will have to have a think about your comments if I make it to when the players take over the domains.

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