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  1. #1

    Atlas menu needs fixing

    To anybody who manages the site nowadays:

    There are two major problems in the title bar, one of them I think it's really important. They are both connected to the Atlas submenu.

    Broken link
    If you click "Atlas" > "Rjurik Highlands" the site will redirect to a broken link. I think it is a typo: The current link is while it should be This may seem a minor issue, however try to navigate the atlas on mobile and you'll see how annoying it can be.

    Overlapping realms
    This is less important, however on pc if you navigate the atlas, try to reach "Anuire > Southern Coast > Realms > Diemed". It will overlap with the previous menu. Trying again allows you to click on Diemed, still it's a bit annoying.

    I am a bit of a web developer, if I can lend a hand I would be glad to do so.
    Thank you for your time

  2. #2
    It seems that the issue with navigating to the menu containing Diemed is a resolution issue. The menu goes past the edge of the site's forced width. You can work around that by zooming out if you need access to it. I agree it should probably still be fixed, though.

    Oddly, before testing if zooming was a usable workaround, the menu below would show through the menu containing Diemed. Afterward it doesn't anymore.

  3. #3
    Administrator Arius Vistoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Paris ( france )
    thanks for this report.

    i fixed the first.
    the second i don't understand (have you a screenshot ?)

    Thanks again
    Last edited by Arius Vistoon; 08-09-2020 at 11:26 AM.

  4. #4
    the second i don't understand (have you a screenshot ?)
    It's the same Issue that Kami reported.
    The menu goes past the edge of the site's forced width.
    It's hard to screenshot because it's about the menu and moving the mouse makes the menu go away.
    Let's try to explain it as a bug.

    Description: The atlas submenu overlap on one another, when nested, and makes impossible to select the right menu item.

    Current behaviour: When the submenu goes over the site's width, it overlaps over the previous submenu. Moving the mouse over the last submenu however triggers the previous submenu, making it impossible to select the right menu item.

    Expected behaviour: You should be able to select the menu items in the last submenu only. The submenus should have a solid background color so they are readable when they overlap.

    How to replicate
    System: Both Windows and Linux (used on mint), Firefox, on a 1366x768 screen.
    Steps to replicate
    1. Mouse over Atlas submenu
    2. Try to reach Anuire > Southernlands > Realms
    3. The "Realms" submenu containing all realms is overlapped on the last submenu
    4. Try to select Diemed - the "Realms" submenu will disappear

    Workaround: As noticed, trying to reach "Diemed" again will trigger the right behaviour. Also, on a 1366x768 resolution on 2 monitors, extending the browser over 2 screens the menus do not overlap.

  5. #5
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Melbourne, Australia
    As Witness3 explained, this bug only occurs if the browser tries to compensate for not having enough width on the page. For me, the Birthright logo nav bar up the top is about half the width of the browser window. Hence the Atlas > Anuire > Southern Coast > Realms > Diemed selection neatly ends up as a series of dropdown menus next to each other. If I make the browser window smaller, they can end up on top of each other, as was reported, alternating between left and right, with

    I am not sure if the CSS can be set to make sure that the top dropdown menu is not transparent, so you cannot see any previous menu if the current one on top of it has focus.


  6. #6
    Administrator Arius Vistoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Paris ( france )
    ok, i can reproduce (my screen size for firefow is always near half of one of my monitors but when i reduce it under quarter of the screen, like the resolution you said, i can see the problem).

    i wil look if i can fixe if quickly or no. If no, i prefer take time in the new website (and correct it there)

    thanks again for the report

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