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  1. #1

    Group on Facebook

    Not sure if I can post this here, but I started a Birthright group on Facebook, here: . It's still in its infancy. Everyone's invited, the more the merrier. Let's chat, maybe set up an online gaming table (I'll start one soon).

  2. #2
    I joined, though I'm not on Facebook much these days. I wish the Discord server was more active. I didn't expect to get into Discord since I was a die-hard IRC user and didn't see a reason to switch, but this and the retro-computing community I follow made me jump in.
    Support, modding tools, and enjoyment of Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance:

  3. #3
    I never really got into Discord, I only access it when a group or another needs me to do something there. I guess I'm not much an online chat guy. Hard to keep track of things unless you're constantly online there. And what's with creating a group with 30 different chat rooms? I guess I'm old.

    Anyway, many RPG discussions on Facebook groups going on these days. Obviously the Birthright group has a long ways ahead still.

  4. #4
    I'm on FB and discord. About time we had a FB Birthright group, the game needs to be in as many social-networks as possible to stay alive!
    However, I still prefer the forum, because it has something that other online communities haven't: memory.
    I can't count how many times I got help just by lurking in the forum history, and I know that each question I ask here will be helpful to someone in the future. The domain table dump forum thread for example helped me 10 years later creating the offline html/wiki tables. None of this would have been possible on a social network where history is made hard to look by on purpose.
    I like the discord channels, however a lot of people is in there but nobody seems to answer

  5. #5
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
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