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  1. #1

    How come this 5E is not discussed?

    I was roaming the net for BR sources and came up with this doc. Seems to be a well thought & very nicely presented Birthright 5E conversion. It is presented in 5E-like pdg and most importantly it deals with almost everything. Now I don't agree with some parts, and I would definitely want to see what people here believe.

    The guy seems to placed some serious work in it.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    It looks like they've put a lot of effort in, and the intro is both respectful of the setting and even gives the nod to us.

    Now all they need to do is put it up on the wiki

    The wiki was intended for exactly that sort of thing btw, you can create your own pages off the 'house rules' page if you want to add your own rules on any subject, or given the particular topic could add a page from the 5th edition conversion page

    Basically just edit the house rules or 5th edition conversion page to add in a page for yourself with the desired title, which will create a red link once you have saved (since the page it is linking to hasn't been created), and then click on the link at which point the wiki will create a new page for you to fill in.

    For a fairly big thing like a full 5e conversion I would recommend that on the firs tpage you make that you put the introduction and an index, with each index entry then linking to a new page for each chapter of your rules.

    A 'house rules' banner would be good, as would something in each page name to identify it as your ruleset if doing the index page and sub-page approach - an acronym of your name before the rest of the title should work fine.
    Last edited by AndrewTall; 09-02-2018 at 08:36 PM.

  3. #3
    I read it through and through and like most of the work this guy did with two exceptions:

    1) Bloodline being an ability score, ranging from 1-20 instead of 1-100+. The Bloodline modifier is mechanically involved in several bloodline abilities. I wonder whats your opinion on keeping the old bloodline scores and have them provide a modifier of +1 for every 10 BL points. For example a scion with 47 bloodline would have a mod of +5.

    2) I am baffled on how the RP collection is done during the domain turn. BR canon is sum of holdings and provinces caped by your bloodline score. Here bloodline score doesn't cap but adds to the RP collection.

  4. #4
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Am I correct in that
    • It doesn't really restrict or penalise which classes can have which holding (except Sources)
    • Magicians aren't included but the "Magician Training" feat can be given to anyone and only allows access to 3 first level spells (of any sort)
    Last edited by Sorontar; 09-03-2018 at 05:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    The wiki was intended for exactly that sort of thing btw, you can create your own pages off the 'house rules' page if you want to add your own rules on any subject, or given the particular topic could add a page from the 5th edition conversion page
    I have taken advantage of this and posted a new entry- my take on the 5E Guilder. If this is the improper place for it, then it can be moved. But the one article there was looking kind of lonely.


  6. #6
    Member nickgreyden's Avatar
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    Just gave it a quick glance through. I came here to check something on the wiki and saw this post. At a (very) rough glance, I'm impressed by the work and thought. I'll do some more work looking over it later. In the meantime, working on a project I'm adapting to birthright. If it is anything like most of my project, you can expect it somewhere between 5 years to around the 5th of Never :-D
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