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  1. #1

    Bloodline Visions

    Greetings all! I am planning on starting a BR campaign where the players will be doing a lot of adventuring, all leading up (at least that's the plan) to a nice trip to Gehenna to take care of The Blowfish, an Abomination that is gorging itself on the proxies of gods and the players will be tasked with dealing with it.

    So, one part of the campaign that I would like to incorporate is the recollections of memories associated with previous holders of the Bloodline(s) of the PC's.

    Have any DM's used this in their campaign's? If so, how frequently was it used?

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    London, England
    I planned to use it on a campaign, the idea was to use it to give some clues about events to PCs, the idea was the in the past a battle between spirits of the shadoworld had spilled over into Cerilia, and now it was doing so again - if the PCs realised then they would get some clues on who was behind some recent events and how to deal with them.

    I never bottomed it out, but the idea was that finding some artifacts from raids, etc would trigger some memories, following those up would give more clues, etc.

    Best of luck.

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