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  1. #11
    *eyes the Hex map and cries* I don't have /THAT/ much time on my hands.

    And no, not really... I don't recall small realms getting all that little bit of GB. Normally they have a backup source of GB. Like Guilds or Alchemy.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Columbus, Ohio, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by JakobLiar View Post
    I am still working on building my game and in the process of trying to understand more and more how to combine the Pathfinder system and the Birthright game, I've come across a spot of confusion. In the Birthright system, Castles are built on different levels depending upon both law and province size. In the Pathfinder system, a Castle is a one-time build (at the apparent cost of 216,000 GP). I am currently in the process of trying to find a middle-ground or, perhaps, a way to do the Birthright version... however, in addition to being 216,000 GP, a Pathfinder Castle provides the following: Economy +2, Loyalty +2, Stability +2, Unrest -4, Fame +1.

    So, while I am still trying to come up with an understanding of the Kingdom system for Pathfinder, I am trying to figure out things like this. Any suggestions, thoughts or ideas?
    Note that Castle in PF's books (I assume you're talking about Ultimate Campaign and Kingmaker?) are the ultimate in the defensive buildings that you can put in a settlement. It upgrades from Garrison, Barracks, Watchtower, etc. I think you'd be better off thinking of Castle as the Level 4+ Castle in BR, the early/smaller buildings are the Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Castles or fortified holdings.

  3. #13
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    So my wife and I have decided to begin a Birthright Campaign as well, and are trying to convert as many things to Pathfinder as well. If you come up with anything, and are willing to share, that would be awesome. We plan on doing the same.
    That being said, what I have found / things that have made sense to me on how the fortifications work already, makes a good deal of sense. Maybe this is just how the previous BR DM did things, but it makes sense to me. Here goes:
    Lvl 0 holdings cost 1 GB and 1 Regency.
    For level 1+ holdings, add 1 GB and 1 Regency per level.

    Example: You are building a level 3 holding (Max is 10) so, to build it to level 0 you spend 1 GB, and 1 Regency. Level 1 would be another 1 and 1. Total cost would be 4 GB and 4 regency. (1 + 1 for each additional level)
    As Gold Bars (GB) are appoximately 2k gp, the math for a level 10 holding (of any type including a castle) is 132,000 gp. That seems a little more expensive that what you were saying about Pathfinder, but not horribly so.

    Anyway, just a thought on the math side of it.

  4. #14
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    As a side note, I'd also like to point out that alot of the things you're trying to get the Birthright Castles to do are already covered by the Law holdings.
    Particularly the loyalty and unrest things, as upgraded Law holdings are the ones that really let your laws actually be handled and listened to, while also keeping the population from outright rebellion.

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