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  1. #11
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    Favorite Region

    I like the Anuire region to. I wish there was a goblin realm to play. Speaking of which,
    would you possibly know how to get that download of playing; Rhoube, Spiderfell, and Markazor to the game? I downloaded it from this site. However, I don't know how to get it running. The Vosgard are pretty cool also.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Indeed, in all canon the "one class one holding" approach is very rigid which is counter-productive in my view.
    It fits well into the 2nd (and 4th) edition's "roles" for the class groups over the skill system used in the brcs 3rd edition fan base rules. Personally, in my home campaign I changed all the warcraft rules to be Base Attack Bonus + Cha/Int/Wis + new feats I created to make the warrior classes the best at warfare, and made regency gains for the 2 spell holdings (temple and sources) be percentage based on a class skill (knowledge religion and arcana respectively) + highest level spell of the caster. So a Level 3 cleric with 6 ranks in religion gets 80% of the regency his domain generates.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Personally I'd give him a pet mage or three and strip him of all the mage levels. Turning him from "everything me" to "a minion for every occasion and better things to do with my time than worry over such trivia" makes him much more usable in my view. I'd give him multiple minions of each types, all trying to out-do and undermine the others while not drawing too much of his attention.
    I certainly agree the level 17 is a bit high and makes you wonder why bother making him such a powerful front line fighter. I'd have dropped him to a much lower level but kept some spellcasting and only have him control some sources in the heart of the Gorgon's Crown. I also advocate the idea of having multiple lesser vassals running things as they make good foils for player characters.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    The ony trouble with Thaele is the climate, there was a thread on it recently. I think it could use a karamhul and sidhe realm, perhaps an unusual race like minotaurs (refugees who fled Deismaar or Aduria as they are classic beast-men) and then a few Rjurk / Brecht city-states around viable areas.
    Oh, I'm not saying they should be fully developed territories, just small but under 1 stronger authority. Say a capital level 2-3 on the Thaele shore as a port with outlying level 1 provinces that serve as a buffer from some humanoid raiders.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    I like it. How about giving the Basilisk "children", possibly some of its victims were not stoned, but instead became lizard-folk of some sort, if the basilisk is killed its children might still hold some of the land, or might flee to claim a land elsewhere?
    I kind of feel that tramples on the Hydra's schtick. Although having other "Mundane" basilisks works. I'd consider also including other petrifying races like medusae and the like that might make domain there as they are less vulnerable to the abomination. Or a wizard regent with an amulet of proof against petrification that cultivates the sources for power while trying to avoid getting caught by the Basilisk's other abilities.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Jaleela's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muaadeeb View Post

    Jaleela - You game is still active? Is this a web based PBEM or a home brew game? I'd love to check out the website if you have it available. How far into Anduria have you gotten? What did was used to plot the regions? I've often thought about expanding the land next to Mieries with 3 to 7 new domains for Anduria barbarians..or *neobarb* nations.
    Hi Muaadeeb,

    Yes, our game is still active. We've taken the "slow crawl" approach to world development. We started the game in the 551 MR time frame and are now approaching 580 MR. So we're still dealing with the first generation of the noble houses. It's table top; we tried to go into a PBEM, but it got to be painful trying to keep up with turns.

    We've taken Rich Baker's "secret" notes as starting points and have fully developed out Lurech, Oeridicus (spelling) and Randal. Mieres is currently expanding and is about 5 provinces down the eastern side of Aduria. We placed Aquitania on Aduria south of Mieres. The two countries now touch. Way farther south past the Adurian equator is a kingdom of the "Undying Jaguar" an awnsheglian that is trying to build his way to godhood.

    Centrally located we have placed an old Imperial colony called Mandragora (not the original name, but later renamed).

    Another player has created a two new provinces between Mieres and Bearghos Island. South of them we introduced a centaur culture (some of Azrai's created beastmen that turned against him).

    We've also taken the player created world maps of Aebrynis and expanded different areas of the world. One of the players decided that they wanted to circumnavigate the globe.
    d'estre bons et leaulx amis et vrais ensemble et de servir l'un 'autre envers et contre tous

  4. #14
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The incredible, edible Phil View Post
    I kind of feel that tramples on the Hydra's schtick. Although having other "Mundane" basilisks works. I'd consider also including other petrifying races like medusae and the like that might make domain there as they are less vulnerable to the abomination. Or a wizard regent with an amulet of proof against petrification that cultivates the sources for power while trying to avoid getting caught by the Basilisk's other abilities.
    Fair point, I'd forgotten him. Hmm, how about incorporeal spirit types? Immune to stoning but able to enjoy the mebhaighl with it being untrammelled by mages? You could have lots of small fey and elemental spirits without too much trouble, unless you want to make a fey realm though I'm not sure what that possiblity would add.

    Taking a more traditional approach small villages with someone able to undo stoning (medusa/maedar pairings?)leading villages, these villages could possibly offer tribute to the beast (giving it a treasure to be looted and explaining why they haven't been destroyed) or serve as a base from which a realm could be forged, or be secondary problems to pacifying the land without needing an entire monstrous race.

    I quite like the idea of an impenetrable jungle but in practice it's almost as useless as desert, neither terrain can support a significant populationaside from sidhe , I suppose that both can have hidden ruins but the jungle ruins are more likely to be accesible and the hunting is better so overall I'd go jungle over desert.

    Anything except the barren toxic waste really ;-)

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    Fair point, I'd forgotten him. Hmm, how about incorporeal spirit types? Immune to stoning but able to enjoy the mebhaighl with it being untrammelled by mages? You could have lots of small fey and elemental spirits without too much trouble, unless you want to make a fey realm though I'm not sure what that possiblity would add.

    Taking a more traditional approach small villages with someone able to undo stoning (medusa/maedar pairings?)leading villages, these villages could possibly offer tribute to the beast (giving it a treasure to be looted and explaining why they haven't been destroyed) or serve as a base from which a realm could be forged, or be secondary problems to pacifying the land without needing an entire monstrous race.

    I quite like the idea of an impenetrable jungle but in practice it's almost as useless as desert, neither terrain can support a significant populationaside from sidhe , I suppose that both can have hidden ruins but the jungle ruins are more likely to be accesible and the hunting is better so overall I'd go jungle over desert.

    Anything except the barren toxic waste really ;-)

    Well, I think the simpolest solution might be a creature like the Grimlock. A humanoid that is effectively blind so thus can't be hit by gaze attacks.

  6. #16
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The incredible, edible Phil View Post
    Well, I think the simpolest solution might be a creature like the Grimlock. A humanoid that is effectively blind so thus can't be hit by gaze attacks.
    That's fine as enemies, or basilisk servants, etc, it's no use as a ready-made populace for the basilisk slayer to liberate and rule, of course if you have a stoned population that can be transformed back into people with the right realm-spell / ritual then the need for a usable population present during the basilisk's reign is eliminated.

    Grimlocks - you could probably get quite a nice little awnie out of one of them, or say that they were the experiments of a rogue wizard who uses them to obtain resources from the land, or just have them as shadow world refugees.

  7. #17
    Special Guest (Donor) Lifesbane's Avatar
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    As a tabletop game with only a few players all of the regions have their attractions to me but for pbems I have always felt Anuire to be the best due to the goal of the Iron Throne and the built in hostilities between the various realms. Vosgaard I would view as the second most interesting given the nona-torva tensions and the number of dangerous NPCs around. Khinasi has a large number of awnsheghlien but there are not as many tensions between the domains as there are in Anuire.

    The main problem I have with Brechtur and Rjurik for pbems is that I have always found that there are not enough reasons keeping the nations apart. Within a few turns you can have grand alliances forming up that are more than capable of overcoming virtually any threat. Plus, as said by others before, the realms are just too insular.

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