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  1. #11
    Thank you !

    I am really spending a lot of time on this. I am not a Flash expert so I often get stuck for hours on simple problems

    As soon as I have a beta version, I will document it as much as I can in the SourceForge Wiki and maybe make some kind of a user guide.


  2. #12
    Special Guest (Donor)
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Just to help you planning, as far as I know, one of the things GMs want the most, it's that the tool runs the economy for them: you click a button, and then all realms earn gold, tax claims are done, vassalages paid,...

  3. #13
    Thanks for the tip Vincente but that's not really the way I plan to build the application.
    I do this most of all for my DM and myself and if it can help someone else then it's a nice extra

    I don't think running the Economy on a global scale is doable. You don't play all realms in one campaign, only the ones that your players interract with. Otherwise you also have to make all realms evolve along with the realms of your players. Rule the provinces, the holdings and so on. To do this for all realms is way too much work.

    My DM and I prefer to update the NPC realms manually. The main thing I want to automate is the list of actions. Calculate the difficulty check, the cost in RP and gold of each action automatically and update the acting Domain after completion.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I can't wait to see your work unveiled. I am still getting familiar with this cool site. Hopefully I get to play this new version of the game you are working on.

  5. #15
    Just a little note to let you know that I made good progress. My friend who's supposed to do the testing hasn't much time to do it so I am expecting a lot of bug fixing in a second phase but all actions are now implemented.

    I also added a button on the welcome screen to overwrite the database in case some of you have already installed the application (in which case newer versions of the application didn't work anymore).

    Once I am happy with the latest version, I will try to make a wiki to explain in details how each screen works. This application was mainly designed for our DM and myself and we included a few house rules in the application.

    Anyway, the latest version is always online on the SourceForge webpage, feel free to try it and give your feedback.


  6. #16
    Hi everyone !

    Just a quick update. The application is almost done. I've just posted a new version (v 0.5.003) containing the real data, meaning all domains, provinces, regents and holdings from the official rulebook (there are more than 800 holdings).

    My next step is to create a wiki on how to use the application but before that, I want to be sure that a few people are interested. I will not spend hours writing doc that nobody will ever read

    So if you're interested, let me know !


    P.S. as a reminder, you can download the app here

  7. #17
    Hi all !

    Just a quick update : the current version online is now complete and contains production data (data from the rule books). I am sure a few bugs will come out as the application get used but at least all functionalities are there.

    That being said, I am planning on writing a small wiki (on the sourceforge webiste) on how to use the application but first I would like to know if some people are interested in this app besides my game master. I am not going to spend hours writing a wiki nobody will read

    So if you're interested, please let me know !

  8. #18
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Thief River Falls, MN
    I am for sure.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  9. #19
    Special Guest (Donor)
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I am too interested on this app, but not from the point of view of a GM, but from the point of view of a person building another BR app. I always like to see what other people are doing and what I can improve myself.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Dyark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    montreal, canada

    Would you mind giving me access to your sourcecode so i can combine it to my application that works for th whole continent ?

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