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Thread: help!

  1. #1


    Im about to start a birthright campaign but I have no domain record sheets. I cannot find them anywhere online. can someone please link me to a PDF version of one?

    or any other version?

  2. #2
    I haven't been able to find one either, which is more disappointing than surprising. Our campaign just got started as well, and our DM made some very simple ones in Word in about 30 seconds (unformatted lists of data, basically). I'm working on putting together a PDF domain sheet, but it's a spare-time hobby more than anything else, so I can't say when it will be ready.

  3. #3


    An update -- I have a very simple record sheet in PDF form that our group has begun using. It's essentially an at-a-glance record of each holding. (Anyone with improvement suggestions should feel free to list them; likewise, I'll send anyone who wants it the original .odt file to work with if they prefer.)
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  4. #4
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    Here is an excel sheet I used (a long time ago during 2nd ed games). I had tried using a "master" sheet for each "country" and then link the appropriate cells to a separate sheet for each player based on what the were regent of. For example on my sheets Bill was regent of Roesone (but not a wizard so he didn't know wht the source holdings were) - John M was prefect of ImpregnableHeart of Haelyn, etc.

    I didn't include assets on this sheet though - troops, fortifications, etc.
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    Duane Eggert

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