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Thread: Birthright - TGA questions
03-28-2005, 11:20 AM #1
Just started playing this again,got some questions :
-Why was a BR II not released?This is an excellent strategy games and a sequel would have made it a ton better by improving the interface and stuff.Scrolling through cities when you have 80% of anuire is a pain.
-Is there a way to turn off chaos through a mod or something?I was alamie,attacking gorgon's crown(already became emperor,but just wanted to finish the evil bastard) and chaos went nuts.I literally had 3-4 invasions every turn,deep in my territory,and there werent simple 1 merc irregulars rubbish..oh no they usually involved a few skeletons supported by goblins or mercs.My empire just started falling apart.
-Is there a way to take provinces that get "bugged"?I conquered the last remnants of tauron but they still had 3 provinces left that couldnt be taken because i couldnt declare war o.O
-Why arent we allowed to play as boeruine,osrode or avanil for instance?I can understand not letting us play as gorgon's crown but...those are just normal human nations.
One major peeve was that you could no longer do diplomacy actions with a nation that has a dead regent.........if you are playing taline,a few turns down the road rhombus manslayer teleports straight to boeruine's regent and kills him.....and thats all you get out of your ally.Joy.
03-28-2005, 02:40 PM #2
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Question schrieb:
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> Question wrote:
> Just started playing this again,got some questions :
>-Why was a BR II not released?This is an excellent strategy games and a sequel would have made it a ton better by improving the interface and stuff.Scrolling through cities when you have 80% of anuire is a pain.
BR was no major financial success - therefore the existing plans for
Birghright Gold (original+character and scenarioeditor) and Birgthright
2 (with ships) were cancelled.
>-Is there a way to turn off chaos through a mod or something?I was alamie,attacking gorgon`s crown(already became emperor,but just wanted to finish the evil bastard) and chaos went nuts.I literally had 3-4 invasions every turn,deep in my territory,and there werent simple 1 merc irregulars rubbish..oh no they usually involved a few skeletons supported by goblins or mercs.My empire just started falling apart.
If you have built roads you can move your troops without movement cost
as far as you want in the computer game. If you have a few armies of
only few units stationed spread through your empire (and not all at the
border advancing towards the gorgon) then you can react to such
invasions that appear through the shadowworld behind your lines. If
Skeletons are a problem have the army lead by a priest who can turn the
undead skeletons. I usually hire several priest either by hiring
lieutenants or having non-landed priests swear vassalage (e.g. Ruarch
>-Is there a way to take provinces that get "bugged"?I conquered the last remnants of tauron but they still had 3 provinces left that couldnt be taken because i couldnt declare war o.O
Tauron? Perhaps Tuornen? You alrady have the last patch 1.04 installed?
>-Why arent we allowed to play as boeruine,osrode or avanil for instance?I can understand not letting us play as gorgon`s crown but...those are just normal human nations.
Because these are major players in Anuire, not suitable for starting
players as you would miss the fun of building up your realm from a few
weak provinces to a powerful empire - other than that with the scenario
editor you CAN play each and everyone on the map, including the Gorgon.
My last game I played was as Dosiere the Chamberlain and I restricted
myself to NEVER declare war on any Anuirean realm - unless the ruling
line had vanished ;-)
>One major peeve was that you could no longer do diplomacy actions with a nation that has a dead regent.........if you are playing taline,a few turns down the road rhombus manslayer teleports straight to boeruine`s regent and kills him.....and thats all you get out of your ally.Joy.
Boeruine is no ally to Talinie - he is a bully that wants Talinie as
vassal... If Boeruine is dead then you have more space to expand too :-)
03-28-2005, 07:33 PM #3
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03-29-2005, 03:52 AM #4
Ah another thing..........i noticed sideath,a gorgon crown province,is always warded by chaos?Whats up with that?Its hilarious when there are like 10 stacks of skeletons,misc merc and goblins,and the gorgin himself stuck in sideath while im running around his realm.Also its not really the problem of killing the chaos stacks,its just that its such a pain moving stacks across long distances due to sometimes poor pathfinding( order a stack to go 8 provinces away its pretty much guaranteed it stops halfway for no apparent reason).
Btw,since my birthright CD no longer works(After all these years....),i was forced to download it off a abandonware site,which unfornately had a very poor rip version.Missing stuff required for adventures,battles,etc.
P.S.Yea i meant tounrne.Or however you spell that.
03-29-2005, 02:47 PM #5
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The Sideath thing is could be a reference to the nature of the province, as it is discussed in PS Tuarhevial. Standard Powerful wizard doing Mysterious Things! But I somehow doubt it.
One thing about those chaos troops is the come more often and in greater numbers in Monster provinces, ie. Five Peaks, Spiderfell.
Playing Boeruine and Avanil isn't so big a deal, since once you learn the ins and outs of the game, you have to restrict yourself severely to make it a challenge.
03-29-2005, 03:29 PM #6
Sideath can be taken when you gain the node(source) from Tuarievel in Lyrandor and etablish a level 0 source in Sideath, then making a magic-line to it from Lyrandor and teleport units to Sideath (for example with the teleport-realmspell of Torele Anviras from Talinie) -hope this could solve the problem.
what me intrests is where to play online and whrere to get the editor??
03-29-2005, 03:50 PM #7
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Cesari schrieb:
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> Cesari wrote:
> The Sideath thing is could be a reference to the nature of the province, as it is discussed in PS Tuarhevial. Standard Powerful wizard doing Mysterious Things! But I somehow doubt it.
>One thing about those chaos troops is the come more often and in greater numbers in Monster provinces, ie. Five Peaks, Spiderfell.
>Playing Boeruine and Avanil isn`t so big a deal, since once you learn the ins and outs of the game, you have to restrict yourself severely to make it a challenge.
The "chaos" troops are supposedly sent by the Gorgon to spread chaos
throughout Anuire - having you distracted and spending considerable time
wondering and perhaps even expending resources about such troops in
Sideath fulfills exactly that purpose ;-)
03-29-2005, 03:52 PM #8
I just made a temple,built it to level 1 and used dispel real magic.
I never managed to figure out how sources worked.....was just too much a pain.....everytime i tried playing a wizard and using magic i just got frustrated because i was forced to keep my provinces at a low industrial level so i could cast higher level spells,making my army incredibly weak......never figured out how forge ley lines worked either.
And the realm spells of the regents arent too great...only what....2 or 3 playable regents have mass destructions?Which isn ttoo great when you think about it....a grand total of 3 units killed per turn assuming you use all actions casting it...any army that wasnt just made up of levies could easily do 3x that kind of damage with ease.Alchemy wasnt too useful either,gold quickly starts coming in in obscence amounts,and i still cant figure out why lowering the lotalty of an enemy province would do anything.Everytime one of my provinces rebel i just shruga nd wait a turn for it to go back to "poor" as i have nearly everything set to light tax(no one can be arsed to spend dozens of actions leveling law holdings up so you can tax them normally.NO ONE..Skeleton summon for that sielwode regent sounds cool,till you figure out that the 16+ elven calvary you can muster per turn is a lot better than 3 skeletons.
Awnsheigh cheats.Retreating into enemy occupied provinces,suddenly teleporting to safety even though its not their turn,and for some reason they can pull an obscence amount of troops out their arse.Look at rhoubhe,he pulls tons of untis out with a level 2 province.
And i never did understand why x regent can get x type of unti in his provinces,but when i conquer them,they dont give that option.....
And wtf is the deal with cant do diplomacy,you cant declare war,its just a solitary city state,yet they can keep attacking and investing in game anuire decided to just up and keep on attacking my troops over and over without any war declaration or anything.
I think the only way you can play multiplayer now is through direct connect or something,wtih an IP.I hear you cant command battles though,so its a mindless spam of who can get the most knights or elven calvary out(ive tested this,even if 1 knight is attacking 1 pikemen the pikemen always lose with auto-calculator,stuff like bonuses dont seem to be taken into account,only the attack ability)
03-29-2005, 05:30 PM #9
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Question schrieb:
>This post was generated by the message forum.
> You can view the entire thread at:
> Question wrote:
>I never managed to figure out how sources worked.....was just too much a pain.....everytime i tried playing a wizard and using magic i just got frustrated because i was forced to keep my provinces at a low industrial level so i could cast higher level spells,making my army incredibly weak......never figured out how forge ley lines worked either.
A source can be created like any other holding in the computergame. It
can be ruled up like any other holding.
Select one or two provinces with high source ratings and do not rule
this province up, only your other provinces.
Create level 0 sources in your other provinces. Then forge ley lines
between your high level source and the 0 level sources - this allows you
to cast the spells you can cast with the high level source in all
connected provinces.
Especially useful is here "Dierdrins Ring" which you can get in the
adventure where Nhoun captured one of Boeruines keeps - with it you can
forge 1 ley line as a free action every turn.
>And the realm spells of the regents arent too great...only what....2 or 3 playable regents have mass destructions?Which isn ttoo great when you think about it....a grand total of 3 units killed per turn assuming you use all actions casting it...any army that wasnt just made up of levies could easily do 3x that kind of damage with ease.
Yes, but normal armies cost maintenance - with the spell you only pay
when you cast it, not in the other time...
Realm Spells can be found during adventures as Tomes of the Mage lords -
so every regent has the chance to get nearly every realm spell,
regardless with which realmspells he starts.
>Alchemy wasnt too useful either,gold quickly starts coming in in obscence amounts,and i still cant figure out why lowering the lotalty of an enemy province would do anything.Everytime one of my provinces rebel i just shruga nd wait a turn for it to go back to "poor" as i have nearly everything set to light tax(no one can be arsed to spend dozens of actions leveling law holdings up so you can tax them normally.NO ONE..
If you have money to burn you can always let a fighter lieutenant use
the lieutenant action to rule up the law holdings - he can try to rule
them all and will fail quite a lot. But in the end they will raise and
you´ll still have your domain actions to spend.
>Skeleton summon for that sielwode regent sounds cool,till you figure out that the 16+ elven calvary you can muster per turn is a lot better than 3 skeletons.
But especially the sidhelien regents lack gold at the start - skeletons
are way cheaper to maintain than elven cavalry...
>Awnsheigh cheats.Retreating into enemy occupied provinces,suddenly teleporting to safety even though its not their turn,and for some reason they can pull an obscence amount of troops out their arse.Look at rhoubhe,he pulls tons of untis out with a level 2 province.
Rhuobhe is a powerful spellcaster - he can summon units, not just muster
>I think the only way you can play multiplayer now is through direct connect or something,wtih an IP.I hear you cant command battles though,so its a mindless spam of who can get the most knights or elven calvary out(ive tested this,even if 1 knight is attacking 1 pikemen the pikemen always lose with auto-calculator,stuff like bonuses dont seem to be taken into account,only the attack ability)
1 Knight should never be compared to 1 Pikeman - the knight costs double
the maintenance of a pikeman and the muster cost is even higher. So to
have a balanced comparison you should compare 2 Pikemen vs. 1 Knight.
However Skeletons rule everything but Knights when using the
computergenerated results.
03-30-2005, 02:24 AM #10
At start you are normally getting law holdings for the provinces that lack them,followed by trying to get trade routes started while slowly building up your army.
The skeleton summon spell is too action inefficient.
And yea i suppose i can use lietenant actions to level up law holdings,but those cost regency,not gold.
Knights/Elven calvary quickly start dominating past the early turns,thanks to the auto-calc.Since bonsues,etc are never factored in its easier to just spam out as many knights/elven calvary as possible.Though i did notice regents/lietenants have the best results in the auto-calc,right after awnsheighs(rhombus manslayer kills 12 knights with his own guard.....).
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